
Behind the scenes


Becoming Women Techmakers Ambassador


In 2018 I decided to start my remote freelance career and to continue to expand my Full Stack Developer knowledge by finishing the last FreeCodeamp projects for the certification and taking AlbanyCanCode bootcamp.

在2018年,我决定开始我的远程自由职业生涯,并通过完成最后一个FreeCodeamp项目的认证并参加AlbanyCanCode训练营来继续扩展我的Full Stack Developer知识。

I started frequenting Meetups and got a great relationship with Google Developer Group of Capital Region where I fall in love with Flutter, Google’s mobile app SDK for building beautiful native iOS and Android apps from a single codebase. In February 2019 I was nominated Google Developer Group Lead/Co-Organizer and Women Techmakers Ambassador for Capital Region and started to involve more women in GDG coding events and meetups. I started to lead a monthly GDG Meetup on Flutter with hands-on Codelab and at my first North America Women Techmakers online meeting, I learned of Google supporting us to promote International Women’s Day celebration events in March and April.

我开始经常参加Meetups,并与首都地区的Google开发人员小组建立了良好的关系,在那里我迷上了Flutter,这是Google的移动应用程序SDK,可通过一个代码库构建漂亮的本机iOS和Android应用程序。 在2019年2月,我被提名为Google开发者小组负责人/联合组织者和女性技术制造商首都地区大使,并开始让更多女性参与GDG编码活动和聚会。 我开始动手使用Codelab,在Flutter上领导GDG每月见面会,在我第一次参加北美女性技术制造者在线会议时,我了解到Google支持我们在3月和4月宣传国际妇女节庆祝活动。

International Women’s Day event preparations


Since was the last day of February I couldn’t possibly put up an event on March 8th when the event is marked on the calendar. I started to work out details with Jason Rotella our GDG Lead founder that has extensive experience in organizing events. We were thinking of a small event with 2–3 speakers, 20 attendees and a 3-hour event open to women and men. Jason started to send emails to our past sponsors and speakers and to introduce me to them.

因为是2月的最后一天,所以我无法在3月8日举办活动,因为该活动已在日历上标记。 我开始与GDG Lead创始人Jason Rotella一起制定细节,他在组织活动方面拥有丰富的经验。 我们正在考虑一个小型活动,由2至3名发言人,20名与会者和一个3个小时的男女活动组成。 Jason开始向我们过去的赞助商和发言人发送电子邮件,并向我介绍他们。

This was the beginning of a wonderful adventure that ended up being a very successful event. Everyone answered back and wanted to be part of the event. Soon we found us in a very difficult situation of having to decline offers for the venue because we already agreed on it. For the speakers, we decided to welcome all 8 women speakers that accepted our invitation even though we were aware that 3 hours were not enough and keeping in mind for next year to make an all day long event. It was a big surprise to find out that our community came all together to create an impact in IWD celebration event.

这是一次精彩冒险的开始,最终成为非常成功的事件。 每个人都回答了,并希望成为活动的一部分。 很快,我们发现我们处于非常困难的境地,因为我们已经达成协议,因此不得不拒绝该场地的报价。 对于发言人,我们决定欢迎所有接受我们邀请的8位女发言人,尽管我们意识到3个小时还不够,并记住明年要进行一整天的活动。 我们社区团结起来,在IWD庆祝活动中产生了巨大的影响,这真是一个巨大的惊喜。

We started to work and coordinate every little detail to make sure that the 3 hours event will be a memorable one. Our sponsor Troy Web Consulting went above and beyond and exceeded not only our requests but our expectations also. They surprised me even with the minimal details of the event like flowers on the conference room and a beautiful drawing dedicated to IWD that was welcoming our guests at the registration point and many many other things that caught my eye every second and made me smile. They also took care of the event pictures having someone dedicated to it and facilitated the research for audio and video services. Being 1 hour and a half drive away back and forth for me the fact that the venue took care of refreshments was a big lifting up pressure from my shoulders.

