
CREATE TABLE `sylius_order_item` (
  `order_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `variant_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `quantity` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `unit_price` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `units_total` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `adjustments_total` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `total` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `is_immutable` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
  `product_name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `variant_name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `IDX_77B587ED8D9F6D38` (`order_id`),
  KEY `IDX_77B587ED3B69A9AF` (`variant_id`),
  CONSTRAINT `FK_77B587ED3B69A9AF` FOREIGN KEY (`variant_id`) REFERENCES `sylius_product_variant` (`id`),
  CONSTRAINT `FK_77B587ED8D9F6D38` FOREIGN KEY (`order_id`) REFERENCES `sylius_order` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE


[root@contoso ~]# echo "  migoo.com" >> /etc/hosts

[root@contoso ~]# cat /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6    migoo.com
[root@contoso ~]# sed -i -- 's/^SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g' /etc/selinux/config
[root@contoso ~]# systemctl disable firewalld
Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/firewalld.service.
Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/dbus-org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.service.

[root@contoso ~]# systemctl stop firewalld

[myth@contoso ~]$ sudo yum install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm

[myth@contoso ~]$ sudo yum install http://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm

[myth@contoso ~]$ sudo yum install yum-utils

[myth@contoso ~]$ sudo  yum-config-manager --enable remi-php71

[myth@contoso ~]$ sudo  yum update

[myth@contoso ~]$ sudo  yum --enablerepo=remi-php71,remi,epel -y install php php-devel php-mysql php-fpm php-pecl-xdebug php-gd php-intl php-freetype php-mcrypt php-mbstring php-pecl-memcached php-pecl-redis php-pecl-swoole

[myth@contoso ~]$ sudo  yum--enablerepo=remi-php71,remi,epel -y install php-simplexml php-xml php-zip
[myth@contoso ~]$ sudo  yum --enablerepo=remi-php71,remi,epel -y install redis 
[myth@contoso ~]$ sudo  yum --enablerepo=remi-php71,remi,epel -y install php-pecl-apcu

[myth@contoso ~]$ sudo  yum --enablerepo=remi-php71,remi,epel -y install php-pecl-zip

[myth@contoso ~]$ sudo  yum --enablerepo=remi-php71,remi,epel remove mariadb mariadb-server

[myth@contoso ~]$ sudo  yum --enablerepo=remi-php71,remi,epel install mod_ssl

[root@contoso ~]#  vi /etc/php.ini
; Defines the default timezone used by the date functions
; http://php.net/date.timezone
date.timezone = PRC

sudo  systemctl enable php-fpm.service
sudo systemctl enable httpd.service

[root@contoso ~]# mkdir /home/myth/www && chmod -R 0777 /home/myth

[myth@contoso ~]$   sudo  php -r "copy('https://install.phpcomposer.com/installer', 'composer-setup.php');"
[myth@contoso ~]$   sudo php composer-setup.php
[myth@contoso ~]$   sudo php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"
[myth@contoso ~]$   sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

[myth@contoso ~]$   composer config -g repo.packagist composer https://packagist.phpcomposer.com
[root@contoso ~]#  sed -i -- 's/^#ServerName www.example.com:80/ServerName contoso.org:80/g'  /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

[root@contoso ~]# cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/MariaDB.repo
# MariaDB 10.2 CentOS repository list - created 2017-11-03 23:18 UTC
# http://downloads.mariadb.org/mariadb/repositories/
name = MariaDB
baseurl = http://yum.mariadb.org/10.2/centos7-amd64

[myth@contoso ~]$ sudo yum install MariaDB-server MariaDB-client

[root@contoso ~]# cat > /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf
# These groups are read by MariaDB server.
# Use it for options that only the server (but not clients) should see
# See the examples of server my.cnf files in /usr/share/mysql/

# this is read by the standalone daemon and embedded servers

# this is only for the mysqld standalone daemon




# * Galera-related settings
# Mandatory settings
# Allow server to accept connections on all interfaces.
# Optional setting

# this is only for embedded server

# This group is only read by MariaDB servers, not by MySQL.
# If you use the same .cnf file for MySQL and MariaDB,
# you can put MariaDB-only options here

# This group is only read by MariaDB-10.1 servers.
# If you use the same .cnf file for MariaDB of different versions,
# use this group for options that older servers don't understand

[root@contoso ~]# mkdir -p /var/log/mariadb && touch /var/log/mariadb/queries.log && touch /var/log/mariadb/mariadb-error.log && touch /var/log/mariadb/mariadb-slow.log && touch /var/log/mariadb/mariadb-log-bin && touch /var/log/mariadb/mariadb-log-bin.index && chown -R mysql:mysql /var/log/mariadb && chmod 755 /var/log/mariadb && chmod 666 /var/log/mariadb/*

[myth@contoso ~]$ sudo service mysql start
[sudo] password for myth:
Starting mysql (via systemctl):                            [  OK  ]
[myth@contoso ~]$ mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -e"show variables like 'character%'"
| Variable_name            | Value                      |
| character_set_client     | utf8                       |
| character_set_connection | utf8                       |
| character_set_database   | utf8                       |
| character_set_filesystem | binary                     |
| character_set_results    | utf8                       |
| character_set_server     | utf8                       |
| character_set_system     | utf8                       |
| character_sets_dir       | /usr/share/mysql/charsets/ |
[myth@contoso ~]$

[myth@contoso ~]$ /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation


In order to log into MariaDB to secure it, we'll need the current
password for the root user.  If you've just installed MariaDB, and
you haven't set the root password yet, the password will be blank,
so you should just press enter here.

Enter current password for root (enter for none): 刚刚安装的MariaDB没有密码,此处直接回车便可成功连接数据库
OK, successfully used password, moving on...

Setting the root password ensures that nobody can log into the MariaDB
root user without the proper authorisation.

Set root password? [Y/n] y
New password: 123456
Re-enter new password: 123456
Password updated successfully!
Reloading privilege tables..
 ... Success!

By default, a MariaDB installation has an anonymous user, allowing anyone
to log into MariaDB without having to have a user account created for
them.  This is intended only for testing, and to make the installation
go a bit smoother.  You should remove them before moving into a
production environment.

Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] y
 ... Success!

Normally, root should only be allowed to connect from 'localhost'.  This
ensures that someone cannot guess at the root password from the network.

Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] n
 ... skipping.

By default, MariaDB comes with a database named 'test' that anyone can
access.  This is also intended only for testing, and should be removed
before moving into a production environment.

Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] y
 - Dropping test database...
 ... Success!
 - Removing privileges on test database...
 ... Success!

Reloading the privilege tables will ensure that all changes made so far
will take effect immediately.

Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] y
 ... Success!

Cleaning up...

All done!  If you've completed all of the above steps, your MariaDB
installation should now be secure.

Thanks for using MariaDB!
[myth@contoso ~]$
[myth@contoso ~]$ mysql -uroot -p123456 -h127.0.0.1
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 17
Server version: 10.2.10-MariaDB-log MariaDB Server

Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> USE mysql;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
MariaDB [mysql]> SELECT host,user FROM user;
| host        | user |
|   | root |
| ::1         | root |
| contoso.org | root |
| localhost   | root |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [mysql]> GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'root'@'' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [mysql]> GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [mysql]> SELECT host,user FROM user;
| host          | user |
| %             | root |
|     | root |
| | root |
| ::1           | root |
| contoso.org   | root |
| localhost     | root |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [mysql]>
MariaDB [mysql]> quit
[myth@contoso ~]$

ll /var/log/mariadb
cat /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf
cat /dev/null > /var/log/mariadb/queries.log && cat /dev/null > /var/log/mariadb/mariadb-slow.log && cat /dev/null > /var/log/mariadb/mariadb-error.log
tail -f /var/log/mariadb/queries.log
tail -f /var/log/mariadb/mariadb-slow.log
tail -f /var/log/mariadb/mariadb-error.log
rm -f /var/log/mariadb/*
mysql -uroot -p123456 -h127.0.0.1 -e "reset master"    # 清空bin_log日志

[root@contoso mariadb]# mysql -uroot -p123456 -h127.0.0.1 -e "show variables like 'sync_binlog'"
| Variable_name | Value |
| sync_binlog   | 0     |
[root@contoso mariadb]# mysql -uroot -p123456 -h127.0.0.1 -e "show variables like 'innodb_flush_log%'"
| Variable_name                  | Value |
| innodb_flush_log_at_timeout    | 1     |
| innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit | 1     |
[root@contoso mariadb]#

查看一下你的Apache的执行用户是谁: lsof -i:80
[myth@contoso ~]$ sudo lsof -i:80
[sudo] password for myth:
httpd   1127   root    4u  IPv6  22516      0t0  TCP *:http (LISTEN)
httpd   1373 apache    4u  IPv6  22516      0t0  TCP *:http (LISTEN)
httpd   1374 apache    4u  IPv6  22516      0t0  TCP *:http (LISTEN)
httpd   1376 apache    4u  IPv6  22516      0t0  TCP *:http (LISTEN)
httpd   1377 apache    4u  IPv6  22516      0t0  TCP *:http (LISTEN)
httpd   1378 apache    4u  IPv6  22516      0t0  TCP *:http (LISTEN)
[myth@contoso ~]$

查看apache 的运行的用户
[myth@contoso ~]$ ps -ef |grep httpd
root       1127      1  0 06:35 ?        00:00:02 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND
apache     1373   1127  0 06:35 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND
apache     1374   1127  0 06:35 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND
apache     1376   1127  0 06:35 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND
apache     1377   1127  0 06:35 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND
apache     1378   1127  0 06:35 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND
myth      17689  17594  0 11:35 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --color=auto httpd
[myth@contoso ~]$

[myth@contoso ~]$ ps -ef |grep httpd|grep -v "grep"
root       1127      1  0 06:35 ?        00:00:02 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND
apache     1373   1127  0 06:35 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND
apache     1374   1127  0 06:35 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND
apache     1376   1127  0 06:35 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND
apache     1377   1127  0 06:35 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND
apache     1378   1127  0 06:35 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND

[myth@contoso ~]$ ps -eaf |grep httpd|grep -v "grep"|awk '{print $2}'
[myth@contoso ~]$ ps -eaf |grep httpd|grep -v "grep"|awk '{print $2}'|xargs  ##1列多行转1行多列输出
1127 1373 1374 1376 1377 1378

[myth@contoso ~]$ ps -eaf |grep httpd|grep -v "grep"|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9

[root@contoso ~]# sed -i -- 's/^User apache/User myth/g' /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
[root@contoso ~]# sed -i -- 's/^Group apache/Group myth/g' /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

[root@contoso ~]# cat -n /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
66  User myth
67  Group myth   

[myth@contoso ~]$ mkdir -p /home/myth/log/httpd  #注意:日志文件的目录需要提前创建好,

[myth@contoso ~]$ sudo  yum --enablerepo=remi-php71,remi,epel -y install nodejs npm
环境安装基本完成  如果您想进行Sylius开发 接下来按照 The Contribution Guide 贡献手册操作
Installing & Setting up the Symfony Framework
[root@contoso ~]# mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
[myth@contoso ~]$ sudo curl -LsS https://symfony.com/installer -o /usr/local/bin/symfony
[sudo] password for myth: 123
[myth@contoso ~]$
[root@contoso ~]# chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/symfony

[root@contoso ~]# composer self-update
[root@contoso ~]# yum install -y openssl
[root@contoso ~]# sed -i -- 's/^memory_limit = 128M/memory_limit = 2048M/g' /etc/php.ini

[myth@contoso ~]$ cd /home/myth/www && composer create-project sylius/sylius

[myth@contoso www]$ cd /home/myth/www && composer create-project sylius/sylius
Installing sylius/sylius (v1.1.6)
  - Installing sylius/sylius (v1.1.6): Downloading (100%)         
Created project in /home/myth/www/sylius
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Package operations: 183 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
  - Installing symfony/thanks (v1.0.7): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing ocramius/package-versions (1.3.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.8.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing twig/twig (v2.4.8): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing paragonie/random_compat (v2.0.12): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing zendframework/zend-stdlib (3.2.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing zendframework/zend-hydrator (2.4.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/polyfill-intl-icu (v1.8.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.8.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/polyfill-apcu (v1.8.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing psr/simple-cache (1.0.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing psr/log (1.0.2): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing psr/link (1.0.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing psr/container (1.0.0): Loading from cache
  - Installing psr/cache (1.0.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing fig/link-util (1.0.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing doctrine/lexer (v1.0.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing doctrine/inflector (v1.3.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing doctrine/collections (v1.5.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing doctrine/cache (v1.7.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing doctrine/annotations (v1.6.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing doctrine/common (v2.8.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/symfony (v3.4.11): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing winzou/state-machine (0.3.3): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing winzou/state-machine-bundle (v0.3.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing phpoption/phpoption (1.5.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing doctrine/instantiator (1.1.0): Loading from cache
  - Installing phpcollection/phpcollection (0.5.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing jms/parser-lib (1.0.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing jms/metadata (1.6.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing jms/serializer (1.12.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing jms/serializer-bundle (2.4.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing willdurand/hateoas (2.12.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing willdurand/hateoas-bundle (1.4.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing pagerfanta/pagerfanta (v2.0.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing white-october/pagerfanta-bundle (v1.2.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing webmozart/assert (1.3.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing twig/extensions (v1.5.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing egulias/email-validator (2.1.4): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing swiftmailer/swiftmailer (v6.0.2): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/swiftmailer-bundle (v3.2.2): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/polyfill-iconv (v1.8.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing monolog/monolog (1.23.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/monolog-bundle (v3.2.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing doctrine/dbal (v2.7.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing doctrine/orm (v2.6.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing sylius-labs/association-hydrator (v1.1.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing behat/transliterator (v1.2.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing gedmo/doctrine-extensions (v2.4.35): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle (v1.3.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing sonata-project/intl-bundle (2.4.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing sonata-project/datagrid-bundle (2.3.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing cocur/slugify (v3.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing sonata-project/core-bundle (3.9.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing sonata-project/cache (2.0.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing sonata-project/block-bundle (3.12.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing composer/ca-bundle (1.1.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing sensiolabs/security-checker (v4.1.8): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing sensio/distribution-bundle (v5.0.21): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing ramsey/uuid (3.7.3): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing hamcrest/hamcrest-php (v2.0.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing mockery/mockery (1.1.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing polishsymfonycommunity/symfony-mocker-container (v1.0.2): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing guzzlehttp/promises (v1.3.1): Loading from cache
  - Installing psr/http-message (1.0.1): Loading from cache
  - Installing guzzlehttp/psr7 (1.4.2): Loading from cache
  - Installing guzzlehttp/guzzle (6.3.3): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing php-http/promise (v1.0.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing php-http/httplug (v1.1.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing php-http/guzzle6-adapter (v1.1.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing league/uri-interfaces (1.1.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing league/uri-parser (1.4.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing league/uri-schemes (1.2.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing league/uri-hostname-parser (1.1.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing league/uri-components (1.8.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing league/uri-manipulations (1.5.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing http-interop/http-factory (0.3.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing php-http/message-factory (v1.0.2): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing nyholm/psr7 (0.3.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing psr/http-client (0.1.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing kriswallsmith/buzz (v0.17.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing clue/stream-filter (v1.4.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing php-http/message (1.6.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing payum/iso4217 (1.0.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing payum/payum (1.5.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing payum/payum-bundle (2.3.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing zendframework/zend-eventmanager (3.2.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing zendframework/zend-code (3.3.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing ocramius/proxy-manager (2.1.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing liip/imagine-bundle (1.9.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing knplabs/knp-menu (2.3.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing knplabs/knp-menu-bundle (v2.2.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing knplabs/gaufrette (v0.6.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing knplabs/knp-gaufrette-bundle (v0.5.3): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing incenteev/composer-parameter-handler (v2.1.3): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing fzaninotto/faker (v1.7.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing willdurand/jsonp-callback-validator (v1.1.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing willdurand/negotiation (v2.3.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle (2.3.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing friendsofsymfony/oauth2-php (1.2.3): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing friendsofsymfony/oauth-server-bundle (1.6.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing doctrine/migrations (v1.7.2): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle (1.3.3): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing jdorn/sql-formatter (v1.2.17): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing doctrine/doctrine-bundle (1.9.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle (v1.3.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing doctrine/data-fixtures (v1.3.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle (v2.4.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing imagine/imagine (v0.7.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing sebastian/recursion-context (3.0.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing sebastian/exporter (3.1.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing sebastian/diff (2.0.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing sebastian/comparator (2.1.3): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing phpdocumentor/reflection-common (1.0.1): Loading from cache
  - Installing phpdocumentor/type-resolver (0.4.0): Loading from cache
  - Installing phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock (4.3.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing phpspec/prophecy (1.7.6): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing phpspec/php-diff (v1.1.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing phpspec/phpspec (4.3.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing akeneo/phpspec-skip-example-extension (v3.0.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing behat/mink (v1.7.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing container-interop/container-interop (1.2.0): Loading from cache
  - Installing behat/gherkin (v4.5.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing behat/behat (v3.4.3): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing behat/mink-extension (2.3.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing lakion/mink-debug-extension (v1.2.3): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing pamil/prophecy-common (v0.1.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing squizlabs/php_codesniffer (3.2.3): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/polyfill-php72 (v1.8.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing php-cs-fixer/diff (v1.3.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing composer/semver (1.4.2): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer (v2.11.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing nette/utils (v2.5.2): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symplify/package-builder (v4.3.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing phpstan/phpdoc-parser (0.2): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symplify/better-phpdoc-parser (v4.3.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing nette/finder (v2.4.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symplify/token-runner (v4.3.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symplify/coding-standard (v4.3.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing slevomat/coding-standard (4.6.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing nette/robot-loader (v3.0.3): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing jean85/pretty-package-versions (1.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symplify/easy-coding-standard (v4.3.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing sylius-labs/coding-standard (v2.0.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing behat/mink-browserkit-driver (1.3.3): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing instaclick/php-webdriver (1.4.5): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing behat/mink-selenium2-driver (v1.3.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing friends-of-behat/context-service-extension (v1.2.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing friends-of-behat/cross-container-extension (v1.1.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing friends-of-behat/service-container-extension (v1.0.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing friends-of-behat/symfony-extension (v1.2.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing friends-of-behat/variadic-extension (v1.1.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing hwi/oauth-bundle (0.5.3): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing myclabs/deep-copy (1.7.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing nelmio/alice (v3.3.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing theofidry/alice-data-fixtures (v1.0.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing sebastian/version (2.0.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing sebastian/resource-operations (1.0.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing sebastian/object-reflector (1.1.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing sebastian/object-enumerator (3.0.3): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing sebastian/global-state (2.0.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing sebastian/environment (3.1.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing phpunit/php-text-template (1.2.1): Loading from cache
  - Installing phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects (5.0.6): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing phpunit/php-timer (1.0.9): Loading from cache
  - Installing phpunit/php-file-iterator (1.4.5): Loading from cache
  - Installing theseer/tokenizer (1.1.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing sebastian/code-unit-reverse-lookup (1.0.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing phpunit/php-token-stream (2.0.2): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing phpunit/php-code-coverage (5.3.2): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing phar-io/version (1.0.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing phar-io/manifest (1.0.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing phpunit/phpunit (6.5.8): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing openlss/lib-array2xml (0.0.10): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing coduo/php-to-string (2.0.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing coduo/php-matcher (3.1.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing lakion/api-test-case (v3.1.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing matthiasnoback/symfony-config-test (3.1.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing matthiasnoback/symfony-dependency-injection-test (v2.3.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing mikey179/vfsstream (v1.6.5): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing phpstan/phpstan-shim (0.9.2): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing stripe/stripe-php (v4.13.0): Downloading (100%)         
paragonie/random_compat suggests installing ext-libsodium (Provides a modern crypto API that can be used to generate random bytes.)
zendframework/zend-hydrator suggests installing zendframework/zend-filter (^2.6, to support naming strategy hydrator usage)
zendframework/zend-hydrator suggests installing zendframework/zend-serializer (^2.6.1, to use the SerializableStrategy)
zendframework/zend-hydrator suggests installing zendframework/zend-servicemanager (^2.7.5 || ^3.0.3, to support hydrator plugin manager usage)
doctrine/cache suggests installing alcaeus/mongo-php-adapter (Required to use legacy MongoDB driver)
jms/serializer-bundle suggests installing jms/di-extra-bundle (Required to get lazy loading (de)serialization visitors, ~1.3)
pagerfanta/pagerfanta suggests installing mandango/mandango (To use the MandangoAdapter.)
pagerfanta/pagerfanta suggests installing doctrine/mongodb-odm (To use the DoctrineODMMongoDBAdapter.)
pagerfanta/pagerfanta suggests installing doctrine/phpcr-odm (To use the DoctrineODMPhpcrAdapter. >= 1.1.0)
pagerfanta/pagerfanta suggests installing propel/propel1 (To use the PropelAdapter)
pagerfanta/pagerfanta suggests installing propel/propel (To use the Propel2Adapter)
pagerfanta/pagerfanta suggests installing solarium/solarium (To use the SolariumAdapter.)
monolog/monolog suggests installing aws/aws-sdk-php (Allow sending log messages to AWS services like DynamoDB)
monolog/monolog suggests installing doctrine/couchdb (Allow sending log messages to a CouchDB server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing ext-amqp (Allow sending log messages to an AMQP server (1.0+ required))
monolog/monolog suggests installing ext-mongo (Allow sending log messages to a MongoDB server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing graylog2/gelf-php (Allow sending log messages to a GrayLog2 server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing mongodb/mongodb (Allow sending log messages to a MongoDB server via PHP Driver)
monolog/monolog suggests installing php-amqplib/php-amqplib (Allow sending log messages to an AMQP server using php-amqplib)
monolog/monolog suggests installing php-console/php-console (Allow sending log messages to Google Chrome)
monolog/monolog suggests installing rollbar/rollbar (Allow sending log messages to Rollbar)
monolog/monolog suggests installing ruflin/elastica (Allow sending log messages to an Elastic Search server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing sentry/sentry (Allow sending log messages to a Sentry server)
gedmo/doctrine-extensions suggests installing doctrine/mongodb-odm (to use the extensions with the MongoDB ODM)
stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle suggests installing doctrine/mongodb-odm-bundle (to use the MongoDB ODM extensions)
sonata-project/intl-bundle suggests installing sonata-project/user-bundle (For user timezone detection)
sonata-project/cache suggests installing doctrine/phpcr-odm (PHPCR ODM support)
sonata-project/cache suggests installing predis/predis (Install redis php)
sonata-project/block-bundle suggests installing jms/di-extra-bundle (Annotations for Block definition)
sonata-project/block-bundle suggests installing sonata-project/cache-bundle (^3.0)
ramsey/uuid suggests installing ircmaxell/random-lib (Provides RandomLib for use with the RandomLibAdapter)
ramsey/uuid suggests installing ext-libsodium (Provides the PECL libsodium extension for use with the SodiumRandomGenerator)
ramsey/uuid suggests installing ext-uuid (Provides the PECL UUID extension for use with the PeclUuidTimeGenerator and PeclUuidRandomGenerator)
ramsey/uuid suggests installing moontoast/math (Provides support for converting UUID to 128-bit integer (in string form).)
ramsey/uuid suggests installing ramsey/uuid-doctrine (Allows the use of Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid as Doctrine field type.)
ramsey/uuid suggests installing ramsey/uuid-console (A console application for generating UUIDs with ramsey/uuid)
php-http/message suggests installing zendframework/zend-diactoros (Used with Diactoros Factories)
php-http/message suggests installing slim/slim (Used with Slim Framework PSR-7 implementation)
payum/payum-bundle suggests installing sonata-project/admin-bundle (^3 If you want to configure payments in the backend.)
ocramius/proxy-manager suggests installing ocramius/generated-hydrator (To have very fast object to array to object conversion for ghost objects)
ocramius/proxy-manager suggests installing zendframework/zend-xmlrpc (To have the XmlRpc adapter (Remote Object feature))
ocramius/proxy-manager suggests installing zendframework/zend-json (To have the JsonRpc adapter (Remote Object feature))
ocramius/proxy-manager suggests installing zendframework/zend-soap (To have the Soap adapter (Remote Object feature))
liip/imagine-bundle suggests installing ext-gmagick (required to use gmagick driver)
liip/imagine-bundle suggests installing ext-imagick (required to use imagick driver)
liip/imagine-bundle suggests installing ext-mongo (required for mongodb components on PHP <7.0)
liip/imagine-bundle suggests installing ext-mongodb (required for mongodb components on PHP >=7.0)
liip/imagine-bundle suggests installing alcaeus/mongo-php-adapter (required on PHP >= 7.0 to use mongo components with mongodb extension)
liip/imagine-bundle suggests installing amazonwebservices/aws-sdk-for-php (required to use AWS version 1 cache resolver)
liip/imagine-bundle suggests installing aws/aws-sdk-php (required to use AWS version 2/3 cache resolver)
liip/imagine-bundle suggests installing doctrine/mongodb-odm (required to use mongodb-backed doctrine components)
liip/imagine-bundle suggests installing league/flysystem (required to use FlySystem data loader or cache resolver)
liip/imagine-bundle suggests installing enqueue/enqueue-bundle (add if you like to process images in background)
knplabs/gaufrette suggests installing gaufrette/aws-s3-adapter (to use AwsS3 adapter (supports SDK v2 and v3))
knplabs/gaufrette suggests installing gaufrette/azure-blob-storage-adapter (to use AzureBlobStorage adapter)
knplabs/gaufrette suggests installing gaufrette/doctrine-dbal-adapter (to use DBAL adapter)
knplabs/gaufrette suggests installing gaufrette/flysystem-adapter (to use Flysystem adapter)
knplabs/gaufrette suggests installing gaufrette/ftp-adapter (to use Ftp adapter)
knplabs/gaufrette suggests installing gaufrette/gridfs-adapter (to use GridFS adapter)
knplabs/gaufrette suggests installing gaufrette/in-memory-adapter (to use InMemory adapter)
knplabs/gaufrette suggests installing gaufrette/local-adapter (to use Local adapter)
knplabs/gaufrette suggests installing gaufrette/opencloud-adapter (to use Opencloud adapter)
knplabs/gaufrette suggests installing gaufrette/phpseclib-sftp-adapter (to use PhpseclibSftp adapter)
knplabs/gaufrette suggests installing gaufrette/zip-adapter (to use Zip adapter)
knplabs/gaufrette suggests installing google/apiclient (to use GoogleCloudStorage adapter)
friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle suggests installing sensio/framework-extra-bundle (Add support for route annotations and the view response listener, requires ^3.0)
friendsofsymfony/oauth-server-bundle suggests installing doctrine/mongodb-odm-bundle (*)
friendsofsymfony/oauth-server-bundle suggests installing propel/propel-bundle (If you want to use Propel with Symfony2, then you will have to install the PropelBundle)
friendsofsymfony/oauth-server-bundle suggests installing willdurand/propel-typehintable-behavior (The Typehintable behavior is useful to add type hints on generated methods, to be compliant with interfaces)
doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle suggests installing symfony/security-acl (For using this bundle to cache ACLs)
doctrine/data-fixtures suggests installing doctrine/mongodb-odm (For loading MongoDB ODM fixtures)
doctrine/data-fixtures suggests installing doctrine/phpcr-odm (For loading PHPCR ODM fixtures)
doctrine/data-fixtures suggests installing alcaeus/mongo-php-adapter (For using MongoDB ODM with PHP 7)
imagine/imagine suggests installing ext-imagick (to use the Imagick implementation)
imagine/imagine suggests installing ext-gmagick (to use the Gmagick implementation)
phpspec/phpspec suggests installing phpspec/nyan-formatters (Adds Nyan formatters)
behat/mink suggests installing behat/mink-goutte-driver (fast headless driver for any app without JS emulation)
behat/mink suggests installing behat/mink-zombie-driver (fast and JS-enabled headless driver for any app (requires node.js))
behat/behat suggests installing behat/symfony2-extension (for integration with Symfony2 web framework)
behat/behat suggests installing behat/yii-extension (for integration with Yii web framework)
hwi/oauth-bundle suggests installing friendsofsymfony/user-bundle (to connect FOSUB with this bundle)
theofidry/alice-data-fixtures suggests installing alcaeus/mongo-php-adapter (To use Doctrine with the MongoDB flavour)
theofidry/alice-data-fixtures suggests installing doctrine/mongodb (To use Doctrine with the MongoDB flavour)
theofidry/alice-data-fixtures suggests installing doctrine/mongodb-odm (To use Doctrine with the MongoDB flavour)
theofidry/alice-data-fixtures suggests installing doctrine/phpcr-odm (To use Doctrine with the PHPCR flavour)
theofidry/alice-data-fixtures suggests installing jackalope/jackalope-doctrine-dbal (To use Doctrine with the PHPCR flavour)
theofidry/alice-data-fixtures suggests installing illuminate/database (To use Eloquent)
sebastian/global-state suggests installing ext-uopz (*)
phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects suggests installing ext-soap (*)
phpunit/phpunit suggests installing phpunit/php-invoker (^1.1)
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
ocramius/package-versions:  Generating version class...
ocramius/package-versions: ...done generating version class
> Incenteev\ParameterHandler\ScriptHandler::buildParameters
Creating the "app/config/parameters.yml" file
Some parameters are missing. Please provide them.
database_driver ('%env(SYLIUS_DATABASE_DRIVER)%'): pdo_mysql
database_host ('%env(SYLIUS_DATABASE_HOST)%'):
database_port ('%env(SYLIUS_DATABASE_PORT)%'): 3306
database_name ('%env(SYLIUS_DATABASE_NAME)%'): sylius
database_user ('%env(SYLIUS_DATABASE_USER)%'): root
database_password ('%env(SYLIUS_DATABASE_PASSWORD)%'): 123456
mailer_transport ('%env(SYLIUS_MAILER_TRANSPORT)%'): 
mailer_host ('%env(SYLIUS_MAILER_HOST)%'): 
mailer_user ('%env(SYLIUS_MAILER_USER)%'): zhengzizhi@126.com
mailer_password ('%env(SYLIUS_MAILER_PASSWORD)%'): abc1234
secret ('%env(SYLIUS_SECRET)'): 
env(SYLIUS_DATABASE_DRIVER) (pdo_mysql): 
env(SYLIUS_DATABASE_NAME) (sylius): 
env(SYLIUS_MAILER_USER) (null): 
> Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::clearCache