我们开始工作并协调每一个小细节,以确保3个小时的活动将成为难忘的活动。 我们的赞助商Troy Web Consulting不仅超越了我们的要求,而且超越了我们的期望。 他们甚至对活动的最小细节感到惊讶,例如会议室里的花朵和献给IWD的精美图画,在登记处欢迎我们的客人,还有许多其他吸引我眼球并使我微笑的事物。 他们还照顾了活动图片,并请了专门的人员参加,并促进了音频和视频服务的研究。 对我来说,经过一个半小时的车程来回走动,这个场地照顾着茶点,这是一个很大的压力。

In no time it turned out to be a full-time job to prepare the event but it was worth it. We started to have meetings with the venue representatives and speakers to prepare everyone for what to expect from the event and how to prepare for. We discuss the focus of the event on the topics like #BalanceforBetter and ‘We are Better Together’ (#BetterTogether).

很快,准备活动就成了专职工作,但这是值得的。 我们开始与场馆代表和演讲者举行会议,为所有人准备会议的期望和准备。 我们在#BalanceforBetter和“我们在一起更好”(#BetterTogether)之类的话题上讨论了活动的焦点。

Tacking a bootcamp class at AlbanyCanCode I got the help to spread the word for the event and have almost 12–14 women and few men from the Front End class joining the event. At a certain point, we had to put a cap on the RSVP in Meetup and block the attendance and got to discuss with the venue representatives about the room capacity and eventual possibility to extend it to accommodate more people because of the high request received. We were able to work out with them a solution to have additional chairs from the initial 20–30 to 40–50 room capacity and re-opened the Meetup RSVP. Even this way in the day of the event we acknowledged that there were other people trying to register for the event but ran out of the room and they showed up anyways. The public was diverse and almost 40 out of 55 in the room where women in tech and not or interested to switch to the tech industry.

在AlbanyCanCode参加一次训练营课程,我得到了帮助,使该活动广为传播,并且有近12–14名女性和来自前端班的几名男性参加了该活动。 在某个时候,我们必须限制Meetup上的RSVP并阻止出席,并与场地代表讨论房间的容量以及由于收到的高要求而最终扩展它以容纳更多人的可能性。 我们能够与他们一起制定解决方案,从最初的20–30到40–50的房间容纳更多的椅子,然后重新开放了Meetup RSVP。 即使在活动当天,也是如此,我们也承认还有其他人尝试注册该活动,但他们跑出房间后反正出现了。 公众是多样化的,在55个房间中,将近40个是从事科技行业的女性,不愿意或不愿意转向科技行业的女性。

The Big Day — International Women’s Day event

大日子- 国际妇女节活动

Even preparing everything in minimal details still brings you surprises and challenges to face and solve. Luckily I showed up 1 hour prior to the event and I was able to fix some technical issues as they arise and start on time. Not only, but our speakers also respected the time scheduled and we didn’t have to worry for running out of time and rush things in the end. For who attended until the end and I can tell that the conference room was full until the end of the event we had a raffle time with some Google prizes like Google mini and Google VR.

即使以最小的细节准备一切,仍然会给您带来惊喜和挑战,需要面对和解决。 幸运的是,我在活动开始前1个小时出现了,并且能够解决一些技术问题,这些问题会随着时间的流逝而按时开始。 不仅如此,我们的演讲者还遵守预定的时间,我们不必担心时间用完而匆匆忙忙。 对于直到最后参加会议的人,我可以说会议室已经满了,直到活动结束,我们抽奖时间抽出一些Google奖品,例如Google mini和Google VR。

Here you can find some photos of the event and the videos of the event.


Our first lightning talk speaker was Amanda Krik — Game Designer, Educator and life long fan of games Amanda has been designing games for a variety of audiences for over ten years. She currently serves as the coordinator of RPI’s digital game hub by day, working with the local industry and schools to improve game development in the region. In her off time, she works on her own personal projects, does freelancing and has presented on a wide variety of game development topics including inclusivity in game development, open source game development, project management and game design.

我们的第一个闪电演讲者是Amanda Krik ,他是游戏设计师,教育家,游戏的终生粉丝。Amanda一直在为各种观众设计游戏,已有10多年的历史了。 她目前每天担任RPI数字游戏中心的协调员,与当地行业和学校合作,以改善该地区的游戏开发。 在工作之余,她从事自己的个人项目,从事自由职业,并介绍了许多游戏开发主题,包括游戏开发,开源游戏开发,项目管理和游戏设计的包容性。

Amanda talked about the gender balance in the game industry and issues with Confidence such as Imposter Syndrome vs reality. She explained the challenges of learning new skills and discomfort in asking for advise/help, the false expectations of task length and difficulty or even the fear of failure and how to overcome them as in the game cycle often happens by Playing — Failing and Having fun. Amanda prepared and Simple Game demo called Ren’Py but we suggested no live coding to avoid issues since the time was very short. She was able to present the demo with slides and explain the proceeds of a 15 min coding game walking through the steps the audience and show that everyone can code and join the game industry. Video

阿曼达(Amanda)谈到了游戏行业中的性别平衡以及“冒名顶替综合症与现实”等充满信心的问题。 她解释了在寻求建议/帮助时学习新技能和不适的挑战,对任务长度和难度的错误期望,甚至对失败的恐惧,以及在游戏周期中如何克服这些挑战,这通常是在玩游戏时发生的-失败和娱乐。 阿曼达准备了一个名为Ren'Py的简单游戏演示,但由于时间很短,我们建议不要进行实时编码来避免出现问题。 她能够通过幻灯片演示该演示,并解释了15分钟编码游戏的收益,并逐步引导观众,并表明每个人都可以编码并加入游戏行业。 视频

Our next speaker was Stacey Gammon — She’s worked at the National Security Agency, Google and most recently is Tech lead and Principal Software Engineer at Elastic. Stacey, like Amanda, talked about the Confidence & Imposter Syndrome in the tech industry. She explained how to deal with it before, during and after getting a job. Her motto is “Reach for opportunities and believe in yourself!” With personal examples, Stacey explained the impact of giving yourself more credit can bring you more opportunities.

我们的下一位发言人是Stacey Gammon,她曾在Google国家安全局工作,最近是Elastic的技术主管和首席软件工程师。 像阿曼达(Amanda)一样,史黛西(Stacey)也谈到了科技行业的“信心与冒名顶替综合症”。 她解释了在工作之前,期间和之后如何处理它。 她的座右铭是“争取机会,相信自己!” 斯泰西(Stacey)列举了一些个人例子,解释了给自己更多信用所带来的影响可以为您带来更多机会。

She also explained how Interviewing is subjective and Confidence, or doubt, can make a positive or negative impression on the interviewer and change the chances of getting the job. Not only, after getting the job, the Confidence has an impact on your success and growth at work and her message was that if you don’t understand something, don’t assume it’s a reflection of your own lack of knowledge but just speak up to have more opinions.

她还解释说,面试是主观的,信心或怀疑如何对面试官产生正面或负面的印象,并改变获得工作的机会。 信心不仅在获得工作后对您的成功和工作增长产生影响,她的信息是,如果您不了解某些内容,请不要以为这是您自己缺乏知识的反映,只是大声说出来有更多意见。

Stacey explained how Confidence, especially in a leadership position, can sometimes be construed as being too direct, or aggressive and she suggested to listen to feedback, adjust, learn, grow. Everyone will make mistakes including you and there will be situations with no easy answer, but continuing to have confidence and belief in yourself is integral for continued success in your career. Video

斯黛西(Stacey)解释了信心,尤其是在领导职位上的自信有时会被解释为过于直接或过于激进,她建议听取反馈,调整,学习和成长。 每个人都将犯错误,包括您在内,在某些情况下,没有简单的答案,但是继续对自己有信心和信念对您事业的持续成功至关重要。 视频