 // Clearing the cache for the dev environment with debug                       
 // true                                                                        

 [OK] Cache for the "dev" environment (debug=true) was successfully cleared.    

> Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::installAssets

 Trying to install assets as relative symbolic links.

 --- ------------------------------ ------------------ 
      Bundle                         Method / Error    
 --- ------------------------------ ------------------ 
  鉁  SonataCoreBundle               relative symlink  
  鉁  WhiteOctoberPagerfantaBundle   relative symlink  
 --- ------------------------------ ------------------ 

 [OK] All assets were successfully installed.                                   

> Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::installRequirementsFile
> Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::prepareDeploymentTarget
[myth@contoso www]$ pwd
[myth@contoso www]$ cd sylius
[myth@contoso sylius]$ composer update
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Nothing to install or update
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
ocramius/package-versions:  Generating version class...
ocramius/package-versions: ...done generating version class
> Incenteev\ParameterHandler\ScriptHandler::buildParameters
Updating the "app/config/parameters.yml" file
> Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::clearCache

 // Clearing the cache for the dev environment with debug                       
 // true                                                                        

 [OK] Cache for the "dev" environment (debug=true) was successfully cleared.    

> Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::installAssets

 Trying to install assets as relative symbolic links.

 --- ------------------------------ ------------------ 
      Bundle                         Method / Error    
 --- ------------------------------ ------------------ 
  鉁  SonataCoreBundle               relative symlink  
  鉁  WhiteOctoberPagerfantaBundle   relative symlink  
 --- ------------------------------ ------------------ 

 [OK] All assets were successfully installed.                                   

> Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::installRequirementsFile
> Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::prepareDeploymentTarget
[myth@contoso sylius]$ php bin/console sylius:install --env test
Installing Sylius...
      `::;`  :`                                                    
       :::`   `          .'++:           ''.   '.                  
       `:::             :+',;+'          :+;  `+.                  
        ::::            +'   :'          `+;                       
        `:::,           '+`     ++    :+.`+; `++. ;+'    ''  ,++++.
         ,:::`          `++'.   .+:  `+' `+;  .+,  ;+    +'  +;  ''
          ::::`           ,+++.  '+` :+. `+;  `+,  ;+    +'  '+.   
   ,.     .::::             .++` `+: +'  `+;  `+,  ;+    +'  `;++; 
`;;.:::`   :::::             :+.  '+,+.  `+;  `+,  ;+   `+'     .++
 .;;;;;;::`.::::,       +'` `++   `++'   `+;  `+:  :+. `++'  '.  ;+
  ,;;;;;;;;;:::::       .+++++`    ;+,    ++;  ++, `'+++,'+' :++++,
   ,;;;;;;;;;:::`                  ;'                              
    :;;;;;;;;;:,                :.:+,                              
     ;;;;;;;;;:                 ;++,

Step 1 of 4. Checking system requirements.

| Issue       | Recommendation                            |
| Accelerator | Enable Zend OpCache (highly recommended). |
Success! Your system can run Sylius properly.

Step 2 of 4. Setting up the database.

Creating Sylius database for environment test.
 0/2 [鈻                          ]   0%
 1/2 [鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻            ]  50%
 2/2 [鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒] 100%

Loading sample data for environment test.
Warning! This action will erase your database.
Continue? (y/N) y
Created "/home/myth/www/sylius/web/media" directory.
Created "/home/myth/www/sylius/web/media/image" directory.
 0/1 [鈻                          ]   0%
 1/1 [鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒] 100%

Step 3 of 4. Shop configuration.

Currency (press enter to use USD): 
Adding US Dollar currency.
Adding American English locale.
Create your administrator account.
E-mail: zhengzizhi@126.com
Username (press enter to use email): zhengzizhi
Choose password:123456
Confirm password:123456
Administrator account successfully registered.

Step 4 of 4. Installing assets.

Installing Sylius assets for environment test.
Created "/home/myth/www/sylius/web/assets" directory.
 0/1 [鈻                          ]   0%
 1/1 [鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒] 100%

 [OK] Sylius has been successfully installed.                                                          

You can now open your store at the following path under the website root: /app_test.php.
[myth@contoso sylius]$ php bin/console sylius:install --env staging
Installing Sylius...
      `::;`  :`                                                    
       :::`   `          .'++:           ''.   '.                  
       `:::             :+',;+'          :+;  `+.                  
        ::::            +'   :'          `+;                       
        `:::,           '+`     ++    :+.`+; `++. ;+'    ''  ,++++.
         ,:::`          `++'.   .+:  `+' `+;  .+,  ;+    +'  +;  ''
          ::::`           ,+++.  '+` :+. `+;  `+,  ;+    +'  '+.   
   ,.     .::::             .++` `+: +'  `+;  `+,  ;+    +'  `;++; 
`;;.:::`   :::::             :+.  '+,+.  `+;  `+,  ;+   `+'     .++
 .;;;;;;::`.::::,       +'` `++   `++'   `+;  `+:  :+. `++'  '.  ;+
  ,;;;;;;;;;:::::       .+++++`    ;+,    ++;  ++, `'+++,'+' :++++,
   ,;;;;;;;;;:::`                  ;'                              
    :;;;;;;;;;:,                :.:+,                              
     ;;;;;;;;;:                 ;++,

Step 1 of 4. Checking system requirements.

| Issue       | Recommendation                            |
| Accelerator | Enable Zend OpCache (highly recommended). |
Success! Your system can run Sylius properly.

Step 2 of 4. Setting up the database.

Creating Sylius database for environment staging.
 0/2 [鈻                          ]   0%
 1/2 [鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻            ]  50%
 2/2 [鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒] 100%

Loading sample data for environment staging.
Warning! This action will erase your database.
Continue? (y/N) y
 0/1 [鈻                          ]   0%
 1/1 [鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒] 100%

Step 3 of 4. Shop configuration.

Currency (press enter to use USD): 
Adding US Dollar currency.
Adding American English locale.
Create your administrator account.
E-mail: zhengzizhi@126.com
Username (press enter to use email): zhengzizhi
Choose password:123456
Confirm password:123456
Administrator account successfully registered.

Step 4 of 4. Installing assets.

Installing Sylius assets for environment staging.
 0/1 [鈻                          ]   0%
 1/1 [鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒鈻戔枒] 100%

 [OK] Sylius has been successfully installed.                                                          

You can now open your store at the following path under the website root: /app_staging.php.
[myth@contoso sylius]$ 

[myth@contoso ~]$ cd /home/myth/www/sylius  # Move to the newly created directory
[myth@contoso sylius]$ php bin/console sylius:install --env dev      ## 开发版
[myth@contoso sylius]$ php bin/console sylius:install --env test     ## 测试版
[myth@contoso sylius]$ php bin/console sylius:install --env staging  ## 模拟版

[myth@contoso sylius]$ php bin/console sylius:install --env prod     ## 生产版

Username: sylius@example.com
Password: sylius

Username: shop@example.com
Password: sylius

Sample user: api@example.com
Sample password: sylius-api

[root@contoso ~]# wget https://dl.yarnpkg.com/rpm/yarn.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/yarn.repo
[root@contoso ~]# yum -y install yarn
[root@contoso ~]# yarn --version
[myth@contoso sylius]$ yarn install && yarn run gulp   ## use gulp for installing views

yarn install v1.7.0
[1/4] Resolving packages...
[2/4] Fetching packages...
[3/4] Linking dependencies...
[4/4] Building fresh packages...
Done in 50.24s.
yarn run v1.7.0

[root@contoso ~]# cat > /etc/httpd/conf.d/httpd-vhosts.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName migoo.com
    ServerAlias migoo.com

    DocumentRoot /home/myth/www/sylius/web
    <Directory /home/myth/www/sylius/web>
        Require all granted
        AllowOverride None
        Order Allow,Deny
        Allow from All

        <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
            Options -MultiViews
            RewriteEngine On
            RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
            RewriteRule ^(.*)$ app_test.php [QSA,L]
            RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]

    ErrorLog /home/myth/log/httpd/sylius-test-error.log
    CustomLog /home/myth/log/httpd/sylius-test-access.log combined


$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], ['', 'fe80::1', '::1', '', ''], true)


[root@contoso ~]# yum remove firefox  ## 删除Linux系统集成的最新版Firefox

https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/master/java/CHANGELOG 版本兼容日志说明

[root@contoso opt]# wget http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/47.0.1/linux-x86_64/zh-CN/firefox-47.0.1.tar.bz2
[root@contoso opt]# tar -jxvf firefox-47.0.1.tar.bz2
[root@contoso opt]# cd firefox
[myth@contoso ~]$ sudo ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox
[myth@contoso ~]$ sudo ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /home/myth/Desktop/firefox

Configure behat for Selenium:
[myth@contoso ~]$ cat > /home/myth/www/sylius/behat.yml
# This file is part of the Sylius package.
# (c) Paweł Jędrzejewski

    - src/Sylius/Behat/Resources/config/profiles.yml
    - src/Sylius/Behat/Resources/config/suites.yml

            default_session: selenium2
            browser_name: firefox
            base_url: http://migoo.com/app_test.php
                capabilities: { "browser": "firefox", "version": "47"}

you can launch Selenium by issuing the following command:
[myth@contoso ~]$ wget http://selenium-release.storage.googleapis.com/2.53/selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar


Run your scenario(方案) using the behat console:
[myth@contoso ~]$ java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar -browserTimeout 240
## 启动自动化测试方案
## bin/behat命令生成的/home/myth/www/sylius/var/cache/test/sessions文件夹内所有序列化文件都是隶属于myth用户组和myth用户  ------ ,登录图形化CentOS 7系统的用户名
[root@contoso ~]$ cd /home/myth/www/sylius && bin/behat      //启动自动化测试方案





-- 商品添加到购物车
sylius_order  state    checkout_state   payment_state   shipping_state
              cart     cart             cart            cart 



-- 点结账填写送货地址
Sylius_order  checkout_state

-- 选择配送公司
sylius_order  checkout_state

-- 付款选择Stripe 点击下一步
sylius_order  checkout_state

-- 点击下订单
sylius_order  state 



-- 点击 支付¥96.74

sylius_order  payment_state


-- 初始化人民币代码和本地化语言代码

INSERT INTO sylius_currency (id,CODE, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (18,'CNY', '2017-11-05 22:22:20', '2017-11-05 22:22:20');  -- 创建货币
INSERT INTO sylius_locale (id,CODE, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (18,'zh_CN', '2017-11-05 22:22:20', '2017-11-05 22:22:20');  -- 区域设置 选择中文 (中国) 创建Locale

-- 输入代码 = WEB-CN ,名称 = 中国 ,已启用 ,区域设置 = 中文 (中国) ,默认区域 = 选择中文 (中国) ,货币 = 人民币 基础货币 = 选择人民币 ,税收策略 = 选择order_items_based ,账号验证是否必须(选择启用)来新建通道
INSERT INTO sylius_channel (id,CODE, NAME, color, description, enabled, hostname, created_at, updated_at, theme_name, tax_calculation_strategy, contact_email, skipping_shipping_step_allowed, skipping_payment_step_allowed, account_verification_required, default_locale_id, base_currency_id, default_tax_zone_id) VALUES (18,'WEB-CN', '中国', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, '2017-11-05 22:22:20', '2017-11-05 22:22:20', NULL, 'order_items_based', NULL, 0, 0, 1, 18, 18, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_currencies (channel_id, currency_id) VALUES (18, 18);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_locales (channel_id, locale_id) VALUES (18, 18);

-- 名称 = 中国 ,已启用 来新建国家 附带创建省份 代码 = hubei 名称 = 湖北省 缩写 = hb  这都是管理配送地址
INSERT INTO sylius_country (id,CODE, enabled) VALUES (3, 'CN', 1);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-BJ', '北京市', 'bj', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-SH', '上海市', 'sh', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-TJ', '天津市', 'tj', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-CQ', '重庆市', 'cq', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-HE', '河北省', 'he', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-SX', '山西省', 'sx', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-NM', '内蒙古自治区', 'nm', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-LN', '辽宁省', 'ln', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-JL', '吉林省', 'jn', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-HL', '黑龙江省', 'hl', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-JS', '江苏省', 'js', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-ZJ', '浙江省', 'zj', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-AH', '安徽省', 'ah', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-FJ', '福建省', 'fj', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-JX', '江西省', 'jx', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-SD', '山东省', 'sd', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-HA', '河南省', 'ha', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-HB', '湖北省', 'hb', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-HN', '湖南省', 'hn', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-GD', '广东省', 'gd', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-GX', '广西壮族自治区', 'gx', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-HI', '海南省', 'hi', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-SC', '四川省', 'sc', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-GZ', '贵州省', 'gz', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-YN', '云南省', 'yn', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-XZ', '西藏自治区', 'xz', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-SN', '陕西省', 'sn', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-GS', '甘肃省', 'gs', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-QH', '青海省', 'qh', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-NX', '宁夏回族自治区', 'nx', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-XJ', '新疆维吾尔族自治区', 'xj', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-TW', '台湾省', 'tw', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-HK', '香港特别行政区', 'hk', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_province (code, name, abbreviation, country_id) VALUES ('CN-MO', '澳门特别行政区', 'mo', 3);


-- 管理地理区域  配置 ---> 区域 ---> 创建 类型 由国家组成的区域    输入代码 = CN  名称 = 中国  范围 = 全部   会员添加成员 选择中国
INSERT INTO sylius_zone (id,CODE, NAME, TYPE, scope) VALUES (18,'CN', '中国', 'country', 'all');
INSERT INTO sylius_zone_member (CODE, belongs_to) VALUES ('CN', 18);

INSERT INTO sylius_product (id, CODE, created_at, updated_at, enabled, variant_selection_method, average_rating, main_taxon_id) VALUES (69,'PHP_T_SHIRT', '2017-11-05 22:22:21', '2017-11-05 22:22:21', 1, 'choice', '0', NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_translation (NAME, slug, description, meta_keywords, meta_description, short_description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('PHP T-Shirt', 'php-t-shirt', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'zh_CN', 69);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, CODE, created_at, updated_at, POSITION, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (349,'PHP_T_SHIRT', '2017-11-05 22:22:21', '2017-11-05 22:22:21', 0, 69, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (NAME, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('PHP T-Shirt', 'zh_CN', 349);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (100, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 349);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_channels (product_id, channel_id) VALUES (69, 18);

INSERT INTO sylius_shipping_method (id,CODE, configuration, category_requirement, calculator, is_enabled, POSITION, archived_at, created_at, updated_at, category_id, zone_id, tax_category_id) VALUES (8,'FREE-CN', 'a:1:{s:6:\"WEB-CN\";a:1:{s:6:\"amount\";i:0;}}', 1, 'flat_rate', 1, 0, NULL, '2017-11-05 22:22:21', '2017-11-05 22:22:21', NULL, 18, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_shipping_method_translation (NAME, description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('Free', 'Ut nostrum in similique placeat.', 'zh_CN', 8);
INSERT INTO sylius_shipping_method_channels (shipping_method_id, channel_id) VALUES (8, 18);

-- 付款方法 创建 类型 选择现金支付  代码 = PM_Cash  位置 = 0  已启用  频道中国启用  网关配置类型offline  名称 = 现金支付
INSERT INTO sylius_gateway_config (id,gateway_name, factory_name, config) VALUES (7,'pm_cash', 'offline', '[]');
INSERT INTO sylius_payment_method (id,CODE, environment, is_enabled, POSITION, created_at, updated_at, gateway_config_id) VALUES (7,'PM_Cash', NULL, 1, 0, '2017-11-05 22:22:21', '2017-11-05 22:22:21', 7);
INSERT INTO sylius_payment_method_translation (NAME, description, instructions, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('现金支付', 'Payment method', NULL, 'zh_CN', 7);
INSERT INTO sylius_payment_method_channels (payment_method_id, channel_id) VALUES (7, 18);

-- 付款方法 创建 类型 选择PayPal快捷支付  代码 = PAYPAL  位置 = 1  已启用  频道中国启用  网关配置类型paypal_express_checkout  用户名 = zhengzizhi_api1.126.com  密码 = J8HV7WNLYVMGJH3H  签名 = AP77O1uyNP0rDfuu.nrS4ws4IWikAeKie9B-k-8G-UA9c1d0YfPXlYAU   沙盒模式启用

INSERT INTO sylius_gateway_config (id, gateway_name, factory_name, config) VALUES (8, 'paypal', 'paypal_express_checkout', '{\"username\":\"zhengzizhi_api1.126.com\",\"password\":\"J8HV7WNLYVMGJH3H\",\"signature\":\"AP77O1uyNP0rDfuu.nrS4ws4IWikAeKie9B-k-8G-UA9c1d0YfPXlYAU\",\"sandbox\":true}')
UPDATE sylius_payment_method SET position = position + 1 WHERE position >= 1
INSERT INTO sylius_payment_method (id, code, environment, is_enabled, position, created_at, updated_at, gateway_config_id) VALUES (8, 'PAYPAL', NULL, 1, 1, '2017-11-13 01:08:42', '2017-11-13 01:08:42', 8)
INSERT INTO sylius_payment_method_translation (name, description, instructions, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('PayPal快捷支付', NULL, NULL, 'zh_CN', 8)
INSERT INTO sylius_payment_method_channels (payment_method_id, channel_id) VALUES (8, 18)

-- 付款方法 创建 类型 选择Stripe支付  代码 = PM_Stripe  位置 = 2  已启用  频道中国启用  网关配置类型stripe_checkout  公钥 = pk_test_6pRNASCoBOKtIshFeQd4XMUh   密钥 = sk_test_BQokikJOvBiI2HlWgH4olfQ2
INSERT INTO sylius_gateway_config (id,gateway_name, factory_name, config) VALUES (9, 'pm_stripe', 'stripe_checkout', '{\"publishable_key\":\"pk_test_6pRNASCoBOKtIshFeQd4XMUh\",\"secret_key\":\"sk_test_BQokikJOvBiI2HlWgH4olfQ2\"}');
INSERT INTO sylius_payment_method (id,code, environment, is_enabled, position, created_at, updated_at, gateway_config_id) VALUES (9, 'PM_Stripe', NULL, 1, 2, '2017-11-11 23:20:00', '2017-11-11 23:20:01', 9);
INSERT INTO sylius_payment_method_translation (name, description, instructions, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('Stripe支付', NULL, NULL, 'zh_CN', 9);
INSERT INTO sylius_payment_method_channels (payment_method_id, channel_id) VALUES (9, 18);

-- 银行转帐  创建 类型 选择现金支付  代码 = bank_transfer  位置 = 3  已启用  频道中国启用  网关配置类型offline  名称 = 银行转帐
INSERT INTO sylius_gateway_config (id,gateway_name, factory_name, config) VALUES (10, 'bank_transfer', 'offline', '[]')
INSERT INTO sylius_payment_method (id,code, environment, is_enabled, position, created_at, updated_at, gateway_config_id) VALUES (10, 'bank_transfer', NULL, 1, 3, '2017-11-13 01:49:33', '2017-11-13 01:49:33', 10)
INSERT INTO sylius_payment_method_translation (name, description, instructions, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('银行转帐', NULL, NULL, 'zh_CN', 10)
INSERT INTO sylius_payment_method_channels (payment_method_id, channel_id) VALUES (10, 18)

INSERT INTO sylius_customer (id,email, email_canonical, first_name, last_name, birthday, gender, created_at, updated_at, phone_number, subscribed_to_newsletter, customer_group_id, default_address_id) VALUES (28,'francis@underwood.com', 'francis@underwood.com', 'Francis', 'Underwood', NULL, 'u', '2017-11-05 22:22:21', '2017-11-05 22:22:21', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_order (id,number, notes, state, checkout_completed_at, items_total, adjustments_total, total, created_at, updated_at, currency_code, locale_code, checkout_state, payment_state, shipping_state, token_value, customer_ip, shipping_address_id, billing_address_id, channel_id, promotion_coupon_id, customer_id) VALUES (27,'00000022', NULL, 'cart', '2017-11-05 22:22:21', 0, 0, 0, '2017-11-05 22:22:21', '2017-11-05 22:22:21', 'CNY', 'zh_CN', 'cart', 'cart', 'cart', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 18, NULL, 28);
INSERT INTO sylius_shop_user (id,username, username_canonical, enabled, salt, PASSWORD, last_login, password_reset_token, password_requested_at, email_verification_token, verified_at, locked, expires_at, credentials_expire_at, roles, email, email_canonical, created_at, updated_at, customer_id) VALUES (28,'francis@underwood.com', 'francis@underwood.com', 1, 'tr1dha9l0gg8sk40gc44sg4scgw4ck0', 'UXbrgWINEVjsXdb/mpiTtaS/Oh0dDGIXBfTqgrqkSrsNi50aoAd1kDTV0G0uvRwtYXCkjDH6DtUSm3XuOvv68nw==', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2017-11-05 22:22:18', 0, NULL, NULL, 'a:1:{i:0;s:9:\"ROLE_USER\";}', NULL, NULL, '2017-11-05 22:22:18', '2017-11-05 22:22:18', 28);
INSERT INTO sylius_admin_user (username, username_canonical, enabled, salt, PASSWORD, last_login, password_reset_token, password_requested_at, email_verification_token, verified_at, locked, expires_at, credentials_expire_at, roles, email, email_canonical, created_at, updated_at, first_name, last_name, locale_code) VALUES ('Merlin Kuhn', 'merlin kuhn', 1, 'd66ofzybm9cssw8ok8ocsscw8w04kwo', 'FUlX3TnqDFDjF206hHXKY0iNju72OdnlDDd0j5CBFa9HsPD62Hwqfr10G7y2Fjj4TRrm5uUrQrNQga6fTQVLQVA==', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'a:1:{i:0;s:26:\"ROLE_ADMINISTRATION_ACCESS\";}', 'sylius@example.com', 'sylius@example.com', '2017-11-05 22:21:57', '2017-11-05 22:21:57', NULL, NULL, 'zh_CN');  

INSERT INTO sylius_order_item (id,quantity, unit_price, units_total, adjustments_total, total, is_immutable, order_id, variant_id) VALUES (68, 1, 100, 100, 0, 100, 0, 27, 349);
INSERT INTO sylius_order_item_unit (id, adjustments_total, order_item_id, created_at, updated_at, shipment_id) VALUES (211, 0, 68, '2017-11-05 22:22:21', '2017-11-05 22:22:21', NULL);
UPDATE sylius_order SET items_total = 100, total = 100, updated_at = '2017-11-05 22:22:21' WHERE id = 27;

INSERT INTO sylius_address_log_entries (id, ACTION, logged_at, object_id, object_class, VERSION, DATA, username) VALUES (83, 'create', '2017-11-05 22:22:21', NULL, 'Sylius\\Component\\Core\\Model\\Address', 1, 'a:10:{s:9:\"firstName\";s:5:\"Jasen\";s:8:\"lastName\";s:9:\"Cummerata\";s:11:\"phoneNumber\";N;s:6:\"street\";s:17:\"7811 Rudy Circles\";s:7:\"company\";s:13:\"Witting-Hills\";s:4:\"city\";s:8:\"Chetbury\";s:8:\"postcode\";s:10:\"29031-4110\";s:11:\"countryCode\";s:2:\"CN\";s:12:\"provinceCode\";N;s:12:\"provinceName\";N;}', NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_address_log_entries (id, ACTION, logged_at, object_id, object_class, VERSION, DATA, username) VALUES (84, 'create', '2017-11-05 22:22:21', NULL, 'Sylius\\Component\\Core\\Model\\Address', 1, 'a:10:{s:9:\"firstName\";s:5:\"Jasen\";s:8:\"lastName\";s:9:\"Cummerata\";s:11:\"phoneNumber\";N;s:6:\"street\";s:17:\"7811 Rudy Circles\";s:7:\"company\";s:13:\"Witting-Hills\";s:4:\"city\";s:8:\"Chetbury\";s:8:\"postcode\";s:10:\"29031-4110\";s:11:\"countryCode\";s:2:\"CN\";s:12:\"provinceCode\";N;s:12:\"provinceName\";N;}', NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_address (id, first_name, last_name, phone_number, street, company, city, postcode, created_at, updated_at, country_code, province_code, province_name, customer_id) VALUES (79, 'Jasen', 'Cummerata', NULL, '7811 Rudy Circles', 'Witting-Hills', 'Chetbury', '29031-4110', '2017-11-05 22:22:21', '2017-11-05 22:22:21', 'CN', NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_address (id, first_name, last_name, phone_number, street, company, city, postcode, created_at, updated_at, country_code, province_code, province_name, customer_id) VALUES (80, 'Jasen', 'Cummerata', NULL, '7811 Rudy Circles', 'Witting-Hills', 'Chetbury', '29031-4110', '2017-11-05 22:22:21', '2017-11-05 22:22:21', 'CN', NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_payment (currency_code, amount, state, details, created_at, updated_at, method_id, order_id) VALUES ('CNY', 100, 'new', '[]', '2017-11-05 22:22:21', '2017-11-05 22:22:21', 7, 27);
INSERT INTO sylius_shipment (id, state, tracking, created_at, updated_at, method_id, order_id) VALUES (25, 'ready', NULL, '2017-11-05 22:22:21', '2017-11-05 22:22:21', 8, 27);
INSERT INTO sylius_adjustment (TYPE, label, amount, is_neutral, is_locked, origin_code, created_at, updated_at, order_id, order_item_id, order_item_unit_id) VALUES ('shipping', 'Free', 0, 0, 0, NULL, '2017-11-05 22:22:21', '2017-11-05 22:22:21', 27, NULL, NULL);
UPDATE sylius_order SET state = 'new', checkout_completed_at = '2017-11-05 22:22:21', checkout_state = 'completed', payment_state = 'awaiting_payment', shipping_state = 'ready', token_value = 'OUdR8eitRd', shipping_address_id = 79, billing_address_id = 80, updated_at = '2017-11-05 22:22:21' WHERE id = 27;
UPDATE sylius_order_item_unit SET shipment_id = 25, updated_at = '2017-11-05 22:22:21' WHERE id = 211;
UPDATE sylius_address_log_entries SET object_id = '79' WHERE id = 83;
UPDATE sylius_address_log_entries SET object_id = '80' WHERE id = 84;

INSERT INTO sylius_address_log_entries (ACTION, logged_at, object_id, object_class, VERSION, DATA, username) VALUES ('remove', '2017-11-05 22:22:21', '79', 'Sylius\\Component\\Core\\Model\\Address', 2, 'N;', NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_address_log_entries (ACTION, logged_at, object_id, object_class, VERSION, DATA, username) VALUES ('remove', '2017-11-05 22:22:21', '80', 'Sylius\\Component\\Core\\Model\\Address', 2, 'N;', NULL);


[myth@contoso sylius]$ find .|xargs grep -ri "姓氏必须是至少"
./src/Sylius/Bundle/AddressingBundle/Resources/translations/validators.zh_CN.yml:            min_length: 姓氏必须是至少 2 个字符长。
./var/cache/test/translations/catalogue.zh_CN.fbbedea298cb1637b61bb30d85fd14b1f6a45647.php:    'sylius.address.last_name.min_length' => '姓氏必须是至少 2 个字符长。',
./var/cache/test/translations/catalogue.zh_CN.6ea789c7ac39ced40633e8941313fd626c9a5d37.php:    'sylius.address.last_name.min_length' => '姓氏必须是至少 2 个字符长。',
./var/cache/dev/translations/catalogue.zh_CN.fbbedea298cb1637b61bb30d85fd14b1f6a45647.php:    'sylius.address.last_name.min_length' => '姓氏必须是至少 2 个字符长。',
./src/Sylius/Bundle/AddressingBundle/Resources/translations/validators.zh_CN.yml:            min_length: 姓氏必须是至少 2 个字符长。
./src/Sylius/Bundle/AddressingBundle/Resources/translations/validators.zh_CN.yml:            min_length: 姓氏必须是至少 2 个字符长。
./src/Sylius/Bundle/AddressingBundle/Resources/translations/validators.zh_CN.yml:            min_length: 姓氏必须是至少 2 个字符长。
./src/Sylius/Bundle/AddressingBundle/Resources/translations/validators.zh_CN.yml:            min_length: 姓氏必须是至少 2 个字符长。
./src/Sylius/Bundle/AddressingBundle/Resources/translations/validators.zh_CN.yml:            min_length: 姓氏必须是至少 2 个字符长。
./src/Sylius/Bundle/AddressingBundle/Resources/translations/validators.zh_CN.yml:            min_length: 姓氏必须是至少 2 个字符长。
./src/Sylius/Bundle/AddressingBundle/Resources/translations/validators.zh_CN.yml:            min_length: 姓氏必须是至少 2 个字符长。
./var/cache/test/translations/catalogue.zh_CN.fbbedea298cb1637b61bb30d85fd14b1f6a45647.php:    'sylius.address.last_name.min_length' => '姓氏必须是至少 2 个字符长。',
./var/cache/test/translations/catalogue.zh_CN.6ea789c7ac39ced40633e8941313fd626c9a5d37.php:    'sylius.address.last_name.min_length' => '姓氏必须是至少 2 个字符长。',
./var/cache/dev/translations/catalogue.zh_CN.fbbedea298cb1637b61bb30d85fd14b1f6a45647.php:    'sylius.address.last_name.min_length' => '姓氏必须是至少 2 个字符长。',
./var/cache/test/translations/catalogue.zh_CN.fbbedea298cb1637b61bb30d85fd14b1f6a45647.php:    'sylius.address.last_name.min_length' => '姓氏必须是至少 2 个字符长。',
./var/cache/test/translations/catalogue.zh_CN.6ea789c7ac39ced40633e8941313fd626c9a5d37.php:    'sylius.address.last_name.min_length' => '姓氏必须是至少 2 个字符长。',
./var/cache/dev/translations/catalogue.zh_CN.fbbedea298cb1637b61bb30d85fd14b1f6a45647.php:    'sylius.address.last_name.min_length' => '姓氏必须是至少 2 个字符长。',
./var/cache/test/translations/catalogue.zh_CN.fbbedea298cb1637b61bb30d85fd14b1f6a45647.php:    'sylius.address.last_name.min_length' => '姓氏必须是至少 2 个字符长。',
./var/cache/test/translations/catalogue.zh_CN.6ea789c7ac39ced40633e8941313fd626c9a5d37.php:    'sylius.address.last_name.min_length' => '姓氏必须是至少 2 个字符长。',
./var/cache/test/translations/catalogue.zh_CN.fbbedea298cb1637b61bb30d85fd14b1f6a45647.php:    'sylius.address.last_name.min_length' => '姓氏必须是至少 2 个字符长。',
./var/cache/test/translations/catalogue.zh_CN.6ea789c7ac39ced40633e8941313fd626c9a5d37.php:    'sylius.address.last_name.min_length' => '姓氏必须是至少 2 个字符长。',
./var/cache/test/translations/catalogue.zh_CN.fbbedea298cb1637b61bb30d85fd14b1f6a45647.php:    'sylius.address.last_name.min_length' => '姓氏必须是至少 2 个字符长。',
./var/cache/test/translations/catalogue.zh_CN.6ea789c7ac39ced40633e8941313fd626c9a5d37.php:    'sylius.address.last_name.min_length' => '姓氏必须是至少 2 个字符长。',
./var/cache/dev/translations/catalogue.zh_CN.fbbedea298cb1637b61bb30d85fd14b1f6a45647.php:    'sylius.address.last_name.min_length' => '姓氏必须是至少 2 个字符长。',
./var/cache/dev/translations/catalogue.zh_CN.fbbedea298cb1637b61bb30d85fd14b1f6a45647.php:    'sylius.address.last_name.min_length' => '姓氏必须是至少 2 个字符长。',
./var/cache/dev/translations/catalogue.zh_CN.fbbedea298cb1637b61bb30d85fd14b1f6a45647.php:    'sylius.address.last_name.min_length' => '姓氏必须是至少 2 个字符长。',
[myth@contoso sylius]$ 

INSERT INTO sylius_gateway_config (gateway_name,factory_name, config) VALUES ('pm_cash', 'offline', '[]')
INSERT INTO sylius_payment_method (code, environment, is_enabled, position, created_at, updated_at, gateway_config_id) VALUES ('PM_Cash', NULL, 1, 0, '2017-11-11 01:51:26', '2017-11-11 01:51:26', 8)
INSERT INTO sylius_payment_method_translation (name, description, instructions, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('现金支付', NULL, NULL, 'zh_CN', 8)
INSERT INTO sylius_payment_method_channels (payment_method_id, channel_id) VALUES (8, 19)

curl https://api.stripe.com/v1/charges \
-u sk_test_BQokikJOvBiI2HlWgH4olfQ2: \
-d amount=1000 \
-d currency=usd \
-d description="Example charge" \
-d source=tok_iEDlc2xzDVWrLmerrs2y1ecP


购物支付测试Visa卡号:4242424242424242    https://stripe.com/docs/testing#cards
月/年:12/2020        CVC:242

-- 发货方式  我们需要 1.指定发货方式对应的频道(必选)

INSERT INTO sylius_shipping_method (id, code, configuration, category_requirement, calculator, is_enabled, position, archived_at, created_at, updated_at, category_id, zone_id, tax_category_id) VALUES (9,'ups', 'a:1:{s:6:\"WEB-CN\";a:1:{s:6:\"amount\";i:3488;}}', 1, 'flat_rate', 1, 0, NULL, '2017-11-13 17:21:25', '2017-11-13 17:21:26', NULL, 19, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_shipping_method_translation (name, description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('UPS快递', NULL, 'zh_CN', 9);
INSERT INTO sylius_shipping_method_channels (shipping_method_id, channel_id) VALUES (9, 19);

INSERT INTO sylius_shipping_method (id, code, configuration, category_requirement, calculator, is_enabled, position, archived_at, created_at, updated_at, category_id, zone_id, tax_category_id) VALUES (10, 'dhl_express', 'a:1:{s:6:\"WEB-CN\";a:1:{s:6:\"amount\";i:4864;}}, 1, 'flat_rate', 1, 1, NULL, '2017-11-13 17:35:47', '2017-11-13 17:35:48', NULL, 19, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_shipping_method_translation (name, description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('DHL快递', NULL, 'zh_CN', 10);
INSERT INTO sylius_shipping_method_channels (shipping_method_id, channel_id) VALUES (10, 19);

INSERT INTO sylius_shipping_method (id, code, configuration, category_requirement, calculator, is_enabled, position, archived_at, created_at, updated_at, category_id, zone_id, tax_category_id) VALUES (11, 'fedex', 'a:1:{s:6:\"WEB-CN\";a:1:{s:6:\"amount\";i:4224;}}', 1, flat_rate', 1, 2, NULL, '2017-11-13 17:46:23', '2017-11-13 17:46:23', NULL, 19, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_shipping_method_translation (name, description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('FedEx联邦快递', NULL, 'zh_CN', 11);
INSERT INTO sylius_shipping_method_channels (shipping_method_id, channel_id) VALUES (11, 19);

INSERT INTO sylius_shipping_method (id, CODE, configuration, category_requirement, calculator, is_enabled, POSITION, archived_at, created_at, updated_at, category_id, zone_id, tax_category_id) VALUES (12, 'FREE-CN', 'a:1:{s:6:\"WEB-CN\";a:1:{s:6:\"amount\";i:0;}}', 1, 'flat_rate', 1, 3, NULL, '2017-11-05 22:22:19', '2017-11-05 22:22:19', NULL, 19, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_shipping_method_translation (name, description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('免费', NULL, 'zh_CN', 12);
INSERT INTO sylius_shipping_method_channels (shipping_method_id, channel_id) VALUES (12, 19);

INSERT INTO sylius_currency (id, code, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (18, 'CNY', '2017-11-05 22:45:38', '2017-11-05 22:45:38');
INSERT INTO sylius_locale (id, code, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (18, 'zh_CN', '2017-11-05 22:45:38', '2017-11-05 22:45:38');

INSERT INTO sylius_channel (id, code, name, color, description, enabled, hostname, created_at, updated_at, theme_name, tax_calculation_strategy, contact_email, skipping_shipping_step_allowed, skipping_payment_step_allowed, account_verification_required, default_locale_id, base_currency_id, default_tax_zone_id) VALUES (18, 'WEB-CN', '中国', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, '2017-11-05 22:45:38', '2017-11-05 22:45:38', NULL, 'order_items_based', NULL, 0, 0, 1, 18, 18, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_currencies (channel_id, currency_id) VALUES (18, 18);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_locales (channel_id, locale_id) VALUES (18, 18);

INSERT INTO sylius_country (code, enabled) VALUES ('CN', 1);

INSERT INTO sylius_zone (id, code, name, type, scope) VALUES (18, 'CN', '中国', 'country', 'all');
INSERT INTO sylius_zone_member (code, belongs_to) VALUES ('CN', 18);

-- 新增一种货币英镑
INSERT INTO sylius_currency (id, code, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (20, 'GBP', '2017-11-05 22:45:38', '2017-11-05 22:45:38');

-- 編輯頻道 名称 = 中国 在货币列表中选择英镑  相当于修改当前通道对应的支付货币的单位 等价于SQL语句UPDATE sylius_channel_currencies SET currency_id = 20  WHERE channel_id = 18 AND currency_id = 18;
UPDATE sylius_channel SET updated_at = '2017-11-05 22:55:38' WHERE id = 18;
DELETE FROM sylius_channel_currencies WHERE channel_id = 18 AND currency_id = 18;
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_currencies (channel_id, currency_id) VALUES (18, 20);

-- 添加第1种产品 我们需要 1.指定产品频道(必选)
INSERT INTO sylius_product (id, code, created_at, updated_at, enabled, variant_selection_method, average_rating, main_taxon_id) VALUES (217, 'PUG_MUG', '2017-11-05 22:45:38', '2017-11-05 22:45:38', 1, 'choice', '0', NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_translation (name, slug, description, meta_keywords, meta_description, short_description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('帕格马克杯', 'pa-ge-ma-ke-bei', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'zh_CN', 217);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (510, 'PUG_MUG', '2017-11-05 22:45:38', '2017-11-05 22:45:38', 0, 217, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('帕格马克杯', 'zh_CN', 510);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (3.50 , NULL, 'WEB-CN', 510);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_channels (product_id, channel_id) VALUES (217, 18);

INSERT INTO sylius_shipping_method (id, code, configuration, category_requirement, calculator, is_enabled, position, archived_at, created_at, updated_at, category_id, zone_id, tax_category_id) VALUES (108, 'Pigeon_Mail', 'a:1:{s:6:\"WEB-US\";a:1:{s:6:\"amount\";i:500;}}', 1, 'flat_rate', 1, 0, NULL, '2017-11-05 22:45:38', '2017-11-05 22:45:38', NULL, 18, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_shipping_method_translation (name, description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('Pigeon Mail', NULL, 'zh_CN', 108);
INSERT INTO sylius_shipping_method_channels (shipping_method_id, channel_id) VALUES (108, 18);