Our lightening talks continued with the next speaker Jennifer Sertl — President and founder of Agility3R, a leadership development company dedicated to strengthening strategic skills and helping leaders become more resilient, responsive, and reflective. She is the co-author of Strategy Leadership and the Soul published by Triarchy Press. She is currently Social Media Ambassador on-site for Social Innovation Summit held bi-annually in Washington, DC and Silicon Valley. She helps build Upstate New York through her work as a consultant to Upstate Venture Connect (UVC) and MedTech Association. Jennifer explained how the World is Flat and especially in social media. For her having a clear voice and point of view enables us to get access to information, leverage our expertise and find communities both locally and globally to accelerate our strategic goals.

我们与下一位发言人Jennifer Sertl的谈话继续畅通, Jennifer Sertl是Agility3R的总裁兼创始人,该公司是一家领导力开发公司,致力于增强战略技能并帮助领导者变得更具弹性,React力和反思能力。 她是Triarchy Press出版的《战略领导力与灵魂》的合著者。 她目前是社交媒体大使,每年两次在华盛顿特区和硅谷举行。 她通过担任Upstate Venture Connect(UVC)和MedTech Association的顾问来帮助建立纽约州北部。 詹妮弗(Jennifer)解释了世界如何平坦,尤其是在社交媒体中。 她具有清晰的声音和观点,使我们能够获取信息,利用我们的专业知识并在本地和全球范围内找到社区,以加快我们的战略目标。

Jennifer shared with us some strategies to help claim your voice and ways to amplify your point of view to support strategic business goals.


● Strategies to strengthen confidence


● A method to create a personal brand


● Way to curate and organize information from social media


Jennifer is a verified Twitter expert with 85 countries and 353 cities following her work. She is a strategist for these Upstate New York Companies: Gryt Health, Upstate Venture Connect, MedTech Association and Second Avenue Software. She analyzed real examples of her working with Customers like Apple Sales Platform and the switch of the tangible and intangible assets. “Before anyone hires you, they’re going to look you up online. So leave a trail of digital breadcrumbs that mark you as an expert” (Dorie Clark)

詹妮弗(Jennifer)是一位经过验证的Twitter专家,其工作遍及全球85个国家和353个城市。 她是这些纽约州北部公司的战略家,这些公司包括:Gryt Health,Upstate Venture Connect,MedTech Association和Second Avenue Software。 她分析了与客户合作的真实示例,例如Apple Sales Platform,以及有形和无形资产的转换。 “在任何人雇用您之前,他们都会在网上查找您。 因此,请留下一些痕迹,将您标记为专家”(Dorie Clark)

Jennifer introduced the public to the right use of social networks as an asset for your business. She introduced the Agility 3R program: Resilience, Responsiveness, & Reflection. Video

詹妮弗(Jennifer)向公众介绍了如何正确使用社交网络作为您业务的资产。 她介绍了敏捷3R计划:弹性,响应能力和反思。 视频

After a brief break, our program continued with a panel discussion that involved 3 speakers answering our questions and interacting with the public.


Susan Lundberg — Owner of Capital Tech Search for 19 years and in 2018 started the NY Tech Loop which is an association focused on growing the software community.

苏珊·伦德伯格 ( Susan Lundberg)-Capital Tech Search的所有者已有19年,并于2018年启动了NY Tech Loop,该协会致力于发展软件社区。

Shimantika Kumar — 20 years experience in various industries as marketing and sales roles. Her formal education is in Marketing and Advertising from the University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign. Sam has worked in marketing roles for industries such as steel, healthcare, Fintech (Financial technology), and digital media. Currently, she is an entrepreneur and working on her first startup which is a mobile app called Qwigle.