INSERT INTO sylius_gateway_config (gateway_name, factory_name, config) VALUES ('offline', 'offline', '[]');
INSERT INTO sylius_payment_method (id, code, environment, is_enabled, position, created_at, updated_at, gateway_config_id) VALUES (85, 'PM_offline', NULL, 1, 0, '2017-11-05 22:45:38', '2017-11-05 22:45:38', 85);
INSERT INTO sylius_payment_method_translation (name, description, instructions, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('Offline', 'Payment method', NULL, 'zh_CN', 85);
INSERT INTO sylius_payment_method_channels (payment_method_id, channel_id) VALUES (85, 18);

INSERT INTO sylius_customer (email, email_canonical, first_name, last_name, birthday, gender, created_at, updated_at, phone_number, subscribed_to_newsletter, customer_group_id, default_address_id) VALUES ('sylius@example.com', 'sylius@example.com', 'Wilson', 'Crona', NULL, 'u', '2017-11-05 22:45:38', '2017-11-05 22:45:38', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_shop_user (username, username_canonical, enabled, salt, password, last_login, password_reset_token, password_requested_at, email_verification_token, verified_at, locked, expires_at, credentials_expire_at, roles, email, email_canonical, created_at, updated_at, customer_id) VALUES ('sylius@example.com', 'sylius@example.com', 1, 'ntfxhj9xzms0wskcc0o8084ows8w8k0', '/DoHX6bkc/3QfSsCErmEUCMSjRY8AXf2d22aqQ6q5IKmvKGiLFc0LQ/NIa9zCDpvjyPBBaBb0ARXvy+lE1IyBQ==', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'a:1:{i:0;s:9:\"ROLE_USER\";}', NULL, NULL, '2017-11-05 22:45:38', '2017-11-05 22:45:38', 246);

INSERT INTO sylius_shipping_category (id, code, name, description, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (1, 'Over_sized', '超大尺寸', NULL, '2017-11-05 22:53:06', '2017-11-05 22:53:06')
INSERT INTO sylius_shipping_category (id, code, name, description, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (2, 'Heavy_stuff', '大件', NULL, '2017-11-05 22:55:44', '2017-11-05 22:55:44')

INSERT INTO sylius_shipping_category (id, code, name, description, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (3, 'Small_stuff', '小件', NULL, '2017-11-05 22:55:44', '2017-11-05 22:55:44')

INSERT INTO sylius_shipping_category (id, code, name, description, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (4, 'Fragile', '易损', NULL, '2017-11-05 23:18:47', '2017-11-05 23:18:47')
INSERT INTO sylius_shipping_category (id, code, name, description, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (5, 'Standard', '标准', NULL, '2017-11-05 23:50:03', '2017-11-05 23:50:03')

INSERT INTO sylius_tax_category (id, code, name, description, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (4, 'books', '书籍', NULL, '2017-11-05 22:59:20', '2017-11-05 22:59:20')
INSERT INTO sylius_tax_rate (id, code, name, amount, included_in_price, calculator, created_at, updated_at, category_id, zone_id) VALUES (1, 'books_sales_tax_2', '书籍销售税 2%', '0.02000', 0, 'default', '2017-11-05 22:59:20', '2017-11-05 22:59:20', 4, 18)

INSERT INTO sylius_tax_category (id, code, name, description, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (5, 'clothing', '服装', NULL, '2017-11-05 22:51:12', '2017-11-05 22:51:12')
INSERT INTO sylius_tax_rate (id, code, name, amount, included_in_price, calculator, created_at, updated_at, category_id, zone_id) VALUES (2, 'clothing_sales_tax_7', '服装消费税 7%', '0.07000', 0, 'default', '2017-11-05 22:51:12', '2017-11-05 22:51:12', 5, 18)

INSERT INTO sylius_tax_category (id, code, name, description, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (6, 'other', '其它', NULL, '2017-11-05 23:10:10', '2017-11-05 23:10:10')
INSERT INTO sylius_tax_rate (id, code, name, amount, included_in_price, calculator, created_at, updated_at, category_id, zone_id) VALUES (3, 'sales_tax_4', '销售税 4%', '0.04000', 0, 'default', '2017-11-05 23:10:10', '2017-11-05 23:10:10', 6, 18)

INSERT INTO sylius_tax_category (id, code, name, description, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (7, 'mugs', '马克杯', NULL, '2017-11-05 22:29:43', '2017-11-05 22:29:43')

INSERT INTO sylius_tax_rate (id, code, name, amount, included_in_price, calculator, created_at, updated_at, category_id, zone_id) VALUES (4, 'mugs_sales_tax_3', '马克杯销售费 3%', '0.03000', 0, 'default', '2017-11-05 22:29:43', '2017-11-05 22:29:43', 7, 18)

--商品分类 ------ 添加4种大类以及子分类

INSERT INTO sylius_taxon (id, code, tree_left, tree_right, tree_level, position, tree_root, parent_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (8, 'mugs', 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, '2017-11-05 22:22:20', '2017-11-05 22:22:20');
UPDATE sylius_taxon SET tree_root = 8, tree_level = 0, tree_left = 1, tree_right = 2 WHERE id = 8;
INSERT INTO sylius_taxon_translation (id, name, slug, description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES (1, '马克杯', 'ma-ke-bei', NULL, 'zh_CN', 8);

INSERT INTO sylius_taxon (id, code, tree_left, tree_right, tree_level, position, tree_root, parent_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (9, 'stickers', 0, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, '2017-11-05 22:22:20', '2017-11-05 22:22:20');
UPDATE sylius_taxon SET tree_root = 9, tree_level = 0, tree_left = 1, tree_right = 2 WHERE id = 9;
INSERT INTO sylius_taxon_translation (id, name, slug, description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES (2, '贴纸', 'tie-zhi', NULL, 'zh_CN', 9);

INSERT INTO sylius_taxon (id, code, tree_left, tree_right, tree_level, position, tree_root, parent_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (10, 'books', 0, 0, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, '2017-11-05 22:22:20', '2017-11-05 22:22:20');
UPDATE sylius_taxon SET tree_root = 10, tree_level = 0, tree_left = 1, tree_right = 2 WHERE id = 10;
INSERT INTO sylius_taxon_translation (id, name, slug, description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES (3, '书籍', 'shu-ji', NULL, 'zh_CN', 10);

INSERT INTO sylius_taxon (id, code, tree_left, tree_right, tree_level, position, tree_root, parent_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (11, 'clothing', 0, 0, 0, 3, NULL, NULL, '2017-11-05 22:22:20', '2017-11-05 22:22:20');
UPDATE sylius_taxon SET tree_root = 11, tree_level = 0, tree_left = 1, tree_right = 2 WHERE id = 11;
INSERT INTO sylius_taxon_translation (id, name, slug, description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES (4, '服装', 'fu-zhuang', NULL, 'zh_CN', 11);

INSERT INTO sylius_taxon (id, code, tree_left, tree_right, tree_level, position, tree_root, parent_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (12, 't_shirts', 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 11, '2017-11-05 22:22:20', '2017-11-05 22:22:20');
UPDATE sylius_taxon SET tree_left = tree_left + 2 WHERE tree_left >= 2 AND tree_root = 11;
UPDATE sylius_taxon SET tree_right = tree_right + 2 WHERE tree_right >= 2 AND tree_root = 11;
UPDATE sylius_taxon SET tree_root = 11, tree_level = 1, tree_left = 2, tree_right = 3 WHERE id = 12;
INSERT INTO sylius_taxon_translation (id, name, slug, description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES (5, 'T恤', 'fu-zhuang/txu', NULL, 'zh_CN', 12);

INSERT INTO sylius_taxon (id, code, tree_left, tree_right, tree_level, position, tree_root, parent_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (13, 'men', 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 12, '2017-11-05 22:22:20', '2017-11-05 22:22:20');
UPDATE sylius_taxon SET tree_left = tree_left + 2 WHERE tree_left >= 3 AND tree_root = 11;
UPDATE sylius_taxon SET tree_right = tree_right + 2 WHERE tree_right >= 3 AND tree_root = 11;
UPDATE sylius_taxon SET tree_root = 11, tree_level = 2, tree_left = 3, tree_right = 4 WHERE id = 13;
INSERT INTO sylius_taxon_translation (id, name, slug, description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES (6, '男式', 'fu-zhuang/txu/nan-shi', NULL, 'zh_CN', 13);

INSERT INTO sylius_taxon (id, code, tree_left, tree_right, tree_level, position, tree_root, parent_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (14, 'women', 0, 0, 0, 1, NULL, 12, '2017-11-05 22:22:20', '2017-11-05 22:22:20');
UPDATE sylius_taxon SET tree_left = tree_left + 2 WHERE tree_left >= 5 AND tree_root = 11;
UPDATE sylius_taxon SET tree_right = tree_right + 2 WHERE tree_right >= 5 AND tree_root = 11;
UPDATE sylius_taxon SET tree_root = 11, tree_level = 2, tree_left = 5, tree_right = 6 WHERE id = 14;
INSERT INTO sylius_taxon_translation (id, name, slug, description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES (7, '女式', 'fu-zhuang/txu/nu-shi', NULL, 'zh_CN', 14);

-- 产品属性 添加马克杯 贴纸 图书 T恤 这4类产品的属性

INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute (id, code, type, storage_type, configuration, created_at, updated_at, position) VALUES (11, 'mug_material', 'select', 'json', 'a:4:{s:7:\"choices\";a:4:{s:36:\"c443d7c2-cbc1-11e7-91db-000c29b9f776\";s:19:\"Invisible porcelain\";s:36:\"c443ff7c-cbc1-11e7-ab25-000c29b9f776\";s:11:\"Banana skin\";s:36:\"c4440d3c-cbc1-11e7-9d54-000c29b9f776\";s:9:\"Porcelain\";s:36:\"c44418f4-cbc1-11e7-b023-000c29b9f776\";s:9:\"Centipede\";}s:8:\"multiple\";b:0;s:3:\"min\";N;s:3:\"max\";N;}', '2017-11-18 02:04:33', '2017-11-18 02:04:34', 0);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_translation (id, name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES (1, '马克杯材质', 'zh_CN', 11);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute (id, code, type, storage_type, configuration, created_at, updated_at, position) VALUES (12, 'sticker_paper', 'text', 'text', 'a:2:{s:3:\"min\";N;s:3:\"max\";N;}', '2017-11-18 02:16:09', '2017-11-18 02:16:09', 1);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_translation (id, name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES (2, '不干胶贴纸', 'zh_CN', 12);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute (id, code, type, storage_type, configuration, created_at, updated_at, position) VALUES (13, 'sticker_resolution', 'text', 'text', 'a:2:{s:3:\"min\";N;s:3:\"max\";N;}', '2017-11-18 02:24:04', '2017-11-18 02:24:04', 2);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_translation (id, name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES (3, '贴纸分辨率', 'zh_CN', 13);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute (id, code, type, storage_type, configuration, created_at, updated_at, position) VALUES (14, 'book_author', 'text', 'text', 'a:2:{s:3:\"min\";N;s:3:\"max\";N;}', '2017-11-18 02:28:11', '2017-11-18 02:28:11', 3);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_translation (id, name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES (4, '图书作者', 'zh_CN', 14);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute (id, code, type, storage_type, configuration, created_at, updated_at, position) VALUES (15, 'book_isbn', 'text', 'text', 'a:2:{s:3:\"min\";N;s:3:\"max\";N;}', '2017-11-18 02:31:48', '2017-11-18 02:31:48', 4);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_translation (id, name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES (5, '图书ISBN', 'zh_CN', 15);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute (id, code, type, storage_type, configuration, created_at, updated_at, position) VALUES (16, 'book_pages', 'text', 'text', 'a:2:{s:3:\"min\";N;s:3:\"max\";N;}', '2017-11-18 02:40:23', '2017-11-18 02:40:23', 5);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_translation (id, name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES (6, '图书页数', 'zh_CN', 16);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute (id, code, type, storage_type, configuration, created_at, updated_at, position) VALUES (17, 'book_genre', 'select', 'json', 'a:4:{s:7:\"choices\";a:4:{s:36:\"5834f974-cbc8-11e7-abc4-000c29b9f776\";s:15:\"Science Fiction\";s:36:\"583515da-cbc8-11e7-a182-000c29b9f776\";s:7:\"Romance\";s:36:\"58352318-cbc8-11e7-a304-000c29b9f776\";s:8:\"Thriller\";s:36:\"58352dc2-cbc8-11e7-a4c8-000c29b9f776\";s:6:\"Sports\";}s:8:\"multiple\";b:1;s:3:\"min\";N;s:3:\"max\";N;}', '2017-11-18 02:51:39', '2017-11-18 02:51:39', 6);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_translation (id, name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES (7, '图书体裁', 'zh_CN', 17);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute (id, code, type, storage_type, configuration, created_at, updated_at, position) VALUES (18, 't_shirt_brand', 'text', 'text', 'a:2:{s:3:\"min\";N;s:3:\"max\";N;}', '2017-11-18 02:56:37', '2017-11-18 02:56:37', 7);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_translation (id, name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES (8, 'T恤品牌', 'zh_CN', 18);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute (id, code, type, storage_type, configuration, created_at, updated_at, position) VALUES (19, 't_shirt_collection', 'text', 'text', 'a:2:{s:3:\"min\";N;s:3:\"max\";N;}', '2017-11-18 03:02:32', '2017-11-18 03:02:32', 8);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES (9, 'T恤专辑', 'zh_CN', 19);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute (id, code, type, storage_type, configuration, created_at, updated_at, position) VALUES (20, 't_shirt_material', 'text', 'text', 'a:2:{s:3:\"min\";N;s:3:\"max\";N;}', '2017-11-18 03:05:21', '2017-11-18 03:05:21', 9);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_translation (id, name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES (10, 'T恤材质', 'zh_CN', 20);

-- 产品选项 添加马克杯类型  贴纸大小  T恤颜色  T恤尺码  

INSERT INTO sylius_product_option (id, code, position, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (5, 'mug_type', 0, '2017-11-18 15:54:52', '2017-11-18 15:54:53');
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('马克杯类型', 'zh_CN', 5);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value (id, code, option_id) VALUES (15, 'mug_type_medium', 5);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value (id, code, option_id) VALUES (16, 'mug_type_double', 5);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value (id, code, option_id) VALUES (17, 'mug_type_monster', 5);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value_translation (value, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('中等马克杯', 'zh_CN', 15);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value_translation (value, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('双层马克杯', 'zh_CN', 16);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value_translation (value, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('怪物马克杯', 'zh_CN', 17);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_option (id, code, position, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (6, 'sticker_size', 1, '2017-11-18 16:09:34', '2017-11-18 16:09:35');
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('贴纸大小', 'zh_CN', 6);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value (id, code, option_id) VALUES (18, 'sticker_size_3', 6);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value (id, code, option_id) VALUES (19, 'sticker_size_5', 6);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value (id, code, option_id) VALUES (20, 'sticker_size_7', 6);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value_translation (value, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('3英寸', 'zh_CN', 18);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value_translation (value, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('5英寸', 'zh_CN', 19);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value_translation (value, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('7英寸', 'zh_CN', 20);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_option (id, code, position, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (7, 't_shirt_color', 2, '2017-11-18 16:15:18', '2017-11-18 16:15:18');
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('T恤颜色', 'zh_CN', 7);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value (id, code, option_id) VALUES (21, 't_shirt_red', 7);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value (id, code, option_id) VALUES (22, 't_shirt_black', 7);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value (id, code, option_id) VALUES (23, 't_shirt_white', 7);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value_translation (value, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('红色', 'zh_CN', 21);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value_translation (value, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('黑色', 'zh_CN', 22);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value_translation (value, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('白色', 'zh_CN', 23);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_option (id, code, position, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (8, 't_shirt_size', 3, '2017-11-18 16:22:40', '2017-11-18 16:22:40');
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('T恤尺码', 'zh_CN', 8);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value (id, code, option_id) VALUES (24, 't_shirt_size_s', 8);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value (id, code, option_id) VALUES (25, 't_shirt_size_m', 8);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value (id, code, option_id) VALUES (26, 't_shirt_size_l', 8);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value (id, code, option_id) VALUES (27, 't_shirt_size_xl', 8);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value (id, code, option_id) VALUES (28, 't_shirt_size_xxl', 8);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value_translation (value, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('S', 'zh_CN', 24);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value_translation (value, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('M', 'zh_CN', 25);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value_translation (value, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('L', 'zh_CN', 26);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value_translation (value, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('XL', 'zh_CN', 27);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_option_value_translation (value, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('XXL', 'zh_CN', 28);

-- 产品关联类型 创建代码 = similar_products  名称 = 同类产品
INSERT INTO sylius_product_association_type (id, code, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (2, 'similar_products', '2017-11-18 20:42:46', '2017-11-18 20:42:46');
INSERT INTO sylius_product_association_type_translation (id, name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES (1, '同类产品', 'zh_CN', 2);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_association_type (id, code, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (3, 'best_seller', '2017-11-19 21:15:08', '2017-11-19 21:15:08')
INSERT INTO sylius_product_association_type_translation (id, name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES (2,'畅销品', 'zh_CN', 3)


-- 新产品1 创建 ---> 可配置的产品
1. 代码 ---> 5e48273e-3687-31ca-aad3-c5ca0c387546 ---> 已启用 ---> 选项 ---> 马克杯类型 ---> 变体选择方法 ---> 选项匹配中 ---> 名称 = consequuntur 标签马克杯 ---> Slug = consequuntur-biao-qian-ma-ke-bei ---> 频道 ---> 右滑启用 --->中国
2. 分类 ---> 主分类 ---> 选择马克杯 ---> 商品分类 ---> 勾选马克杯
3. 属性 ---> 属性下拉框  --->  选择马克杯材质 ---> 点击添加属性按钮 ---> 马克杯材质下拉框 ---> 选择隐形陶瓷
4. 跳过选择同类产品
5. 图片和视频 ---> 图片和视频 ---> 新增 ---> 类型 ---> main ---> 选择文件件dbd453659789d7daaa2b19f194b9.jpeg     新增 ---> 类型 ---> thumbnail ---> 选择文件件30fb7ca22704bf7baffd2938529a.jpeg
6. 点击链接管理 > 商品 ---> 5e48273e-3687-31ca-aad3-c5ca0c387546 ---> 管理产品变体 ---> 创建 ---> 详细  名称 = necessitatibus  代码 = 5e48273e-3687-31ca-aad3-c5ca0c387546-variant-0   
   送货类别 = 没有要求   价格中国价格¥ = 5.26  原价¥为空  是否需要配送?是   马克杯类型 = 中等马克杯   属性中高度,宽度,深度,重量均为空
   库存 当前货架 = 6   已跟踪禁用
7. 税 ---> 税类别 默认不选择跳过  ---> 点击创建按钮
8. 点击链接管理 > 商品 ---> 5e48273e-3687-31ca-aad3-c5ca0c387546 ---> 管理产品变体 ---> 创建 ---> 详细  名称 = et  代码 = 5e48273e-3687-31ca-aad3-c5ca0c387546-variant-1   
   送货类别 = 没有要求   价格中国价格¥ = 9.71  原价¥为空  是否需要配送?是   马克杯类型 = 双层马克杯   属性中高度,宽度,深度,重量均为空
   库存 当前货架 = 5   已跟踪禁用
9. 税 ---> 税类别 默认不选择跳过  ---> 点击创建按钮
10. 点击链接管理 > 商品 ---> 5e48273e-3687-31ca-aad3-c5ca0c387546 ---> 管理产品变体 ---> 创建 ---> 详细  名称 = mollitia  代码 = 5e48273e-3687-31ca-aad3-c5ca0c387546-variant-2  
   送货类别 = 没有要求   价格中国价格¥ = 5.45  原价¥为空  是否需要配送?是   马克杯类型 = 怪物马克杯   属性中高度,宽度,深度,重量均为空
   库存 当前货架 = 8   已跟踪禁用
11. 税 ---> 税类别 默认不选择跳过  ---> 点击创建按钮


INSERT INTO sylius_product (id, code, created_at, updated_at, enabled, variant_selection_method, average_rating, main_taxon_id) VALUES (71, '5e48273e-3687-31ca-aad3-c5ca0c387546', '2017-11-19 00:23:29', '2017-11-19 00:23:31', 1, 'match', '0', 8);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_translation (name, slug, description, meta_keywords, meta_description, short_description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('consequuntur 标签马克杯', 'consequuntur-biao-qian-ma-ke-bei', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'zh_CN', 71);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_taxon (position, product_id, taxon_id) VALUES (0, 71, 8);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_image (type, path, owner_id) VALUES ('main', 'de/ae/2b758733b85f853d1b69555cfb8f.jpeg', 71);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_image (type, path, owner_id) VALUES ('thumbnail', '17/d4/4a676c119396153f2742b8e17f2c.jpeg', 71);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '[\"c443d7c2-cbc1-11e7-91db-000c29b9f776\"]', 71, 11);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_channels (product_id, channel_id) VALUES (71, 19);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_options (product_id, option_id) VALUES (71, 5);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (351, '5e48273e-3687-31ca-aad3-c5ca0c387546-variant-0', '2017-11-19 01:39:46', '2017-11-19 01:39:47', 0, 71, 0, 6, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('necessitatibus', 'zh_CN', 351);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (526, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 351);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (351, 15);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (352, '5e48273e-3687-31ca-aad3-c5ca0c387546-variant-1', '2017-11-19 01:47:39', '2017-11-19 01:47:39', 1, 71, 0, 5, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('et', 'zh_CN', 352);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (971, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 352);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (352, 16);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (353, '5e48273e-3687-31ca-aad3-c5ca0c387546-variant-2', '2017-11-19 01:54:19', '2017-11-19 01:54:20', 2, 71, 0, 8, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('mollitia', 'zh_CN', 353);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (545, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 353);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (353, 17);

-- 新产品2 创建 ---> 可配置的产品
1. 代码 ---> fa5ef3b6-aa8f-3083-afa8-5b50955ad082 ---> 已启用 ---> 选项 ---> 马克杯类型 ---> 变体选择方法 ---> 选项匹配中 ---> 名称 = eum 标签马克杯 ---> Slug = eum-biao-qian-ma-ke-bei ---> 频道 ---> 右滑启用 --->中国
2. 分类 ---> 主分类 ---> 选择马克杯 ---> 商品分类 ---> 勾选马克杯
3. 属性 ---> 属性下拉框  --->  选择马克杯材质 ---> 点击添加属性按钮 ---> 马克杯材质下拉框 ---> 选择隐形陶瓷
4. 跳过选择同类产品
5. 图片和视频 ---> 图片和视频 ---> 新增 ---> 类型 ---> main ---> 选择文件件dbd453659789d7daaa2b19f194b9.jpeg     新增 ---> 类型 ---> thumbnail ---> 选择文件件30fb7ca22704bf7baffd2938529a.jpeg
6. 点击链接管理 > 商品 ---> fa5ef3b6-aa8f-3083-afa8-5b50955ad082 ---> 管理产品变体 ---> 生成 
马克杯类型 = 中等马克杯   代码 = fa5ef3b6-aa8f-3083-afa8-5b50955ad082-variant-0    名称 = quam   价格中国价格¥ = 4.12  原价¥为空
马克杯类型 = 双层马克杯   代码 = fa5ef3b6-aa8f-3083-afa8-5b50955ad082-variant-1    名称 = iste   价格中国价格¥ = 1.20  原价¥为空
马克杯类型 = 怪物马克杯   代码 = fa5ef3b6-aa8f-3083-afa8-5b50955ad082-variant-2    名称 = sit    价格中国价格¥ = 3.59  原价¥为空
---> 点击生成按钮
7. 编辑变体fa5ef3b6-aa8f-3083-afa8-5b50955ad082-variant-0  送货类别 = 没有要求  是否需要配送?是  属性中高度,宽度,深度,重量均为空
   库存 当前货架 = 6   已跟踪禁用    税 ---> 税类别 默认不选择跳过  ---> 点击保存变更按钮
8. 编辑变体fa5ef3b6-aa8f-3083-afa8-5b50955ad082-variant-1  送货类别 = 没有要求  是否需要配送?是  属性中高度,宽度,深度,重量均为空
   库存 当前货架 = 3   已跟踪禁用    税 ---> 税类别 默认不选择跳过  ---> 点击保存变更按钮
9. 编辑变体fa5ef3b6-aa8f-3083-afa8-5b50955ad082-variant-2  送货类别 = 没有要求  是否需要配送?是  属性中高度,宽度,深度,重量均为空
   库存 当前货架 = 8   已跟踪禁用    税 ---> 税类别 默认不选择跳过  ---> 点击保存变更按钮

INSERT INTO sylius_product (id, code, created_at, updated_at, enabled, variant_selection_method, average_rating, main_taxon_id) VALUES (72, 'fa5ef3b6-aa8f-3083-afa8-5b50955ad082', '2017-11-19 15:50:44', '2017-11-19 15:50:45', 1, 'match', '0', 8);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_translation (name, slug, description, meta_keywords, meta_description, short_description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('eum 标签马克杯', 'eum-biao-qian-ma-ke-bei', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'zh_CN', 72);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_taxon (position, product_id, taxon_id) VALUES (1, 72, 8);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_image (type, path, owner_id) VALUES ('main', 'cb/5a/1216149f78296e16bc292286ad41.jpeg', 72);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_image (type, path, owner_id) VALUES ('thumbnail', 'c9/0f/392b643bd69e1eb21297b4dbecad.jpeg', 72);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '[\"c443d7c2-cbc1-11e7-91db-000c29b9f776\"]', 72, 11);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_channels (product_id, channel_id) VALUES (72, 19);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_options (product_id, option_id) VALUES (72, 5);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (354, 'fa5ef3b6-aa8f-3083-afa8-5b50955ad082-variant-0', '2017-11-19 16:09:05', '2017-11-19 16:09:06', 0, 72, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (355, 'fa5ef3b6-aa8f-3083-afa8-5b50955ad082-variant-1', '2017-11-19 16:09:05', '2017-11-19 16:09:06', 1, 72, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (356, 'fa5ef3b6-aa8f-3083-afa8-5b50955ad082-variant-2', '2017-11-19 16:09:05', '2017-11-19 16:09:06', 2, 72, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('quam', 'zh_CN', 354);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('iste', 'zh_CN', 355);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('sit', 'zh_CN', 356);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (412, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 354);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (120, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 355);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (359, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 356);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (354, 15);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (355, 16);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (356, 17);

UPDATE sylius_product_variant SET on_hand = 6, updated_at = '2017-11-19 16:24:34', version = version + 1 WHERE id = 354 AND version = 1;
UPDATE sylius_product_variant SET on_hand = 3, updated_at = '2017-11-19 16:25:13', version = version + 1 WHERE id = 355 AND version = 1;
UPDATE sylius_product_variant SET on_hand = 8, updated_at = '2017-11-19 16:25:24', version = version + 1 WHERE id = 356 AND version = 1;

-- 新产品3 创建 ---> 可配置的产品
1. 代码 ---> 7a334492-f562-3ccc-94bf-023fbe6162e8 ---> 已启用 ---> 选项 ---> 马克杯类型 ---> 变体选择方法 ---> 选项匹配中 ---> 名称 = autumn 标签马克杯 ---> Slug = autumn-biao-qian-ma-ke-bei ---> 频道 ---> 右滑启用 --->中国
2. 分类 ---> 主分类 ---> 选择马克杯 ---> 商品分类 ---> 勾选马克杯
3. 属性 ---> 属性下拉框  --->  选择马克杯材质 ---> 点击添加属性按钮 ---> 马克杯材质下拉框 ---> 选择蜈蚣
4. 跳过选择同类产品
5. 图片和视频 ---> 图片和视频 ---> 新增 ---> 类型 ---> main ---> 选择文件件dbd453659789d7daaa2b19f194b9.jpeg     新增 ---> 类型 ---> thumbnail ---> 选择文件件30fb7ca22704bf7baffd2938529a.jpeg
6. 点击链接管理 > 商品 ---> 7a334492-f562-3ccc-94bf-023fbe6162e8 ---> 管理产品变体 ---> 创建 ---> 详细  名称 = quisquam  代码 = 7a334492-f562-3ccc-94bf-023fbe6162e8-variant-0   
   送货类别 = 没有要求   价格中国价格¥ = 4.68  原价¥为空  是否需要配送?是   马克杯类型 = 中等马克杯   属性中高度,宽度,深度,重量均为空
   库存 当前货架 = 7   已跟踪禁用
7. 税 ---> 税类别 默认不选择跳过  ---> 点击创建按钮
8. 点击链接管理 > 商品 ---> 7a334492-f562-3ccc-94bf-023fbe6162e8 ---> 管理产品变体 ---> 创建 ---> 详细  名称 = quia  代码 = 7a334492-f562-3ccc-94bf-023fbe6162e8-variant-1   
   送货类别 = 没有要求   价格中国价格¥ = 7.25  原价¥为空  是否需要配送?是   马克杯类型 = 双层马克杯   属性中高度,宽度,深度,重量均为空
   库存 当前货架 = 11   已跟踪禁用
9. 税 ---> 税类别 默认不选择跳过  ---> 点击创建按钮
10. 点击链接管理 > 商品 ---> 7a334492-f562-3ccc-94bf-023fbe6162e8 ---> 管理产品变体 ---> 创建 ---> 详细  名称 = magnam  代码 = 7a334492-f562-3ccc-94bf-023fbe6162e8-variant-2  
   送货类别 = 没有要求   价格中国价格¥ = 4.75  原价¥为空  是否需要配送?是   马克杯类型 = 怪物马克杯   属性中高度,宽度,深度,重量均为空
   库存 当前货架 = 18   已跟踪禁用
11. 税 ---> 税类别 默认不选择跳过  ---> 点击创建按钮

INSERT INTO sylius_product (id, code, created_at, updated_at, enabled, variant_selection_method, average_rating, main_taxon_id) VALUES (73, '7a334492-f562-3ccc-94bf-023fbe6162e8', '2017-11-19 17:06:11', '2017-11-19 17:06:11', 1, 'match', '0', 8);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_translation (name, slug, description, meta_keywords, meta_description, short_description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('autumn 标签马克杯', 'autumn-biao-qian-ma-ke-bei', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'zh_CN', 73);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_taxon (position, product_id, taxon_id) VALUES (2, 73, 8);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_image (type, path, owner_id) VALUES ('main', '97/93/6062656b824345dcd16999d3a7c8.jpeg', 73);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_image (type, path, owner_id) VALUES ('thumbnail', '2d/de/5ef7a112bf8fb947ebee434571b8.jpeg', 73);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '[\"c44418f4-cbc1-11e7-b023-000c29b9f776\"]', 73, 11);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_channels (product_id, channel_id) VALUES (73, 19);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_options (product_id, option_id) VALUES (73, 5);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (357, '7a334492-f562-3ccc-94bf-023fbe6162e8-variant-0', '2017-11-19 17:18:31', '2017-11-19 17:18:31', 0, 73, 0, 7, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('quisquam', 'zh_CN', 357);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (468, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 357);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (357, 15);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (358, '7a334492-f562-3ccc-94bf-023fbe6162e8-variant-1', '2017-11-19 17:21:42', '2017-11-19 17:21:42', 1, 73, 0, 11, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('quia', 'zh_CN', 358);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (725, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 358);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (358, 16);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (359, '7a334492-f562-3ccc-94bf-023fbe6162e8-variant-2', '2017-11-19 17:24:27', '2017-11-19 17:24:27', 2, 73, 0, 18, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('magnam', 'zh_CN', 359);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (475, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 359);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (359, 17);

-- 新产品4 创建 ---> 可配置的产品
1. 代码 ---> 3c10f11b-27d4-3ca8-bc58-6781133e26ee ---> 禁用 ---> 选项 ---> 马克杯类型 ---> 变体选择方法 ---> 选项匹配中 ---> 名称 = quit 标签马克杯 ---> Slug = quit-biao-qian-ma-ke-bei ---> 频道 ---> 右滑启用 --->中国
2. 分类 ---> 主分类 ---> 选择马克杯 ---> 商品分类 ---> 勾选马克杯
3. 属性 ---> 属性下拉框  --->  选择马克杯材质 ---> 点击添加属性按钮 ---> 马克杯材质下拉框 ---> 选择蜈蚣
4. 跳过选择同类产品
5. 图片和视频 ---> 图片和视频 ---> 新增 ---> 类型 ---> main ---> 选择文件件dbd453659789d7daaa2b19f194b9.jpeg     新增 ---> 类型 ---> thumbnail ---> 选择文件件30fb7ca22704bf7baffd2938529a.jpeg
6. 点击链接管理 > 商品 ---> 3c10f11b-27d4-3ca8-bc58-6781133e26ee ---> 管理产品变体 ---> 创建 ---> 详细  名称 = eum  代码 = 3c10f11b-27d4-3ca8-bc58-6781133e26ee-variant-0   
   送货类别 = 没有要求   价格中国价格¥ = 7.22  原价¥为空  是否需要配送?是   马克杯类型 = 中等马克杯   属性中高度,宽度,深度,重量均为空
   库存 当前货架 = 8   已跟踪禁用
7. 税 ---> 税类别 默认不选择跳过  ---> 点击创建按钮
8. 点击链接管理 > 商品 ---> 3c10f11b-27d4-3ca8-bc58-6781133e26ee ---> 管理产品变体 ---> 创建 ---> 详细  名称 = est  代码 = 3c10f11b-27d4-3ca8-bc58-6781133e26ee-variant-1   
   送货类别 = 没有要求   价格中国价格¥ = 8.39  原价¥为空  是否需要配送?是   马克杯类型 = 双层马克杯   属性中高度,宽度,深度,重量均为空
   库存 当前货架 = 0   已跟踪禁用
9. 税 ---> 税类别 默认不选择跳过  ---> 点击创建按钮
10. 点击链接管理 > 商品 ---> 3c10f11b-27d4-3ca8-bc58-6781133e26ee ---> 管理产品变体 ---> 创建 ---> 详细  名称 = architecto  代码 = 3c10f11b-27d4-3ca8-bc58-6781133e26ee-variant-2  
   送货类别 = 没有要求   价格中国价格¥ = 3.19  原价¥为空  是否需要配送?是   马克杯类型 = 怪物马克杯   属性中高度,宽度,深度,重量均为空
   库存 当前货架 = 2   已跟踪禁用
11. 税 ---> 税类别 默认不选择跳过  ---> 点击创建按钮

INSERT INTO sylius_product (id, code, created_at, updated_at, enabled, variant_selection_method, average_rating, main_taxon_id) VALUES (74, '3c10f11b-27d4-3ca8-bc58-6781133e26ee', '2017-11-19 18:07:48', '2017-11-19 18:07:49', 0, 'match', '0', 8);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_translation (name, slug, description, meta_keywords, meta_description, short_description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('quit 标签马克杯', 'quit-biao-qian-ma-ke-bei', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'zh_CN', 74);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_taxon (position, product_id, taxon_id) VALUES (3, 74, 8);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_image (type, path, owner_id) VALUES ('main', 'ea/6f/1ec09bf93e5f0175c45aef68a58f.jpeg', 74);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_image (type, path, owner_id) VALUES ('thumbnail', 'cd/50/00baec3df4af177bcfc7d3c0b78a.jpeg', 74);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '[\"c44418f4-cbc1-11e7-b023-000c29b9f776\"]', 74, 11);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_channels (product_id, channel_id) VALUES (74, 19);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_options (product_id, option_id) VALUES (74, 5);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (360, '3c10f11b-27d4-3ca8-bc58-6781133e26ee-variant-0', '2017-11-19 18:10:32', '2017-11-19 18:10:33', 0, 74, 0, 8, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('eum', 'zh_CN', 360);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (722, 1259, 'WEB-CN', 360);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (360, 15);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (361, '3c10f11b-27d4-3ca8-bc58-6781133e26ee-variant-1', '2017-11-19 18:12:22', '2017-11-19 18:12:22', 1, 74, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('est', 'zh_CN', 361);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (839, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 361);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (361, 16);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (362, '3c10f11b-27d4-3ca8-bc58-6781133e26ee-variant-2', '2017-11-19 18:13:46', '2017-11-19 18:13:46', 2, 74, 0, 2, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('architecto', 'zh_CN', 362);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (319, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 362);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (362, 17);

-- 新产品5 创建 ---> 可配置的产品
1. 代码 ---> 51f27b1e-b160-3116-aba2-91b822bf4fab ---> 启用 ---> 选项 ---> 贴纸大小 ---> 变体选择方法 ---> 变体选择 ---> 名称 = eos 标签贴纸 ---> Slug = eos-biao-qian-tie-zhi ---> 频道 ---> 右滑启用 --->中国
2. 分类 ---> 主分类 ---> 选择贴纸 ---> 商品分类 ---> 勾选贴纸
3. 属性 ---> 属性下拉框  --->  选择贴纸 贴纸分辨率 ---> 点击添加属性按钮 ---> 不干胶贴纸 = Paper from tree Me-Gusta  贴纸分辨率 = 全高清
4. 选择同类产品还没添加它们暂时不选 vel 标签贴纸    culpa 标签贴纸   voluptas 标签贴纸
5. 图片和视频 ---> 图片和视频 ---> 新增 ---> 类型 ---> main ---> 选择文件件5ca34f7fd881afd60a0aaad93321.jpeg     新增 ---> 类型 ---> thumbnail ---> 选择文件件80eb2370d76c3cd817ef2493044d.jpeg
6. 点击链接管理 > 商品 ---> 51f27b1e-b160-3116-aba2-91b822bf4fab ---> 管理产品变体 ---> 创建 ---> 详细  名称 = quis  代码 = 51f27b1e-b160-3116-aba2-91b822bf4fab-variant-0   
   送货类别 = 没有要求   价格中国价格¥ = 3.69  原价¥为空  是否需要配送?是   贴纸大小 = 3英寸   属性中高度,宽度,深度,重量均为空
   库存 当前货架 = 8   已跟踪禁用
7. 税 ---> 税类别 默认不选择跳过  ---> 点击创建按钮
8. 点击链接管理 > 商品 ---> 51f27b1e-b160-3116-aba2-91b822bf4fab ---> 管理产品变体 ---> 创建 ---> 详细  名称 = in  代码 = 51f27b1e-b160-3116-aba2-91b822bf4fab-variant-1   
   送货类别 = 没有要求   价格中国价格¥ = 6.63  原价¥为空  是否需要配送?是   贴纸大小 = 5英寸   属性中高度,宽度,深度,重量均为空
   库存 当前货架 = 8   已跟踪禁用
9. 税 ---> 税类别 默认不选择跳过  ---> 点击创建按钮
10. 点击链接管理 > 商品 ---> 51f27b1e-b160-3116-aba2-91b822bf4fab ---> 管理产品变体 ---> 创建 ---> 详细  名称 = nisi  代码 = 51f27b1e-b160-3116-aba2-91b822bf4fab-variant-2  
   送货类别 = 没有要求   价格中国价格¥ = 2.99  原价¥为空  是否需要配送?是   贴纸大小 = 7英寸   属性中高度,宽度,深度,重量均为空
   库存 当前货架 = 1   已跟踪禁用
11. 税 ---> 税类别 默认不选择跳过  ---> 点击创建按钮

INSERT INTO sylius_product (id, code, created_at, updated_at, enabled, variant_selection_method, average_rating, main_taxon_id) VALUES (75, '51f27b1e-b160-3116-aba2-91b822bf4fab', '2017-11-19 21:56:53', '2017-11-19 21:56:53', 1, 'choice', '0', 9);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_translation (name, slug, description, meta_keywords, meta_description, short_description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('eos 标签贴纸', 'eos-biao-qian-tie-zhi', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'zh_CN', 75);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_taxon (position, product_id, taxon_id) VALUES (0, 75, 9);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_image (type, path, owner_id) VALUES ('main', '30/09/935b5ec5776ae15e8bf2e58b0ced.jpeg', 75);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_image (type, path, owner_id) VALUES ('thumbnail', '62/89/d3307f55f76973094edaea2f2096.jpeg', 75);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', 'Paper from tree Me-Gusta', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 75, 12);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', '全高清', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 75, 13);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_channels (product_id, channel_id) VALUES (75, 19);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_options (product_id, option_id) VALUES (75, 6);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (363, '51f27b1e-b160-3116-aba2-91b822bf4fab-variant-0', '2017-11-19 22:04:23', '2017-11-19 22:04:23', 0, 75, 0, 8, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('quis', 'zh_CN', 363);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (369, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 363);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (363, 18);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (364, '51f27b1e-b160-3116-aba2-91b822bf4fab-variant-1', '2017-11-19 22:08:07', '2017-11-19 22:08:07', 1, 75, 0, 8, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('in', 'zh_CN', 364);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (663, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 364);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (364, 19);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (365, '51f27b1e-b160-3116-aba2-91b822bf4fab-variant-2', '2017-11-19 22:40:47', '2017-11-19 22:40:48', 2, 75, 0, 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('nisi', 'zh_CN', 365);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (299, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 365);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (365, 20);

-- 新产品6 创建 ---> 可配置的产品
1. 代码 ---> 814623ef-895b-3d4a-8caf-ffaca3d87603 ---> 启用 ---> 选项 ---> 贴纸大小 ---> 变体选择方法 ---> 变体选择 ---> 名称 = ut 标签贴纸 ---> Slug = ut-biao-qian-tie-zhi ---> 频道 ---> 右滑启用 --->中国
2. 分类 ---> 主分类 ---> 选择贴纸 ---> 商品分类 ---> 勾选贴纸
3. 属性 ---> 属性下拉框  --->  选择贴纸 贴纸分辨率 ---> 点击添加属性按钮 ---> 不干胶贴纸 = Paper from tree Wung  贴纸分辨率 = JKM XD
4. 选择同类产品
5. 图片和视频 ---> 图片和视频 ---> 新增 ---> 类型 ---> main ---> 选择文件件5ca34f7fd881afd60a0aaad93321.jpeg     新增 ---> 类型 ---> thumbnail ---> 选择文件件80eb2370d76c3cd817ef2493044d.jpeg
6. 点击链接管理 > 商品 ---> 814623ef-895b-3d4a-8caf-ffaca3d87603 ---> 管理产品变体 ---> 创建 ---> 详细  名称 = quis  代码 = 814623ef-895b-3d4a-8caf-ffaca3d87603-variant-0   
   送货类别 = 没有要求   价格中国价格¥ = 3.69  原价¥为空  是否需要配送?是   贴纸大小 = 3英寸   属性中高度,宽度,深度,重量均为空
   库存 当前货架 = 8   已跟踪禁用
7. 税 ---> 税类别 默认不选择跳过  ---> 点击创建按钮
8. 点击链接管理 > 商品 ---> 814623ef-895b-3d4a-8caf-ffaca3d87603 ---> 管理产品变体 ---> 创建 ---> 详细  名称 = in  代码 = 814623ef-895b-3d4a-8caf-ffaca3d87603-variant-1   
   送货类别 = 没有要求   价格中国价格¥ = 6.63  原价¥为空  是否需要配送?是   贴纸大小 = 5英寸   属性中高度,宽度,深度,重量均为空
   库存 当前货架 = 8   已跟踪禁用
9. 税 ---> 税类别 默认不选择跳过  ---> 点击创建按钮
10. 点击链接管理 > 商品 ---> 814623ef-895b-3d4a-8caf-ffaca3d87603 ---> 管理产品变体 ---> 创建 ---> 详细  名称 = nisi  代码 = 814623ef-895b-3d4a-8caf-ffaca3d87603-variant-2  
   送货类别 = 没有要求   价格中国价格¥ = 2.99  原价¥为空  是否需要配送?是   贴纸大小 = 7英寸   属性中高度,宽度,深度,重量均为空
   库存 当前货架 = 1   已跟踪禁用
11. 税 ---> 税类别 默认不选择跳过  ---> 点击创建按钮

INSERT INTO sylius_product (id, code, created_at, updated_at, enabled, variant_selection_method, average_rating, main_taxon_id) VALUES (76, '814623ef-895b-3d4a-8caf-ffaca3d87603', '2017-11-19 22:48:02', '2017-11-19 22:48:02', 1, 'choice', '0', NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_translation (name, slug, description, meta_keywords, meta_description, short_description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('ut 标签贴纸', 'ut-biao-qian-tie-zhi', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'zh_CN', 76);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_channels (product_id, channel_id) VALUES (76, 19);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_options (product_id, option_id) VALUES (76, 6);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', 'Paper from tree Wung', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 76, 12);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', 'JKM XD', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 76, 13);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_image (type, path, owner_id) VALUES ('main', '89/7d/ce848a9c08d53f6a04dd69e7cba5.jpeg', 76);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_image (type, path, owner_id) VALUES ('thumbnail', 'e7/31/929f3970d7d3534c641896e7e2a8.jpeg', 76);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_taxon (position, product_id, taxon_id) VALUES (1, 76, 9);
UPDATE sylius_product SET main_taxon_id = 9, updated_at = '2017-11-19 22:49:55' WHERE id = 76;

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (366, '814623ef-895b-3d4a-8caf-ffaca3d87603-variant-0', '2017-11-20 00:03:47', '2017-11-20 00:03:47', 0, 76, 0, 8, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('luis', 'zh_CN', 366);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (369, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 366);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (366, 18);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (367, '814623ef-895b-3d4a-8caf-ffaca3d87603-variant-1', '2017-11-20 00:06:50', '2017-11-20 00:06:50', 1, 76, 0, 8, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('ink', 'zh_CN', 367);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (663, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 367);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (367, 19);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (368, '814623ef-895b-3d4a-8caf-ffaca3d87603-variant-2', '2017-11-20 00:09:53', '2017-11-20 00:09:53', 2, 76, 0, 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('nik', 'zh_CN', 368);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (299, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 368);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (368, 20);