Shimantika Kumar —在市场营销和销售职位的各个行业拥有20年的经验。 她的正规教育是伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校的市场营销和广告学。 Sam曾在钢铁,医疗保健,金融科技(金融技术)和数字媒体等行业担任营销职务。 目前,她是一名企业家,并在自己的第一个创业公司工作,这是一个名为Qwigle的移动应用程序。

Natalie Wysocki — Natalie studied Information Science at the University of Michigan and has been working at Troy Web Consulting for almost 2 years as an Interaction Designer. She loves her work because it combines art, technology, and people. While she is still early into her career, she aspires to grow as a leader and as a technically skilled designer.

Natalie Wysocki — Natalie在密歇根大学学习信息科学,并一直在Troy Web Consulting担任交互设计师近2年。 她喜欢她的作品,因为它融合了艺术,技术和人。 尽管她仍处于事业初期,但她渴望成为领导者和技术熟练的设计师。

The panel discussion moderated by Blain Smith, Google Developer Group Lead and Co-Organizer for Capital Region, was focused on questions on diversity in the workplace and advocacy techniques adopted by the organizations.

Google开发人员小组负责人兼首都地区联合组织人Blain Smith主持了小组讨论,重点是工作场所多样性和组织采用的倡导技术等问题。

Susan discussed the role of women in the workforce and the request to hire women by the tech industry. Natalie explained the role of diversity in her organization and the success her organization has found in developing a diverse, inclusive culture. She also related her role as a designer to embracing diversity because the job requires empathizing with clients and users, as well as bridging the gaps between stakeholders and teammates across multiple disciplines.

苏珊讨论了女性在劳动力中的作用以及科技行业雇用女性的要求。 娜塔莉(Natalie)解释了多元化在她的组织中的作用,以及她的组织在发展多元化,包容性文化方面所取得的成功。 她还把自己作为设计师的角色与拥抱多样性联系在一起,因为这项工作需要同情客户和用户,并弥合利益相关者和团队成员之间跨多个学科的鸿沟。

Shimantika explained her vision of diversity that goes beyond gender diversity and touches the cultural diversity. The diversity of the multidisciplinary teams that have the ability to create different products because of the different perspective that comes out from involving people with different professional backgrounds.

席曼提卡(Shimantika)解释了她对性别的超越,超越性别多样性并触及文化多样性。 由于涉及具有不同专业背景的人而产生的不同观点,因此具有创建不同产品能力的多学科团队的多样性。

Natalie elaborated on the idea of people’s backgrounds by discussing how she aims to support her colleagues. Some may be shy, while others are more comfortable with being bold. As such, she describes the importance of empathizing with others and helping them in ways that suit their character. She advocates for listening and paying attention to the dynamics of the team.

娜塔莉(Natalie)通过讨论她打算如何支持同事来阐述人们背景的想法。 有些人可能会害羞,而另一些人则更愿意大胆。 因此,她描述了同情他人并以适合其性格的方式帮助他人的重要性。 她主张倾听并关注团队的动力。

Susan brought to the table the diversity between women and men and the focus on treating others how you like to be treated to bring balance in the diversity field general.


Shimantika stressed out the idea that if you believe in the idea you want to pursue to kill all the other solution and go for yours.


Susan mentioned the mentors' contribution to our paths empowering the decisions taken along the way. She brought awareness on women are not being good mentors for other women and the inability to thank for the compliments.

苏珊(Susan)提到了导师对我们的道路所做的贡献,使一路走来的决定得以授权。 她使人们意识到妇女对其他妇女不是好导师,也无法感谢她的赞美。

Natalie shared her experience at her organization as one that makes leadership opportunities highly accessible. She describes how easy it is for someone with an idea and an ambition to meet with the CEO and lead initiatives for change.

娜塔莉(Natalie)分享了她在组织中的经验,该经验使领导机会得到高度利用。 她描述了一个有想法和抱负的人与首席执行官会面并领导变革的倡议是多么容易。

The public also shared their own experiences related to diversity and their own struggles and how they overcome them. Once again the public penalized women leadership because of inability to mentor other women bringing to the table the competition between women and how to overcome to it by being a supporter of other women is very hard for any competitive concept to survive.