-- 新产品7 创建 ---> 可配置的产品
1. 代码 ---> 7789d6e0-b359-3961-b2e5-0665462901bb ---> 启用 ---> 选项 ---> 贴纸大小 ---> 变体选择方法 ---> 变体选择 ---> 名称 = ad 标签贴纸 ---> Slug = ad-biao-qian-tie-zhi ---> 频道 ---> 右滑启用 --->中国
2. 分类 ---> 主分类 ---> 选择贴纸 ---> 商品分类 ---> 勾选贴纸
3. 属性 ---> 属性下拉框  --->  选择贴纸 贴纸分辨率 ---> 点击添加属性按钮 ---> 不干胶贴纸 = Paper from tree Tanajno  贴纸分辨率 = 476DPI
4. 选择同类产品  ex 标签贴片   nemo 标签贴片   sunk 标签贴片
5. 图片和视频 ---> 图片和视频 ---> 新增 ---> 类型 ---> main ---> 选择文件件5ca34f7fd881afd60a0aaad93321.jpeg     新增 ---> 类型 ---> thumbnail ---> 选择文件件80eb2370d76c3cd817ef2493044d.jpeg
6. 点击链接管理 > 商品 ---> 7789d6e0-b359-3961-b2e5-0665462901bb ---> 管理产品变体 ---> 创建 ---> 详细  名称 = quick  代码 = 7789d6e0-b359-3961-b2e5-0665462901bb-variant-0   
   送货类别 = 没有要求   价格中国价格¥ = 2.49  原价¥为空  是否需要配送?是   贴纸大小 = 3英寸   属性中高度,宽度,深度,重量均为空
   库存 当前货架 = 8   已跟踪禁用
7. 税 ---> 税类别 默认不选择跳过  ---> 点击创建按钮
8. 点击链接管理 > 商品 ---> 7789d6e0-b359-3961-b2e5-0665462901bb ---> 管理产品变体 ---> 创建 ---> 详细  名称 = pass  代码 = 7789d6e0-b359-3961-b2e5-0665462901bb-variant-1   
   送货类别 = 没有要求   价格中国价格¥ = 7.77  原价¥为空  是否需要配送?是   贴纸大小 = 5英寸   属性中高度,宽度,深度,重量均为空
   库存 当前货架 = 4   已跟踪禁用
9. 税 ---> 税类别 默认不选择跳过  ---> 点击创建按钮
10. 点击链接管理 > 商品 ---> 7789d6e0-b359-3961-b2e5-0665462901bb ---> 管理产品变体 ---> 创建 ---> 详细  名称 = look  代码 = 7789d6e0-b359-3961-b2e5-0665462901bb-variant-2  
   送货类别 = 没有要求   价格中国价格¥ = 9.99  原价¥为空  是否需要配送?是   贴纸大小 = 7英寸   属性中高度,宽度,深度,重量均为空
   库存 当前货架 = 1   已跟踪禁用
11. 税 ---> 税类别 默认不选择跳过  ---> 点击创建按钮

INSERT INTO sylius_product (id, code, created_at, updated_at, enabled, variant_selection_method, average_rating, main_taxon_id) VALUES (77, '7789d6e0-b359-3961-b2e5-0665462901bb', '2017-11-20 01:13:05', '2017-11-20 01:13:06', 1, 'choice', '0', 9);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_translation (name, slug, description, meta_keywords, meta_description, short_description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('ad 标签贴纸', 'ad-biao-qian-tie-zhi', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'zh_CN', 77);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_taxon (position, product_id, taxon_id) VALUES (2, 77, 9);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_image (type, path, owner_id) VALUES ('main', '66/66/981521d885213c7295c2009d1879.jpeg', 77);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_image (type, path, owner_id) VALUES ('thumbnail', '1d/83/9b6c37f12cbe3052b6ce7c67ae95.jpeg', 77);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', 'Paper from tree Tanajno', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 77, 12);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', '476DPI', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 77, 13);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_channels (product_id, channel_id) VALUES (77, 19);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_options (product_id, option_id) VALUES (77, 6);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (369, '7789d6e0-b359-3961-b2e5-0665462901bb-variant-0', '2017-11-20 01:15:17', '2017-11-20 01:15:17', 0, 77, 0, 8, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('quick', 'zh_CN', 369);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (249, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 369);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (369, 18);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (370, '7789d6e0-b359-3961-b2e5-0665462901bb-variant-1', '2017-11-20 01:16:57', '2017-11-20 01:16:58', 1, 77, 0, 4, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('pass', 'zh_CN', 370);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (777, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 370);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (370, 19);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (371, '7789d6e0-b359-3961-b2e5-0665462901bb-variant-2', '2017-11-20 01:19:06', '2017-11-20 01:19:06', 2, 77, 0, 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('look', 'zh_CN', 371);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (999, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 371);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (371, 20);

-- 新产品8 创建 ---> 可配置的产品
1. 代码 ---> e0cb67fa-821e-33d5-93cf-e28d1fa7a76b ---> 启用 ---> 选项 ---> 贴纸大小 ---> 变体选择方法 ---> 变体选择 ---> 名称 = ex 标签贴纸 ---> Slug = ex-biao-qian-tie-zhi ---> 频道 ---> 右滑启用 --->中国
2. 分类 ---> 主分类 ---> 选择贴纸 ---> 商品分类 ---> 勾选贴纸
3. 属性 ---> 属性下拉框  --->  选择贴纸 贴纸分辨率 ---> 点击添加属性按钮 ---> 不干胶贴纸 = Paper from tree Koo  贴纸分辨率 = JKM XD
4. 选择同类产品  ad 标签贴纸
5. 图片和视频 ---> 图片和视频 ---> 新增 ---> 类型 ---> main ---> 选择文件件5ca34f7fd881afd60a0aaad93321.jpeg     新增 ---> 类型 ---> thumbnail ---> 选择文件件80eb2370d76c3cd817ef2493044d.jpeg
6. 点击链接管理 > 商品 ---> e0cb67fa-821e-33d5-93cf-e28d1fa7a76b ---> 管理产品变体 ---> 创建 ---> 详细  名称 = quick  代码 = e0cb67fa-821e-33d5-93cf-e28d1fa7a76b-variant-0   
   送货类别 = 没有要求   价格中国价格¥ = 8.49  原价¥为空  是否需要配送?是   贴纸大小 = 3英寸   属性中高度,宽度,深度,重量均为空
   库存 当前货架 = 1   已跟踪禁用
7. 税 ---> 税类别 默认不选择跳过  ---> 点击创建按钮
8. 点击链接管理 > 商品 ---> e0cb67fa-821e-33d5-93cf-e28d1fa7a76b ---> 管理产品变体 ---> 创建 ---> 详细  名称 = pass  代码 = e0cb67fa-821e-33d5-93cf-e28d1fa7a76b-variant-1   
   送货类别 = 没有要求   价格中国价格¥ = 2.37  原价¥为空  是否需要配送?是   贴纸大小 = 5英寸   属性中高度,宽度,深度,重量均为空
   库存 当前货架 = 2   已跟踪禁用
9. 税 ---> 税类别 默认不选择跳过  ---> 点击创建按钮
10. 点击链接管理 > 商品 ---> e0cb67fa-821e-33d5-93cf-e28d1fa7a76b ---> 管理产品变体 ---> 创建 ---> 详细  名称 = looking  代码 = e0cb67fa-821e-33d5-93cf-e28d1fa7a76b-variant-2  
   送货类别 = 没有要求   价格中国价格¥ = 6.59  原价¥为空  是否需要配送?是   贴纸大小 = 7英寸   属性中高度,宽度,深度,重量均为空
   库存 当前货架 = 1   已跟踪禁用
11. 税 ---> 税类别 默认不选择跳过  ---> 点击创建按钮

INSERT INTO sylius_product (id, code, created_at, updated_at, enabled, variant_selection_method, average_rating, main_taxon_id) VALUES (77, 'e0cb67fa-821e-33d5-93cf-e28d1fa7a76b', '2017-11-20 02:02:56', '2017-11-20 02:02:57', 1, 'choice', '0', 9);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_translation (name, slug, description, meta_keywords, meta_description, short_description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('ex 标签贴纸', 'ex-biao-qian-tie-zhi', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'zh_CN', 78);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_taxon (position, product_id, taxon_id) VALUES (3, 78, 9);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_image (type, path, owner_id) VALUES ('main', '64/53/c3e3dba79bab4784506ec6f6b212.jpeg', 78);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_image (type, path, owner_id) VALUES ('thumbnail', 'd9/16/3d6a08629fdf3acdb087ac1691af.jpeg', 78);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', 'Paper from tree Koo', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 78, 12);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', 'JKM XD', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 78, 13);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_association (created_at, updated_at, association_type_id, product_id) VALUES ('2017-11-20 02:02:56', '2017-11-20 02:02:56', 2, 78);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_options (product_id, option_id) VALUES (78, 6);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_association_product (association_id, product_id) VALUES (11, 77);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (372, 'e0cb67fa-821e-33d5-93cf-e28d1fa7a76b-variant-0', '2017-11-20 02:05:19', '2017-11-20 02:05:19', 0, 78, 0, 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('quick', 'zh_CN', 372);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (849, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 372);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (372, 18);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (373, 'e0cb67fa-821e-33d5-93cf-e28d1fa7a76b-variant-1', '2017-11-20 02:07:00', '2017-11-20 02:07:00', 1, 78, 0, 2, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('pass', 'zh_CN', 373);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (237, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 373);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (373, 19);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (374, 'e0cb67fa-821e-33d5-93cf-e28d1fa7a76b-variant-2', '2017-11-20 02:09:45', '2017-11-20 02:09:45', 2, 78, 0, 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('looking', 'zh_CN', 374);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (659, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 374);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (374, 20);

6684cb5d-277a-350e-a0a4-1a0615055970  Book "est" by Mr.Stevie Kunze Jr.



-- 新产品9 创建 ---> 可配置的产品
1. 代码 ---> 6684cb5d-277a-350e-a0a4-1a0615055970 ---> 启用 ---> 选项 ---> 没有书籍的选项 ---> 变体选择方法 ---> 变体选择 ---> 名称 = Book "est" by Mr.Stevie Kunze Jr. ---> Slug = book-est-by-mr-stevie-kunze-jr ---> 频道 ---> 右滑启用 --->中国
2. 分类 ---> 主分类 ---> 选择书籍 ---> 商品分类 ---> 勾选书籍
3. 属性 ---> 属性下拉框  --->  选择图书作者 图书ISBN 图书页数 图书体裁 ---> 点击添加属性按钮 ---> 图书作者 = Mr.Stevie Kunze Jr.  图书ISBN = 9789050422574  图书页数 = 928  图书体裁 = Romance , Science Fiction,  Thriller
4. 选择同类产品  跳过
5. 图片和视频 ---> 图片和视频 ---> 新增 ---> 类型 ---> main ---> 选择文件件9125371497fedf1e8ea15f5f21fd.jpeg     新增 ---> 类型 ---> thumbnail ---> 选择文件件9f3deff563af79b97d6dbe0bd30b.jpeg
6. 点击链接管理 > 商品 ---> 6684cb5d-277a-350e-a0a4-1a0615055970 ---> 管理产品变体 ---> 创建 ---> 详细  名称 = nam  代码 = 6684cb5d-277a-350e-a0a4-1a0615055970-variant-0   
   送货类别 = 没有要求   价格中国价格¥ = 2.94  原价¥为空  是否需要配送?是   属性中高度,宽度,深度,重量均为空
   库存 当前货架 = 3   已跟踪禁用
7. 税 ---> 税类别 默认不选择跳过  ---> 点击创建按钮

INSERT INTO sylius_product (id, code, created_at, updated_at, enabled, variant_selection_method, average_rating, main_taxon_id) VALUES (79, '6684cb5d-277a-350e-a0a4-1a0615055970', '2017-11-20 16:05:41', '2017-11-20 16:05:41', 1, 'choice', '0', 10);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_translation (name, slug, description, meta_keywords, meta_description, short_description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('Book \"est\" by Mr.Stevie Kunze Jr.', 'book-est-by-mr-stevie-kunze-jr', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'zh_CN', 79);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_taxon (position, product_id, taxon_id) VALUES (0, 79, 10);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_image (type, path, owner_id) VALUES ('main', 'eb/58/5bf1cff2b68f65e6814ae60459ab.jpeg', 79);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_image (type, path, owner_id) VALUES ('thumbnail', '5e/6d/7213758bf51d18bd012c2a28b334.jpeg', 79);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', 'Mr.Stevie Kunze Jr.', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 79, 14);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', '9789050422574', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 79, 15);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', '928', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 79, 16);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '[\"58352318-cbc8-11e7-a304-000c29b9f776\",\"583515da-cbc8-11e7-a182-000c29b9f776\",\"5834f974-cbc8-11e7-abc4-000c29b9f776\"]', 79, 17);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_channels (product_id, channel_id) VALUES (79, 19);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (375, '6684cb5d-277a-350e-a0a4-1a0615055970-variant-0', '2017-11-20 16:09:02', '2017-11-20 16:09:02', 0, 79, 0, 3, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('nam', 'zh_CN', 375);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (294, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 375);

-- 新产品10 创建 ---> 简单产品  注意创建简单产品时,变体sylius_product_variant.code与sylius_product.code相同 变体的名称为NULL值
1. 代码 ---> ad9d8f8d-2ebe-39b2-a361-9a9bd8e16922 ---> 启用 ---> 名称 = Book "omnis" by Maxime Macejkovic ---> Slug = book-omnis-by-maxime-macejkovic ---> 频道 ---> 右滑启用 --->中国
2. 分类 ---> 主分类 ---> 选择书籍 ---> 商品分类 ---> 勾选书籍
3. 属性 ---> 属性下拉框  --->  选择图书作者 图书ISBN 图书页数 图书体裁 ---> 点击添加属性按钮 ---> 图书作者 = Maxime Macejkovic  图书ISBN = 9781937370008  图书页数 = 106  图书体裁 = Science Fiction, Sports, Thriller
4. 选择同类产品  跳过
5. 图片和视频 ---> 图片和视频 ---> 新增 ---> 类型 ---> main ---> 选择文件件9125371497fedf1e8ea15f5f21fd.jpeg     新增 ---> 类型 ---> thumbnail ---> 选择文件件9f3deff563af79b97d6dbe0bd30b.jpeg
6. 点击链接管理 > 商品 ---> ad9d8f8d-2ebe-39b2-a361-9a9bd8e16922 ---> 管理产品变体 ---> 创建 ---> 详细  名称 = voluptatum  代码 = ad9d8f8d-2ebe-39b2-a361-9a9bd8e16922-variant-0   
   送货类别 = 没有要求   价格中国价格¥ = 5.45  原价¥为空  是否需要配送?是   属性中高度,宽度,深度,重量均为空
   库存 当前货架 = 5   已跟踪禁用
7. 税 ---> 税类别 默认不选择跳过  ---> 点击创建按钮

INSERT INTO sylius_product (id, code, created_at, updated_at, enabled, variant_selection_method, average_rating, main_taxon_id) VALUES (80, 'ad9d8f8d-2ebe-39b2-a361-9a9bd8e16922', '2017-11-20 17:10:21', '2017-11-20 17:10:22', 1, 'choice', '0', 10);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_translation (name, slug, description, meta_keywords, meta_description, short_description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('Book \"omnis\" by Maxime Macejkovic', 'book-omnis-by-maxime-macejkovic', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'zh_CN', 80);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_taxon (position, product_id, taxon_id) VALUES (1, 80, 10);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_image (type, path, owner_id) VALUES ('main', 'd8/14/379d036ede2795c94003ce8dc092.jpeg', 80);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_image (type, path, owner_id) VALUES ('thumbnail', '2b/88/2133b2225ef569bc910ac068416d.jpeg', 80);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', 'Maxime Macejkovic', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 80, 14);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', '9781937370008', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 80, 15);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', '106', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 80, 16);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '[\"58352dc2-cbc8-11e7-a4c8-000c29b9f776\",\"58352318-cbc8-11e7-a304-000c29b9f776\",\"5834f974-cbc8-11e7-abc4-000c29b9f776\"]', 80, 17);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (376, 'ad9d8f8d-2ebe-39b2-a361-9a9bd8e16922', '2017-11-20 17:10:21', '2017-11-20 17:10:22', 0, 80, 0, 5, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES (NULL, 'zh_CN', 376);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (545, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 376);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_channels (product_id, channel_id) VALUES (80, 19);

UPDATE sylius_product_variant_translation SET name = 'voluptatum' WHERE id = 27;

-- 新产品11 创建 ---> 可配置的产品
1. 代码 ---> e7daa745-0e42-34b5-a984-4e4ec1ee66b3 ---> 启用 ---> 名称 = Book "perferendis" by Prof.Odell Weissnat Jr. ---> Slug = book-perferendis-by-prof-odell-weissnat-jr ---> 频道 ---> 右滑启用 --->中国
2. 分类 ---> 主分类 ---> 选择书籍 ---> 商品分类 ---> 勾选书籍
3. 属性 ---> 属性下拉框  --->  选择图书作者 图书ISBN 图书页数 图书体裁 ---> 点击添加属性按钮 ---> 图书作者 = Prof.Odell Weissnat Jr.  图书ISBN = 9787740707048  图书页数 = 474  图书体裁 = Romance, Science Fiction, Thriller
4. 选择同类产品  跳过
5. 图片和视频 ---> 图片和视频 ---> 新增 ---> 类型 ---> main ---> 选择文件件9125371497fedf1e8ea15f5f21fd.jpeg     新增 ---> 类型 ---> thumbnail ---> 选择文件件9f3deff563af79b97d6dbe0bd30b.jpeg
6. 点击链接管理 > 商品 ---> e7daa745-0e42-34b5-a984-4e4ec1ee66b3 ---> 管理产品变体 ---> 创建 ---> 详细  名称 = sint  代码 = e7daa745-0e42-34b5-a984-4e4ec1ee66b3-variant-0   
   送货类别 = 没有要求   价格中国价格¥ = 3.49  原价¥为空  是否需要配送?是   属性中高度,宽度,深度,重量均为空
   库存 当前货架 = 3   已跟踪禁用
7. 税 ---> 税类别 默认不选择跳过  ---> 点击创建按钮

INSERT INTO sylius_product (id, code, created_at, updated_at, enabled, variant_selection_method, average_rating, main_taxon_id) VALUES (81, 'e7daa745-0e42-34b5-a984-4e4ec1ee66b3', '2017-11-20 18:15:13', '2017-11-20 18:15:13', 1, 'choice', '0', 10);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_translation (name, slug, description, meta_keywords, meta_description, short_description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('Book \"perferendis\" by Prof.Odell Weissnat Jr.', 'book-perferendis-by-prof-odell-weissnat-jr', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'zh_CN', 81);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_taxon (position, product_id, taxon_id) VALUES (2, 81, 10);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_image (type, path, owner_id) VALUES ('main', 'f1/97/f4c3699418a0c1020c805ebe066d.jpeg', 81);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_image (type, path, owner_id) VALUES ('thumbnail', 'ce/4c/53c2710926bc9f9d68326253dc91.jpeg', 81);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', 'Prof.Odell Weissnat Jr.', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 81, 14);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', '9787740707048', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 81, 15);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', '474', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 81, 16);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '[\"58352318-cbc8-11e7-a304-000c29b9f776\",\"583515da-cbc8-11e7-a182-000c29b9f776\",\"5834f974-cbc8-11e7-abc4-000c29b9f776\"]', 81, 17);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_channels (product_id, channel_id) VALUES (81, 19);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (377, 'e7daa745-0e42-34b5-a984-4e4ec1ee66b3-variant-0', '2017-11-20 18:17:32', '2017-11-20 18:17:32', 0, 81, 0, 3, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('sint', 'zh_CN', 377);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (349, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 377);


INSERT INTO sylius_product (id, code, created_at, updated_at, enabled, variant_selection_method, average_rating, main_taxon_id) VALUES (82, '109d6944-dd3b-3b71-a152-7f9c2b933ff1', '2017-11-20 19:21:01', '2017-11-20 19:21:01', 1, 'match', '0', 13);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_translation (name, slug, description, meta_keywords, meta_description, short_description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('T-Shirt \"quo\"', 't-shirt-quo', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'zh_CN', 82);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_taxon (position, product_id, taxon_id) VALUES (0, 82, 11);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_taxon (position, product_id, taxon_id) VALUES (0, 82, 12);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_image (type, path, owner_id) VALUES ('main', '11/53/4ffdd05e5b8d5d6658ead9f66361.jpeg', 82);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_image (type, path, owner_id) VALUES ('thumbnail', '53/fe/1fc8c336708a8857fb6327cbe1bb.jpeg', 82);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', 'JKM-476 Streetwear', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 82, 18);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', 'Sylius Winter 1995', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 82, 19);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', 'Wool', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 82, 20);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_channels (product_id, channel_id) VALUES (82, 19);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_options (product_id, option_id) VALUES (82, 7);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_options (product_id, option_id) VALUES (82, 8);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (378, '109d6944-dd3b-3b71-a152-7f9c2b933ff1-variant-0', '2017-11-20 19:24:18', '2017-11-20 19:24:18', 0, 82, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('in', 'zh_CN', 378);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (8550, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 378);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (378, 21);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (378, 24);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (379, '109d6944-dd3b-3b71-a152-7f9c2b933ff1-variant-1', '2017-11-20 19:47:53', '2017-11-20 19:47:53', 1, 82, 0, 2, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('corrupti', 'zh_CN', 379);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (8550, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 379);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (379, 21);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (379, 25);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (380, '109d6944-dd3b-3b71-a152-7f9c2b933ff1-variant-2', '2017-11-20 19:49:07', '2017-11-20 19:49:07', 2, 82, 0, 5, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('iure', 'zh_CN', 380);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (8550, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 380);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (380, 21);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (380, 26);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (381, '109d6944-dd3b-3b71-a152-7f9c2b933ff1-variant-3', '2017-11-20 19:54:25', '2017-11-20 19:54:25', 3, 82, 0, 10, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES (NULL, 'zh_CN', 381);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (8550, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 381);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (381, 21);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (381, 27);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (382, '109d6944-dd3b-3b71-a152-7f9c2b933ff1-variant-4', '2017-11-20 20:03:59', '2017-11-20 20:03:59', 4, 82, 0, 15, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('temporibus', 'zh_CN', 382);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (8550, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 382);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (382, 21);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (382, 28);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (383, '109d6944-dd3b-3b71-a152-7f9c2b933ff1-variant-5', '2017-11-20 20:06:07', '2017-11-20 20:06:07', 5, 82, 0, 20, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('incidunt', 'zh_CN', 383);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (10550, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 383);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (383, 22);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (383, 24);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (384, '109d6944-dd3b-3b71-a152-7f9c2b933ff1-variant-6', '2017-11-20 20:08:15', '2017-11-20 20:08:15', 6, 82, 0, 6, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('ab', 'zh_CN', 384);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (7500, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 384);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (384, 22);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (384, 25);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (385, '109d6944-dd3b-3b71-a152-7f9c2b933ff1-variant-7', '2017-11-20 20:09:58', '2017-11-20 20:09:59', 7, 82, 0, 5, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('eaque', 'zh_CN', 385);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (6500, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 385);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (385, 22);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (385, 26);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (386, '109d6944-dd3b-3b71-a152-7f9c2b933ff1-variant-8', '2017-11-20 20:11:33', '2017-11-20 20:11:34', 8, 82, 0, 17, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('modi', 'zh_CN', 386);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (6500, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 386);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (386, 22);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (386, 27);

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (387, '109d6944-dd3b-3b71-a152-7f9c2b933ff1-variant-9', '2017-11-20 20:13:40', '2017-11-20 20:13:40', 9, 82, 0, 4, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('necessitatibus', 'zh_CN', 387);
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (8550, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 387);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (387, 22);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (387, 28);

T-Shirt "eos"
Centipede Wear
Sylius Autumn 2009
Centipede 10% / Wool 90%

后台管理 详细页没有在选项里面选择T恤的颜色和尺码  那么商品变体页肯定就没有T恤的颜色和尺码下拉列表了 等同于商品没有了变体(等价于sku)
INSERT INTO sylius_product (id, code, created_at, updated_at, enabled, variant_selection_method, average_rating, main_taxon_id) VALUES (83, 'b289e3c6-a23b-33fe-93a7-21bd2379ab9f', '2017-11-20 21:16:06', '2017-11-20 21:16:06', 0, 'match', '0', 13);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_translation (name, slug, description, meta_keywords, meta_description, short_description, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('T-Shirt \"eos\"', 't-shirt-eos', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'zh_CN', 83);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_taxon (position, product_id, taxon_id) VALUES (1, 83, 11);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_taxon (position, product_id, taxon_id) VALUES (1, 83, 12);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_image (type, path, owner_id) VALUES ('main', '5c/d0/87d35d28a56ceeb47d3d558c7f33.jpeg', 83);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_image (type, path, owner_id) VALUES ('thumbnail', '2f/13/b2a0a126a7a6b7fde29534cb9c1f.jpeg', 83);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', 'Centipede Wear', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 83, 18);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', 'Sylius Autumn 2009', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 83, 19);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_attribute_value (locale_code, text_value, boolean_value, integer_value, float_value, datetime_value, date_value, json_value, product_id, attribute_id) VALUES ('zh_CN', 'Centipede 10% / Wool 90%', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 83, 20);
INSERT INTO sylius_product_channels (product_id, channel_id) VALUES (83, 19);

UPDATE sylius_product SET updated_at = '2017-11-20 21:47:39' WHERE id = 83
INSERT INTO sylius_product_options (product_id, option_id) VALUES (83, 7)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_options (product_id, option_id) VALUES (83, 8)

b289e3c6-a23b-33fe-93a7-21bd2379ab9f-variant-0  eum  Red  S  290.00 
b289e3c6-a23b-33fe-93a7-21bd2379ab9f-variant-1  qui  Red  M
b289e3c6-a23b-33fe-93a7-21bd2379ab9f-variant-2  dolore  Red  L
b289e3c6-a23b-33fe-93a7-21bd2379ab9f-variant-3  recusandae  Red  XL
b289e3c6-a23b-33fe-93a7-21bd2379ab9f-variant-4  explicabo   Red  XXL
b289e3c6-a23b-33fe-93a7-21bd2379ab9f-variant-5  sequi       Black S
b289e3c6-a23b-33fe-93a7-21bd2379ab9f-variant-6  laboriosam Black M
b289e3c6-a23b-33fe-93a7-21bd2379ab9f-variant-7  voluptates Black L
b289e3c6-a23b-33fe-93a7-21bd2379ab9f-variant-8  odit Black XL
b289e3c6-a23b-33fe-93a7-21bd2379ab9f-variant-9  ut Black XXL

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (388, 'b289e3c6-a23b-33fe-93a7-21bd2379ab9f-variant-0', '2017-11-21 13:22:20', '2017-11-21 13:22:20', 0, 83, 0, 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('eum', 'zh_CN', 388)
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (29000, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 388)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (388, 21)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (388, 24)

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (389, 'b289e3c6-a23b-33fe-93a7-21bd2379ab9f-variant-1', '2017-11-21 13:23:19', '2017-11-21 13:23:19', 1, 83, 0, 30, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('qui', 'zh_CN', 389)
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (29000, 58000, 'WEB-CN', 389)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (389, 21)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (389, 25)

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (390, 'b289e3c6-a23b-33fe-93a7-21bd2379ab9f-variant-2', '2017-11-21 13:24:09', '2017-11-21 13:24:09', 2, 83, 0, 7, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('dolore', 'zh_CN', 390)
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (29000, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 390)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (390, 21)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (390, 26)

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (391, 'b289e3c6-a23b-33fe-93a7-21bd2379ab9f-variant-3', '2017-11-21 13:25:08', '2017-11-21 13:25:09', 3, 83, 0, 4, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('recusandae', 'zh_CN', 391)
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (29000, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 391)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (391, 21)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (391, 27)

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (392, 'b289e3c6-a23b-33fe-93a7-21bd2379ab9f-variant-4', '2017-11-21 13:26:17', '2017-11-21 13:26:18', 4, 83, 0, 10, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('explicabo', 'zh_CN', 392)
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (29000, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 392)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (392, 21)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (392, 28)

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (393, 'b289e3c6-a23b-33fe-93a7-21bd2379ab9f-variant-5', '2017-11-21 13:27:45', '2017-11-21 13:27:46', 5, 83, 0, 3, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('sequi', 'zh_CN', 393)
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (29000, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 393)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (393, 22)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (393, 24)

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (394, 'b289e3c6-a23b-33fe-93a7-21bd2379ab9f-variant-6', '2017-11-21 13:29:58', '2017-11-21 13:29:58', 6, 83, 0, 9, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('laboriosam', 'zh_CN', 394)
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (29000, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 394)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (394, 22)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (394, 25)

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (395, 'b289e3c6-a23b-33fe-93a7-21bd2379ab9f-variant-7', '2017-11-21 13:31:29', '2017-11-21 13:31:29', 7, 83, 0, 2, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('voluptates', 'zh_CN', 395)
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (29000, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 395)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (395, 22)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (395, 26)

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (396, 'b289e3c6-a23b-33fe-93a7-21bd2379ab9f-variant-8', '2017-11-21 13:32:34', '2017-11-21 13:32:34', 8, 83, 0, 6, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('odit', 'zh_CN', 396)
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (29000, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 396)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (396, 22)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (396, 27)

INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant (id, code, created_at, updated_at, position, product_id, on_hold, on_hand, tracked, width, height, depth, weight, shipping_required, tax_category_id, shipping_category_id) VALUES (397, 'b289e3c6-a23b-33fe-93a7-21bd2379ab9f-variant-9', '2017-11-21 13:33:09', '2017-11-21 13:33:09', 9, 83, 0, 10, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_translation (name, locale, translatable_id) VALUES ('ut', 'zh_CN', 397)
INSERT INTO sylius_channel_pricing (price, original_price, channel_code, product_variant_id) VALUES (29000, NULL, 'WEB-CN', 397)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (397, 22)
INSERT INTO sylius_product_variant_option_value (variant_id, option_value_id) VALUES (397, 28)

准备注册1个购物者 模拟下单


名字 = 和    姓氏 = 郑
电子邮件 = zhengzizhi@aliyun.com
密码 = 123456
验证 = 123456

/home/myth/www/sylius/src/Sylius/Bundle/CustomerBundle/Resources/config/validation/Customer.xml   // 注册姓名需要更改成至少姓氏和名字的长度为1而不是长度为2

-- 注册一个普通购买用户:zhengzizhi@aliyun.com 密码:123456  姓名:郑和

SELECT * FROM sylius_shop_user
-- email_verification_token
-- i2R1zikugcnMl1Hu

验证您的电子邮件 http://migoo.com/app_test.php/zh_CN/verify/i2R1zikugcnMl1Hu

INSERT INTO sylius_customer (email, email_canonical, first_name, last_name, birthday, gender, created_at, updated_at, phone_number, subscribed_to_newsletter, customer_group_id, default_address_id) VALUES ('zhengzizhi@aliyun.com', 'zhengzizhi@aliyun.com', '郑', '和', NULL, 'u', '2017-11-21 16:58:29', '2017-11-21 16:58:29', NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)
INSERT INTO sylius_shop_user (username, username_canonical, enabled, salt, password, last_login, password_reset_token, password_requested_at, email_verification_token, verified_at, locked, expires_at, credentials_expire_at, roles, email, email_canonical, created_at, updated_at, customer_id) VALUES ('zhengzizhi@aliyun.com', 'zhengzizhi@aliyun.com', 0, 'gmep2yjcbago4gwww08cwwcw04g8gws', 'vFavewMq0nBYpNletrhdHYahdPD5/Jm9h6+EsTkp4lPKFfQepLjX31g5f9ETykr5rl8kStFo7mXGmXRX3/k/aw==', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 'a:1:{i:0;s:9:\"ROLE_USER\";}', NULL, NULL, '2017-11-21 16:58:29', '2017-11-21 16:58:29', 29)

UPDATE sylius_shop_user SET email_verification_token = 'i2R1zikugcnMl1Hu', updated_at = '2017-11-21 16:58:29' WHERE id = 29

UPDATE sylius_shop_user SET enabled = 1, email_verification_token = NULL, verified_at = '2017-11-21 18:31:08', updated_at = '2017-11-21 18:31:08' WHERE id = 29

INSERT INTO sylius_order (number, notes, state, checkout_completed_at, items_total, adjustments_total, total, created_at, updated_at, currency_code, locale_code, checkout_state, payment_state, shipping_state, token_value, customer_ip, shipping_address_id, billing_address_id, channel_id, promotion_coupon_id, customer_id) VALUES (NULL, NULL, 'cart', NULL, 0, 0, 0, '2017-11-21 18:31:41', '2017-11-21 18:31:41', 'CNY', 'zh_CN', 'cart', 'cart', 'cart', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 19, NULL, 29)

UPDATE sylius_shop_user SET last_login = '2017-11-21 18:31:41', updated_at = '2017-11-21 18:31:41' WHERE id = 29

-- 商品放入购物车
INSERT INTO sylius_order_item (quantity, unit_price, units_total, adjustments_total, total, is_immutable, order_id, variant_id) VALUES (2, 10550, 21100, 0, 21100, 0, 29, 383);
INSERT INTO sylius_shipment (state, tracking, created_at, updated_at, method_id, order_id) VALUES ('cart', NULL, '2017-11-21 19:04:09', '2017-11-21 19:04:09', 9, 29);
INSERT INTO sylius_order_item_unit (adjustments_total, order_item_id, created_at, updated_at, shipment_id) VALUES (0, 70, '2017-11-21 19:04:09', '2017-11-21 19:04:09', 27);
INSERT INTO sylius_order_item_unit (adjustments_total, order_item_id, created_at, updated_at, shipment_id) VALUES (0, 70, '2017-11-21 19:04:09', '2017-11-21 19:04:09', 27);
INSERT INTO sylius_adjustment (type, label, amount, is_neutral, is_locked, origin_code, created_at, updated_at, order_id, order_item_id, order_item_unit_id) VALUES ('shipping', 'UPS快递', 3488, 0, 0, NULL, '2017-11-21 19:04:09', '2017-11-21 19:04:09', 29, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_payment (currency_code, amount, state, details, created_at, updated_at, method_id, order_id) VALUES ('CNY', 24588, 'cart', '[]', '2017-11-21 19:04:09', '2017-11-21 19:04:09', 8, 29);
UPDATE sylius_order SET items_total = 21100, adjustments_total = 3488, total = 24588, updated_at = '2017-11-21 19:04:09' WHERE id = 29;

-- 点击结账跳转到送货地址 填写送货地址和启用账单不同的收单地址以及人名和联系方式
INSERT INTO sylius_address_log_entries (action, logged_at, object_id, object_class, version, data, username) VALUES ('create', '2017-11-21 19:46:16', NULL, 'Sylius\\Component\\Core\\Model\\Address', 1, 'a:10:{s:9:\"firstName\";s:6:\"成功\";s:8:\"lastName\";s:3:\"郑\";s:11:\"phoneNumber\";s:13:\"0512-53522891\";s:6:\"street\";s:26:\"城厢镇县府东街99号\";s:7:\"company\";s:12:\"远海集团\";s:4:\"city\";s:9:\"太仓市\";s:8:\"postcode\";s:6:\"215434\";s:11:\"countryCode\";s:2:\"CN\";s:12:\"provinceCode\";s:5:\"CN-JS\";s:12:\"provinceName\";N;}', 'zhengzizhi@aliyun.com');
INSERT INTO sylius_address_log_entries (action, logged_at, object_id, object_class, version, data, username) VALUES ('create', '2017-11-21 19:46:16', NULL, 'Sylius\\Component\\Core\\Model\\Address', 1, 'a:10:{s:9:\"firstName\";s:6:\"继光\";s:8:\"lastName\";s:3:\"戚\";s:11:\"phoneNumber\";s:12:\"0535-5665175\";s:6:\"street\";s:16:\"钟楼东路1号\";s:7:\"company\";N;s:4:\"city\";s:9:\"蓬莱市\";s:8:\"postcode\";s:6:\"265600\";s:11:\"countryCode\";s:2:\"CN\";s:12:\"provinceCode\";s:5:\"CN-SD\";s:12:\"provinceName\";N;}', 'zhengzizhi@aliyun.com');
INSERT INTO sylius_address (first_name, last_name, phone_number, street, company, city, postcode, created_at, updated_at, country_code, province_code, province_name, customer_id) VALUES ('成功', '郑', '0512-53522891', '城厢镇县府东街99号', '远海集团', '太仓市', '215434', '2017-11-21 19:46:16', '2017-11-21 19:46:16', 'CN', 'CN-JS', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_address (first_name, last_name, phone_number, street, company, city, postcode, created_at, updated_at, country_code, province_code, province_name, customer_id) VALUES ('继光', '戚', '0535-5665175', '钟楼东路1号', NULL, '蓬莱市', '265600', '2017-11-21 19:46:16', '2017-11-21 19:46:16', 'CN', 'CN-SD', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_adjustment (type, label, amount, is_neutral, is_locked, origin_code, created_at, updated_at, order_id, order_item_id, order_item_unit_id) VALUES ('shipping', 'UPS快递', 3488, 0, 0, NULL, '2017-11-21 19:46:16', '2017-11-21 19:46:16', 29, NULL, NULL);
UPDATE sylius_order SET checkout_state = 'addressed', shipping_address_id = 83, billing_address_id = 84, updated_at = '2017-11-21 19:46:16' WHERE id = 29;
UPDATE sylius_address_log_entries SET object_id = '83' WHERE id = 1;
UPDATE sylius_address_log_entries SET object_id = '84' WHERE id = 2;
DELETE FROM sylius_adjustment WHERE id = 1;

-- 发货方式 选择UPS快递 快递费34元的送货方式

这里有 UPS快递  DHL快递  联邦快递 免费快递供选择

INSERT INTO sylius_adjustment (type, label, amount, is_neutral, is_locked, origin_code, created_at, updated_at, order_id, order_item_id, order_item_unit_id) VALUES ('shipping', 'UPS快递', 3488, 0, 0, NULL, '2017-11-21 20:01:26', '2017-11-21 20:01:26', 29, NULL, NULL);
UPDATE sylius_order SET checkout_state = 'shipping_selected', updated_at = '2017-11-21 20:01:26' WHERE id = 29;
DELETE FROM sylius_adjustment WHERE id = 2;

-- 付款方式 选择PayPal快捷支付  下一步

INSERT INTO sylius_adjustment (type, label, amount, is_neutral, is_locked, origin_code, created_at, updated_at, order_id, order_item_id, order_item_unit_id) VALUES ('shipping', 'UPS快递', 3488, 0, 0, NULL, '2017-11-21 20:12:24', '2017-11-21 20:12:24', 29, NULL, NULL);
UPDATE sylius_order SET checkout_state = 'payment_selected', updated_at = '2017-11-21 20:12:24' WHERE id = 29;
UPDATE sylius_payment SET method_id = 11, updated_at = '2017-11-21 20:12:24' WHERE id = 1;
DELETE FROM sylius_adjustment WHERE id = 3;

-- 点击 下订单

INSERT INTO sylius_address_log_entries (action, logged_at, object_id, object_class, version, data, username) VALUES ('create', '2017-11-21 20:27:52', NULL, 'Sylius\\Component\\Core\\Model\\Address', 1, 'a:10:{s:9:\"firstName\";s:6:\"继光\";s:8:\"lastName\";s:3:\"戚\";s:11:\"phoneNumber\";s:12:\"0535-5665175\";s:6:\"street\";s:16:\"钟楼东路1号\";s:7:\"company\";N;s:4:\"city\";s:9:\"蓬莱市\";s:8:\"postcode\";s:6:\"265600\";s:11:\"countryCode\";s:2:\"CN\";s:12:\"provinceCode\";s:5:\"CN-SD\";s:12:\"provinceName\";N;}', 'zhengzizhi@aliyun.com');
INSERT INTO sylius_address_log_entries (action, logged_at, object_id, object_class, version, data, username) VALUES ('create', '2017-11-21 20:27:52', NULL, 'Sylius\\Component\\Core\\Model\\Address', 1, 'a:10:{s:9:\"firstName\";s:6:\"成功\";s:8:\"lastName\";s:3:\"郑\";s:11:\"phoneNumber\";s:13:\"0512-53522891\";s:6:\"street\";s:26:\"城厢镇县府东街99号\";s:7:\"company\";s:12:\"远海集团\";s:4:\"city\";s:9:\"太仓市\";s:8:\"postcode\";s:6:\"215434\";s:11:\"countryCode\";s:2:\"CN\";s:12:\"provinceCode\";s:5:\"CN-JS\";s:12:\"provinceName\";N;}', 'zhengzizhi@aliyun.com');
INSERT INTO sylius_address (first_name, last_name, phone_number, street, company, city, postcode, created_at, updated_at, country_code, province_code, province_name, customer_id) VALUES ('继光', '戚', '0535-5665175', '钟楼东路1号', NULL, '蓬莱市', '265600', '2017-11-21 19:46:16', '2017-11-21 19:46:16', 'CN', 'CN-SD', NULL, 29);
INSERT INTO sylius_address (first_name, last_name, phone_number, street, company, city, postcode, created_at, updated_at, country_code, province_code, province_name, customer_id) VALUES ('成功', '郑', '0512-53522891', '城厢镇县府东街99号', '远海集团', '太仓市', '215434', '2017-11-21 19:46:16', '2017-11-21 19:46:16', 'CN', 'CN-JS', NULL, 29);
INSERT INTO sylius_adjustment (type, label, amount, is_neutral, is_locked, origin_code, created_at, updated_at, order_id, order_item_id, order_item_unit_id) VALUES ('shipping', 'UPS快递', 3488, 0, 0, NULL, '2017-11-21 20:27:52', '2017-11-21 20:27:52', 29, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO sylius_order_sequence (idx) VALUES (1);
SELECT version FROM sylius_order_sequence WHERE id = '1';
UPDATE sylius_order SET number = '000000001', state = 'new', checkout_completed_at = '2017-11-21 20:27:52', checkout_state = 'completed', payment_state = 'awaiting_payment', shipping_state = 'ready', token_value = 'T~EIk5jPrn', customer_ip = '', updated_at = '2017-11-21 20:27:52' WHERE id = 29;
UPDATE sylius_shipment SET state = 'ready', updated_at = '2017-11-21 20:27:52' WHERE id = 27;
UPDATE sylius_payment SET state = 'new', updated_at = '2017-11-21 20:27:52' WHERE id = 1;
UPDATE sylius_address_log_entries SET object_id = '85' WHERE id = 3;
UPDATE sylius_address_log_entries SET object_id = '86' WHERE id = 4;
DELETE FROM sylius_adjustment WHERE id = 4;

INSERT INTO sylius_payment_security_token (details, after_url, target_url, gateway_name, hash) VALUES ('C:25:\"Payum\\Core\\Model\\Identity\":61:{a:2:{i:0;i:1;i:1;s:35:\"Sylius\\Component\\Core\\Model\\Payment\";}}', NULL, 'http://migoo.com/app_test.php/zh_CN/order/after-pay?payum_token=I4gMCsnKy8g4Ldy-GR25q2IpTetcgehLOXhVukctA20', 'paypal', 'I4gMCsnKy8g4Ldy-GR25q2IpTetcgehLOXhVukctA20');
INSERT INTO sylius_payment_security_token (details, after_url, target_url, gateway_name, hash) VALUES ('C:25:\"Payum\\Core\\Model\\Identity\":61:{a:2:{i:0;i:1;i:1;s:35:\"Sylius\\Component\\Core\\Model\\Payment\";}}', 'http://migoo.com/app_test.php/zh_CN/order/after-pay?payum_token=I4gMCsnKy8g4Ldy-GR25q2IpTetcgehLOXhVukctA20', 'http://migoo.com/app_test.php/payment/capture/isyaSC7X8M26bBaytTdR2TWbh6RQpYfuqNm4AJUTpJ4', 'paypal', 'isyaSC7X8M26bBaytTdR2TWbh6RQpYfuqNm4AJUTpJ4');

INSERT INTO sylius_payment_security_token (details, after_url, target_url, gateway_name, hash) VALUES ('C:25:\"Payum\\Core\\Model\\Identity\":61:{a:2:{i:0;i:1;i:1;s:35:\"Sylius\\Component\\Core\\Model\\Payment\";}}', NULL, 'http://migoo.com/app_test.php/payment/notify/Wa6cfSVY9IPT88ZLn25Krmwk1SyFWdFbZFSnhnkm6oY', 'paypal', 'Wa6cfSVY9IPT88ZLn25Krmwk1SyFWdFbZFSnhnkm6oY');
UPDATE sylius_payment SET details = '{\"PAYMENTREQUEST_0_INVNUM\":\"7941-43471\",\"PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE\":\"CNY\",\"PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT\":245.88,\"PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMAMT\":245.88,\"L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME0\":\"T-Shirt \\\"quo\\\"\",\"L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT0\":105.5,\"L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY0\":2,\"L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME1\":\"Shipping Total\",\"L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT1\":34.88,\"L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY1\":1}', updated_at = '2017-11-21 20:27:53' WHERE id = 1;
UPDATE sylius_payment SET details = '{\"PAYMENTREQUEST_0_INVNUM\":\"7941-43471\",\"PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE\":\"CNY\",\"PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT\":245.88,\"PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMAMT\":245.88,\"L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME0\":\"T-Shirt \\\"quo\\\"\",\"L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT0\":105.5,\"L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY0\":2,\"L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME1\":\"Shipping Total\",\"L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT1\":34.88,\"L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY1\":1,\"PAYMENTREQUEST_0_PAYMENTACTION\":\"Sale\",\"AUTHORIZE_TOKEN_USERACTION\":\"commit\",\"RETURNURL\":\"http:\\/\\/migoo.com\\/app_test.php\\/payment\\/capture\\/isyaSC7X8M26bBaytTdR2TWbh6RQpYfuqNm4AJUTpJ4\",\"CANCELURL\":\"http:\\/\\/migoo.com\\/app_test.php\\/payment\\/capture\\/isyaSC7X8M26bBaytTdR2TWbh6RQpYfuqNm4AJUTpJ4?cancelled=1\",\"PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NOTIFYURL\":\"http:\\/\\/migoo.com\\/app_test.php\\/payment\\/notify\\/Wa6cfSVY9IPT88ZLn25Krmwk1SyFWdFbZFSnhnkm6oY\",\"TIMESTAMP\":\"2017-11-21T12:27:59Z\",\"CORRELATIONID\":\"4dc7afbace47d\",\"ACK\":\"Failure\",\"VERSION\":\"65.1\",\"BUILD"40680762\",\"L_ERRORCODE0\":\"10605\",\"L_SHORTMESSAGE0\":\"Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.\",\"L_LONGMESSAGE0\":\"Currency is not supported\",\"L_SEVERITYCODE0\":\"Error\"}', updated_at = '2017-11-21 20:27:58' WHERE id = 1;
DELETE FROM sylius_payment_security_token WHERE hash = 'isyaSC7X8M26bBaytTdR2TWbh6RQpYfuqNm4AJUTpJ4';

INSERT INTO sylius_payment (currency_code, amount, state, details, created_at, updated_at, method_id, order_id) VALUES ('CNY', 24588, 'new', '[]', '2017-11-21 20:27:59', '2017-11-21 20:27:59', 11, 29);
UPDATE sylius_payment SET state = 'failed', updated_at = '2017-11-21 20:27:59' WHERE id = 1;
DELETE FROM sylius_payment_security_token WHERE hash = 'I4gMCsnKy8g4Ldy-GR25q2IpTetcgehLOXhVukctA20';