公众也分享了自己与多样性和斗争相关的经验以及如何克服这些困难。 公众再次惩罚妇女的领导权是因为无法指导其他妇女将妇女之间的竞争摆在餐桌上,以及如何通过成为其他妇女的支持者来克服这种竞争对于任何竞争观念来说都很难生存。

Advocacy for diversity was promoted in the discussion by our speakers bringing to the table their own vision. Giving an opportunity for people to play fair and get to everyone the opportunity to lead. Because there are shy people that might think that their idea might not be good enough. Encouraging them to pursue their idea and support them to voice their ideas. Also, it was mentioned what steps we should take to make advocacy more effective in the professional world and not only. Creating more room for women in the tech industry does not mean only the developer fields but also the design and any other technical fields. Video

我们的发言者在会议上提出了自己的看法,在讨论中促进了倡导多样性。 给人们提供公平竞争的机会,并让每个人都有领导的机会。 因为有些害羞的人可能认为他们的想法可能不够好。 鼓励他们追求自己的想法并支持他们表达自己的想法。 此外,还提到了我们应该采取哪些步骤来使宣传不仅在职业领域更有效。 在科技行业为女性创造更多的空间不仅意味着开发人员领域,还意味着设计和任何其他技术领域。 视频

Annmarie Lanesey — In 2008, Annmarie co-founded Greane Tree Technology, a New York State Certified Women Owned Business Enterprise (WBE). In 2016, Annmarie founded AlbanyCanCode, an organization dedicated to helping talented local people from all backgrounds find pathways to employment in the regional technology sector. She serves on the boards of AlbanyCanCode, WMHT and the Capital Region Chamber.

Annmarie Lanesey —在2008年,Annmarie共同创立了Greane Tree Technology,这是一家获得纽约州认证的女性拥有的企业(WBE)。 Annmarie于2016年成立了AlbanyCanCode,该组织致力于帮助各种背景的才华横溢的本地人在区域技术领域找到就业途径。 她是AlbanyCanCode,WMHT和首都地区商会的董事会成员。

Miriam Dushane — Managing Partner of Alaant Workforce Solutions, which is recognized as one of the nation’s leading firms in helping employers attract, acquire, engage and retain the best talent.

Miriam Dushane -Alaant Workforce Solutions的执行合伙人,该公司被认为是帮助雇主吸引,获取,聘用和保留最佳人才的全国领先公司之一。

Annmarie and Miriam talk in synchrony about AlbanyCanCode and the changing lives toward the tech industry. They explained how computer literacy nowadays affects more the women and other unrepresented categories and how the AlbanyCanCode program is making an impact on it by changing the balance in the Capital Region.

Annmarie和Miriam同步谈论了AlbanyCanCode以及技术行业不断变化的生活。 他们解释了当今的计算机知识如何影响更多的妇女和其他未代表类别,以及AlbanyCanCode计划如何通过改变首都地区的收支平衡对其产生影响。

Their passion on talking about the Coding bootcamp for our community opened the door to many opportunities for all of us to get involved like the Laptop Landing Library program to enable the students to pursue the learning paths offered by the program. The availability of services like transportation or children care are very important in order to make the class available to everyone.

他们热衷于为我们的社区谈论编码培训营,这为我们所有人参与其中提供了许多机会,例如笔记本电脑着陆图书馆计划,使学生能够学习该计划提供的学习途径。 为了使所有人都能上课,交通或托儿服务等服务的可用性非常重要。

The discussion explained the involvement of the companies in the hiring process of the new graduates from the program. The actual tendency from organizations of accepting the grads from coding bootcamps without a Graduate Degree makes the AlbanyCanCode have a great impact in our community by offering all the hidden talent available out there. The fact is that the schools don’t teach and prepare the students for the new job industry.

讨论解释了公司在该计划的新毕业生的招聘过程中的参与。 组织的实际趋势是接受没有研究生学位的编码训练营的毕业生,这使得AlbanyCanCode通过提供所有可用的隐藏人才而对我们的社区产生了巨大影响。 事实是,学​​校没有为新的就业行业教授和准备学生。

Albany Can Code is the pipeline from K-12 to entry-level to mid-career. To solve for diversity in the software workforce, and to nurture code literacy across our entire region, the key is: empowering elementary and middle school teachers to include coding activities in the curricular day.

奥尔巴尼罐头代码是从K-12到入门级到职业中期的管道。 为了解决软件团队中的多样性,并在整个地区培养代码素养,关键是:使中小学教师有权在课程当天进行编码活动。

Albany Can Code has partnered with districts in the Capital Region, reaching more than one hundred K-12 educators in 2017. In two years AlbanyCanCode graduated 103 students (doubling every year) and about half have found jobs in IT. Many have gone on to complete additional courses with the Coding Bootcamp. The skills taught are the coding skills in the Front End, Back End, Databases, Automated testing classes, the soft skills like communications, teamwork, mindset, habits, and job ready with the project experience, resumes, interviews, and networking.

奥尔巴尼·坎德码(Albany CanCode)与首都地区的合作伙伴关系,在2017年达到了100多名K-12教育工作者。两年内,奥尔巴尼·坎德码(AlbanyCanCode)毕业了103名学生(每年翻一番),其中约有一半在IT行业找到了工作。 许多人继续完成了Coding Bootcamp的其他课程。 教授的技能包括前端,后端,数据库,自动化测试课程中的编码技能,诸如沟通,团队合作,思维定势,习惯和具备项目经验的工作准备,简历,面试和联网的软技能。

The employer network is one of the biggest assets of the AlbanyCanCode, having over 100 employers in the network, and almost 20 are engaged in the classes. They participate in mentorships with in-class visits, stories, resume help, mock-interviews. Also, they bring to the table the technologies: what’s new, what’s old, what do you need. They get involved with placements of the graduates offering internships, apprenticeships, entry-level positions. How can everyone get involved? There are many ways that any of us can help AlbanyCanCode grow in the community as Instructors, Venues, Recruits, Mentors, and Employers.

雇主网络是AlbanyCanCode的最大资产之一,该网络中有100多个雇主,并且有近20名员工参加了此类培训。 他们通过课堂访问,故事,简历帮助,模拟面试等方式参与指导。 此外,他们还提出了以下技术:新技术,旧技术,您需要什么。 他们参与提供实习,学徒和入门级职位的毕业生的职位。 每个人如何参与? 我们每个人都可以通过多种方法来帮助AlbanyCanCode在社区中成长为指导员,场地,新兵,导师和雇主。

So as it was said earlier there is the belief that there’s hidden talent everywhere, and that includes Saratoga county. In 2019 expanding the reach from Schenectady and Albany worked out very well in holding classes in Saratoga county and there are plans in expanding the catalog in the summer and in the fall of 2019. Video

因此,正如之前所说,人们相信到处都有隐藏的人才,其中包括萨拉托加县。 在2019年扩大自Schenectady和奥尔巴尼触及举办萨拉托加县班的表现还算不错,并有在夏季扩大目录和2019年秋季计划视频

We closed our event with the Raffle drawing Google prizes and with the promise that next year we will have an all day long event to give not only the speakers the opportunity to share their experience but to have everyone enjoy the networking part that seemed to be so strong during our small brakes. Since our community showed to be so strong and work hard together to promote the International Women Day we decided to keep that in mind for next year.

我们以抽奖活动赢得Google奖品的方式结束了我们的活动,并承诺明年我们将举行一整天的活动,不仅使演讲者有机会分享他们的经验,而且使每个人都可以享受到如此美好的交流机会在我们的小刹车时很强劲。 由于我们的社区表现出强大的实力,并为促进国际妇女节而共同努力,因此我们决定在明年牢记这一点。

As a consequence of the International Women’s Day event success that included many women in the audience made them aware of the opportunity and we saw a shift on women joining our Coding labs promoted on the Google Developer Group Meetup which is very welcome and we are still working on.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/international-womens-day-2019-celebration/