PayPal 不支持人民币支付,因此测试支付换作Stripe

UPDATE sylius_payment SET method_id = 10, updated_at = '2017-11-21 21:50:36' WHERE id = 2;

INSERT INTO sylius_payment_security_token (details, after_url, target_url, gateway_name, hash) VALUES ('C:25:\"Payum\\Core\\Model\\Identity\":61:{a:2:{i:0;i:2;i:1;s:35:\"Sylius\\Component\\Core\\Model\\Payment\";}}', NULL, 'http://migoo.com/app_test.php/zh_CN/order/after-pay?payum_token=UrGWsEgFsysMt-0r5npbI4t0AtEnv2wVjWlTroHecJc', 'pm_stripe', 'UrGWsEgFsysMt-0r5npbI4t0AtEnv2wVjWlTroHecJc');
INSERT INTO sylius_payment_security_token (details, after_url, target_url, gateway_name, hash) VALUES ('C:25:\"Payum\\Core\\Model\\Identity\":61:{a:2:{i:0;i:2;i:1;s:35:\"Sylius\\Component\\Core\\Model\\Payment\";}}', 'http://migoo.com/app_test.php/zh_CN/order/after-pay?payum_token=UrGWsEgFsysMt-0r5npbI4t0AtEnv2wVjWlTroHecJc', 'http://migoo.com/app_test.php/payment/capture/PE_6HZ4E0rfPjT10UMK6lvmDd7hX0J84uInlAlgn2Js', 'pm_stripe', 'PE_6HZ4E0rfPjT10UMK6lvmDd7hX0J84uInlAlgn2Js');

UPDATE sylius_payment SET details = '{\"amount\":24588,\"currency\":\"CNY\",\"description\":\"\\u652f\\u4ed8\\u603b\\u8ba1 245.88 \\u6570\\u91cf\\u4e3a 1 \\u7684\\u9879\"}', updated_at = '2017-11-21 21:50:37' WHERE id = 2;

UPDATE sylius_payment SET details = '{\"amount\":24588,\"currency\":\"cny\",\"description\":\"\\u652f\\u4ed8\\u603b\\u8ba1 245.88 \\u6570\\u91cf\\u4e3a 1 \\u7684\\u9879\",\"card\":\"tok_1BQdAV2eZvKYlo2CqulARO4i\",\"id\":\"ch_1BQdAc2eZvKYlo2CRlIqJriX\",\"object\":\"charge\",\"amount_refunded\":0,\"application\":null,\"application_fee\":null,\"balance_transaction\":\"txn_1BQdAc2eZvKYlo2C6M9JdiEs\",\"captured\":true,\"created\":1511276178,\"customer\":null,\"destination\":null,\"dispute\":null,\"failure_code\":null,\"failure_message\":null,\"fraud_details\":[],\"invoice\":null,\"livemode\":false,\"metadata\":[],\"on_behalf_of\":null,\"order\":null,\"outcome\":{\"network_status\":\"approved_by_network\",\"reason\":null,\"risk_level\":\"normal\",\"seller_message\":\"Payment complete.\",\"type\":\"authorized\"},\"paid\":true,\"receipt_email\":null,\"receipt_number\":null,\"refunded\":false,\"refunds\":{\"object\":\"list\",\"data\":[],\"has_more\":false,\"total_count\":0,\"url\":\"\\/v1\\/charges\\/ch_1BQdAc2eZvKYlRlIqJriX\\/refunds\"},\"review\":null,\"shipping\":null,\"source\":{\"id\":\"card_1BQdAV2eZvKYlo2C6GnaJgqA\",\"object\":\"card\",\"address_city\":null,\"address_country\":null,\"address_line1\":null,\"address_line1_check\":null,\"address_line2\":null,\"address_state\":null,\"address_zip\":null,\"address_zip_check\":null,\"brand\":\"Visa\",\"country\":\"US\",\"customer\":null,\"cvc_check\":\"pass\",\"dynamic_last4\":null,\"exp_month\":12,\"exp_year\":2020,\"fingerprint\":\"Xt5EWLLDS7FJjR1c\",\"funding\":\"credit\",\"last4\":\"4242\",\"metadata\":[],\"name\":\"zhengzizhi@aliyun.com\",\"tokenization_method\":null},\"source_transfer\":null,\"statement_descriptor\":null,\"status\":\"succeeded\",\"transfer_group\":null}', updated_at = '2017-11-21 22:56:18' WHERE id = 2;
DELETE FROM sylius_payment_security_token WHERE hash = 'PE_6HZ4E0rfPjT10UMK6lvmDd7hX0J84uInlAlgn2Js';

UPDATE sylius_order SET payment_state = 'paid', updated_at = '2017-11-21 22:56:19' WHERE id = 29;
UPDATE sylius_payment SET state = 'completed', updated_at = '2017-11-21 22:56:19' WHERE id = 2;
DELETE FROM sylius_payment_security_token WHERE hash = 'UrGWsEgFsysMt-0r5npbI4t0AtEnv2wVjWlTroHecJc';

-- 购买10本书 添加到购物车
	INSERT INTO sylius_order (id, number, notes, state, checkout_completed_at, items_total, adjustments_total, total, created_at, updated_at, currency_code, locale_code, checkout_state, payment_state, shipping_state, token_value, customer_ip, shipping_address_id, billing_address_id, channel_id, promotion_coupon_id, customer_id) VALUES (30, NULL, NULL, 'cart', NULL, 5450, 3488, 8938, '2017-11-22 13:21:53', '2017-11-22 13:21:53', 'CNY', 'zh_CN', 'cart', 'cart', 'cart', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 19, NULL, 29);
	INSERT INTO sylius_payment (id, currency_code, amount, state, details, created_at, updated_at, method_id, order_id) VALUES (3, 'CNY', 8938, 'cart', '[]', '2017-11-22 13:21:53', '2017-11-22 13:21:53', 8, 30);
	INSERT INTO sylius_shipment (id, state, tracking, created_at, updated_at, method_id, order_id) VALUES (28, 'cart', NULL, '2017-11-22 13:21:53', '2017-11-22 13:21:53', 9, 30);
	INSERT INTO sylius_order_item (id, quantity, unit_price, units_total, adjustments_total, total, is_immutable, order_id, variant_id) VALUES (71, 10, 545, 5450, 0, 5450, 0, 30, 376);
	INSERT INTO sylius_order_item_unit (id, adjustments_total, order_item_id, created_at, updated_at, shipment_id) VALUES (219, 0, 71, '2017-11-22 13:21:53', '2017-11-22 13:21:53', 28);
	INSERT INTO sylius_order_item_unit (id, adjustments_total, order_item_id, created_at, updated_at, shipment_id) VALUES (220, 0, 71, '2017-11-22 13:21:53', '2017-11-22 13:21:53', 28);
	INSERT INTO sylius_order_item_unit (id, adjustments_total, order_item_id, created_at, updated_at, shipment_id) VALUES (221, 0, 71, '2017-11-22 13:21:53', '2017-11-22 13:21:53', 28);
	INSERT INTO sylius_order_item_unit (id, adjustments_total, order_item_id, created_at, updated_at, shipment_id) VALUES (222, 0, 71, '2017-11-22 13:21:53', '2017-11-22 13:21:53', 28);
	INSERT INTO sylius_order_item_unit (id, adjustments_total, order_item_id, created_at, updated_at, shipment_id) VALUES (223, 0, 71, '2017-11-22 13:21:53', '2017-11-22 13:21:53', 28);
	INSERT INTO sylius_order_item_unit (id, adjustments_total, order_item_id, created_at, updated_at, shipment_id) VALUES (224, 0, 71, '2017-11-22 13:21:53', '2017-11-22 13:21:53', 28);
	INSERT INTO sylius_order_item_unit (id, adjustments_total, order_item_id, created_at, updated_at, shipment_id) VALUES (225, 0, 71, '2017-11-22 13:21:53', '2017-11-22 13:21:53', 28);
	INSERT INTO sylius_order_item_unit (id, adjustments_total, order_item_id, created_at, updated_at, shipment_id) VALUES (226, 0, 71, '2017-11-22 13:21:53', '2017-11-22 13:21:53', 28);
	INSERT INTO sylius_order_item_unit (id, adjustments_total, order_item_id, created_at, updated_at, shipment_id) VALUES (227, 0, 71, '2017-11-22 13:21:53', '2017-11-22 13:21:53', 28);
	INSERT INTO sylius_order_item_unit (id, adjustments_total, order_item_id, created_at, updated_at, shipment_id) VALUES (228, 0, 71, '2017-11-22 13:21:53', '2017-11-22 13:21:53', 28);
	INSERT INTO sylius_adjustment (id, type, label, amount, is_neutral, is_locked, origin_code, created_at, updated_at, order_id, order_item_id, order_item_unit_id) VALUES (6, 'shipping', 'UPS快递', 3488, 0, 0, NULL, '2017-11-22 13:21:53', '2017-11-22 13:21:53', 30, NULL, NULL);

-- 清空购物车
	DELETE FROM sylius_payment WHERE id = 3;
	DELETE FROM sylius_adjustment WHERE id = 6;
	DELETE FROM sylius_order_item_unit WHERE id = 219;
	DELETE FROM sylius_order_item_unit WHERE id = 220;
	DELETE FROM sylius_order_item_unit WHERE id = 221;
	DELETE FROM sylius_order_item_unit WHERE id = 222;
	DELETE FROM sylius_order_item_unit WHERE id = 223;
	DELETE FROM sylius_order_item_unit WHERE id = 224;
	DELETE FROM sylius_order_item_unit WHERE id = 225;
	DELETE FROM sylius_order_item_unit WHERE id = 226;
	DELETE FROM sylius_order_item_unit WHERE id = 227;
	DELETE FROM sylius_order_item_unit WHERE id = 228;
	DELETE FROM sylius_shipment WHERE id = 28;
	DELETE FROM sylius_order_item WHERE id = 71;
	DELETE FROM sylius_order WHERE id = 30;

-- 购买10本书 添加到购物车
	INSERT INTO sylius_order (id, number, notes, state, checkout_completed_at, items_total, adjustments_total, total, created_at, updated_at, currency_code, locale_code, checkout_state, payment_state, shipping_state, token_value, customer_ip, shipping_address_id, billing_address_id, channel_id, promotion_coupon_id, customer_id) VALUES (31, NULL, NULL, 'cart', NULL, 5450, 3488, 8938, '2017-11-22 14:01:25', '2017-11-22 14:01:25', 'CNY', 'zh_CN', 'cart', 'cart', 'cart', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 19, NULL, 29);
	INSERT INTO sylius_payment (id, currency_code, amount, state, details, created_at, updated_at, method_id, order_id) VALUES (4, 'CNY', 8938, 'cart', '[]', '2017-11-22 14:01:25', '2017-11-22 14:01:25', 8, 31);
	INSERT INTO sylius_shipment (id, state, tracking, created_at, updated_at, method_id, order_id) VALUES (29, 'cart', NULL, '2017-11-22 14:01:25', '2017-11-22 14:01:25', 9, 31);
	INSERT INTO sylius_order_item (id, quantity, unit_price, units_total, adjustments_total, total, is_immutable, order_id, variant_id) VALUES (72, 10, 545, 5450, 0, 5450, 0, 31, 376);
	INSERT INTO sylius_order_item_unit (id, adjustments_total, order_item_id, created_at, updated_at, shipment_id) VALUES (229, 0, 72, '2017-11-22 14:01:25', '2017-11-22 14:01:25', 29);
	INSERT INTO sylius_order_item_unit (id, adjustments_total, order_item_id, created_at, updated_at, shipment_id) VALUES (230, 0, 72, '2017-11-22 14:01:25', '2017-11-22 14:01:25', 29);
	INSERT INTO sylius_order_item_unit (id, adjustments_total, order_item_id, created_at, updated_at, shipment_id) VALUES (231, 0, 72, '2017-11-22 14:01:25', '2017-11-22 14:01:25', 29);
	INSERT INTO sylius_order_item_unit (id, adjustments_total, order_item_id, created_at, updated_at, shipment_id) VALUES (232, 0, 72, '2017-11-22 14:01:25', '2017-11-22 14:01:25', 29);
	INSERT INTO sylius_order_item_unit (id, adjustments_total, order_item_id, created_at, updated_at, shipment_id) VALUES (233, 0, 72, '2017-11-22 14:01:25', '2017-11-22 14:01:25', 29);
	INSERT INTO sylius_order_item_unit (id, adjustments_total, order_item_id, created_at, updated_at, shipment_id) VALUES (234, 0, 72, '2017-11-22 14:01:25', '2017-11-22 14:01:25', 29);
	INSERT INTO sylius_order_item_unit (id, adjustments_total, order_item_id, created_at, updated_at, shipment_id) VALUES (235, 0, 72, '2017-11-22 14:01:25', '2017-11-22 14:01:25', 29);
	INSERT INTO sylius_order_item_unit (id, adjustments_total, order_item_id, created_at, updated_at, shipment_id) VALUES (236, 0, 72, '2017-11-22 14:01:25', '2017-11-22 14:01:25', 29);
	INSERT INTO sylius_order_item_unit (id, adjustments_total, order_item_id, created_at, updated_at, shipment_id) VALUES (237, 0, 72, '2017-11-22 14:01:25', '2017-11-22 14:01:25', 29);
	INSERT INTO sylius_order_item_unit (id, adjustments_total, order_item_id, created_at, updated_at, shipment_id) VALUES (238, 0, 72, '2017-11-22 14:01:25', '2017-11-22 14:01:25', 29);
	INSERT INTO sylius_adjustment (id, type, label, amount, is_neutral, is_locked, origin_code, created_at, updated_at, order_id, order_item_id, order_item_unit_id) VALUES (7, 'shipping', 'UPS快递', 3488, 0, 0, NULL, '2017-11-22 14:01:25', '2017-11-22 14:01:25', 31, NULL, NULL);

-- 点击结账跳转到送货地址 填写送货地址和启用账单不同的收单地址以及人名和联系方式
	INSERT INTO sylius_address_log_entries (id, action, logged_at, object_id, object_class, version, data, username) VALUES (5, 'create', '2017-11-22 14:21:36', NULL, 'Sylius\\Component\\Core\\Model\\Address', 1, 'a:10:{s:9:\"firstName\";s:6:\"成功\";s:8:\"lastName\";s:3:\"郑\";s:11:\"phoneNumber\";s:13:\"0512-53522891\";s:6:\"street\";s:26:\"城厢镇县府东街99号\";s:7:\"company\";s:12:\"远海集团\";s:4:\"city\";s:9:\"太仓市\";s:8:\"postcode\";s:6:\"215434\";s:11:\"countryCode\";s:2:\"CN\";s:12:\"provinceCode\";s:5:\"CN-JS\";s:12:\"provinceName\";N;}', 'zhengzizhi@aliyun.com');
	INSERT INTO sylius_address_log_entries (id, action, logged_at, object_id, object_class, version, data, username) VALUES (6, 'create', '2017-11-22 14:21:36', NULL, 'Sylius\\Component\\Core\\Model\\Address', 1, 'a:10:{s:9:\"firstName\";s:6:\"继光\";s:8:\"lastName\";s:3:\"戚\";s:11:\"phoneNumber\";s:12:\"0535-5665175\";s:6:\"street\";s:16:\"钟楼东路1号\";s:7:\"company\";N;s:4:\"city\";s:9:\"蓬莱市\";s:8:\"postcode\";s:6:\"265600\";s:11:\"countryCode\";s:2:\"CN\";s:12:\"provinceCode\";s:5:\"CN-SD\";s:12:\"provinceName\";N;}', 'zhengzizhi@aliyun.com');
	INSERT INTO sylius_address (id, first_name, last_name, phone_number, street, company, city, postcode, created_at, updated_at, country_code, province_code, province_name, customer_id) VALUES (87, '成功', '郑', '0512-53522891', '城厢镇县府东街99号', '远海集团', '太仓市', '215434', '2017-11-22 14:21:36', '2017-11-22 14:21:36', 'CN', 'CN-JS', NULL, NULL);
	INSERT INTO sylius_address (id, first_name, last_name, phone_number, street, company, city, postcode, created_at, updated_at, country_code, province_code, province_name, customer_id) VALUES (88, '继光', '戚', '0535-5665175', '钟楼东路1号', NULL, '蓬莱市', '265600', '2017-11-22 14:21:36', '2017-11-22 14:21:36', 'CN', 'CN-SD', NULL, NULL);
	INSERT INTO sylius_adjustment (id, type, label, amount, is_neutral, is_locked, origin_code, created_at, updated_at, order_id, order_item_id, order_item_unit_id) VALUES (8, 'shipping', 'UPS快递', 3488, 0, 0, NULL, '2017-11-22 14:21:36', '2017-11-22 14:21:36', 31, NULL, NULL);
	UPDATE sylius_order SET checkout_state = 'addressed', shipping_address_id = 87, billing_address_id = 88, updated_at = '2017-11-22 14:21:36' WHERE id = 31;
	UPDATE sylius_address_log_entries SET object_id = '87' WHERE id = 5;
	UPDATE sylius_address_log_entries SET object_id = '88' WHERE id = 6;
	DELETE FROM sylius_adjustment WHERE id = 7;

-- 配送 选择联邦快递 点击下一步
	INSERT INTO sylius_adjustment (id, type, label, amount, is_neutral, is_locked, origin_code, created_at, updated_at, order_id, order_item_id, order_item_unit_id) VALUES (9, 'shipping', '联邦快递', 4224, 0, 0, NULL, '2017-11-22 14:56:20', '2017-11-22 14:56:20', 31, NULL, NULL);
	UPDATE sylius_order SET adjustments_total = 4224, total = 9674, checkout_state = 'shipping_selected', updated_at = '2017-11-22 14:56:20' WHERE id = 31;
	UPDATE sylius_shipment SET method_id = 11, updated_at = '2017-11-22 14:56:20' WHERE id = 29;
	UPDATE sylius_payment SET amount = 9674, updated_at = '2017-11-22 14:56:20' WHERE id = 4;
	DELETE FROM sylius_adjustment WHERE id = 8;

-- 付款 选择Stripe支付 点击下一步 
	INSERT INTO sylius_adjustment (id, type, label, amount, is_neutral, is_locked, origin_code, created_at, updated_at, order_id, order_item_id, order_item_unit_id) VALUES (10, 'shipping', '联邦快递', 4224, 0, 0, NULL, '2017-11-22 15:03:52', '2017-11-22 15:03:52', 31, NULL, NULL);
	UPDATE sylius_order SET checkout_state = 'payment_selected', updated_at = '2017-11-22 15:03:52' WHERE id = 31;
	UPDATE sylius_payment SET method_id = 10, updated_at = '2017-11-22 15:03:52' WHERE id = 4;
	DELETE FROM sylius_adjustment WHERE id = 9;

-- 点击 下订单  订单的状态进入新订单状态

	INSERT INTO sylius_adjustment (id, type, label, amount, is_neutral, is_locked, origin_code, created_at, updated_at, order_id, order_item_id, order_item_unit_id) VALUES (11, 'shipping', '联邦快递', 4224, 0, 0, NULL, '2017-11-22 15:21:40', '2017-11-22 15:21:40', 31, NULL, NULL);
	UPDATE sylius_order_sequence SET idx = 2, version = version + 1 WHERE id = 1 AND version = 1;
	SELECT version FROM sylius_order_sequence WHERE id = '1';
	UPDATE sylius_order SET number = '000000002', state = 'new', checkout_completed_at = '2017-11-22 15:21:40', checkout_state = 'completed', payment_state = 'awaiting_payment', shipping_state = 'ready', token_value = 'u5ZzvXobiK', customer_ip = '', updated_at = '2017-11-22 15:21:40' WHERE id = 31;
	UPDATE sylius_shipment SET state = 'ready', updated_at = '2017-11-22 15:21:40' WHERE id = 29;
	UPDATE sylius_payment SET state = 'new', updated_at = '2017-11-22 15:21:40' WHERE id = 4;
	DELETE FROM sylius_adjustment WHERE id = 10;

	INSERT INTO sylius_payment_security_token (details, after_url, target_url, gateway_name, hash) VALUES ('C:25:\"Payum\\Core\\Model\\Identity\":61:{a:2:{i:0;i:4;i:1;s:35:\"Sylius\\Component\\Core\\Model\\Payment\";}}', NULL, 'http://migoo.com/app_test.php/zh_CN/order/after-pay?payum_token=x0xM8As2Au6MuHdoRLJZFEPY33QmlffcsB51u8Ay5Qk', 'pm_stripe', 'x0xM8As2Au6MuHdoRLJZFEPY33QmlffcsB51u8Ay5Qk');
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填写购物支付测试Visa卡号:4242424242424242    https://stripe.com/docs/testing#cards
月/年:12/2020        CVC:242

点击 支付¥96.74

	UPDATE sylius_payment SET details = '{\"amount\":9674,\"currency\":\"cny\",\"description\":\"\\u652f\\u4ed8\\u603b\\u8ba1 96.74 \\u6570\\u91cf\\u4e3a 1 \\u7684\\u9879\",\"card\":\"tok_1BQsta2eZvKYlo2C7XS3DbL0\",\"id\":\"ch_1BQstf2eZvKYlo2Ce2PYNKw0\",\"object\":\"charge\",\"amount_refunded\":0,\"application\":null,\"application_fee\":null,\"balance_transaction\":\"txn_1BQstf2eZvKYlo2CrhjgyDoS\",\"captured\":true,\"created\":1511336631,\"customer\":null,\"destination\":null,\"dispute\":null,\"failure_code\":null,\"failure_message\":null,\"fraud_details\":[],\"invoice\":null,\"livemode\":false,\"metadata\":[],\"on_behalf_of\":null,\"order
\":null,\"outcome\":{\"network_status\":\"approved_by_network\",\"reason\":null,\"risk_level\":\"normal\",\"seller_message\":\"Payment complete.\",\"type\":\"authorized\"},\"paid\":true,\"receipt_email\":null,\"receipt_number\":null,\"refunded\":false,\"refunds\":{\"object\":\"list\",\"data\":[],\"has_more\":false,\"total_count\":0,\"url\":\"\\/v1\\/charges\\/ch_1BQstf2eZvKYlo2Ce2PYNKw0\\/refunds\"},\"
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	DELETE FROM sylius_payment_security_token WHERE hash = '7yFhsdAW5fq3UnVaX4I2aib4gorEpQwLTAvnVX8OfyI';

-- 订单支付状态进入已付款状态  支付进入已完成状态
	UPDATE sylius_order SET payment_state = 'paid', updated_at = '2017-11-22 15:43:49' WHERE id = 31;
	UPDATE sylius_payment SET state = 'completed', updated_at = '2017-11-22 15:43:49' WHERE id = 4;
	DELETE FROM sylius_payment_security_token WHERE hash = 'x0xM8As2Au6MuHdoRLJZFEPY33QmlffcsB51u8Ay5Qk';

-- 进入后台管理 点击该笔订单的配送  订单进入已出货状态  配送状态进入已寄出状态 
	UPDATE sylius_order SET state = 'fulfilled', shipping_state = 'shipped', updated_at = '2017-11-22 22:40:16' WHERE id = 31;
	UPDATE sylius_shipment SET state = 'shipped', updated_at = '2017-11-22 22:40:16' WHERE id = 29;


